long candle

Chapter 45 Gunfight

I'm so irritable that I can't sleep after lying on **.

After lying down for a while, suddenly there was a knock on the door. The second uncle said outside the door, "Xiaochuan, your friend called you."

I was a little puzzled, thinking that my phone didn't turn off. Why didn't you call me directly? Which friend is it?

Opening the door, the second uncle handed me the phone. I put it in my ear, and a nervous voice said, "Xiaochuan, is that you? I'm Mu Yun. You have a problem with my animal muscle tissue. I just wanted to send you the test results in person, but when I arrived at your door, I saw several cars. How could those people be in your door?

Mu Yun is my college classmate and fellow villager, and is now in a biological research bureau in Sichuan.

I heard that he seemed to know the details of the people who followed me and hurriedly asked, "Who are they?" Do you know?"

Mu Yun was silent for a while, sighed and said, "I don't know what to tell you. Two years ago, there was a chemical leakage accident in our bureau. At that time, the situation was very bad. All personnel were evacuated. Most of the fire brigades in the whole city were sent over, but they still did not control the danger. Before long, a team of off-road vehicles with military license plates came. Then the police pulled the isolation line to 500 meters and asked us to evacuate. The next day, the leaked chemicals were controlled, so these people must not be ordinary people. They should be related to the superiors, special forces or something.

I frowned and asked doubtfully, "How do you know it's these people?"

Mu Yun replied, "Because there is a flame-like pattern on the door of their SUV, and they are all registered with military signs. What on earth have you done? These people seem to be monitoring you, and I dare not call you directly."

I touched my chin and felt even more incredible. If it was really the person above me, why did it take so much effort to monitor me?

Mu Yun heard that I didn't say anything and said, "I don't know where you went. This specimen is also very unusual. Well, let's make an appointment to meet tomorrow. The more fish and dragons are, the better. I'll give you the information."

I thought that this guy was quite loyal. I felt warm. I thought about it and said, "Do you remember that we used to go to a singular Internet cafe in the urban-rural integration department to surf the Internet? Let's meet there."

Mu Yun said hello and hurriedly hung up the phone.

The second uncle has been looking at me outside the door and asked me what to do now.

I said to him, "It's nothing. I feel that the purpose of those people outside should be me, second uncle. Can you lend me a car tomorrow? I can't stay here any longer. I feel like something's going to happen."

The second uncle patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid. There are also some people below. You are here. Does the second uncle still protect you?"

I know that I can't tell my second uncle that I was being monitored by the people above, so I said to him, "Uncle, I have a way. You can just get me a car. Your people can't fight these people, but if you let me go out, I promise to come back with good arms and legs in two months. Also, don't tell my parents about this. ."

The second uncle has loved me the most since he was a child. Hearing what I said, he just frowned and said to me, "Then be careful. Call me immediately if you need anything."

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, these people would have rushed in long ago if they wanted to be unfavorable to me."

I didn't sleep well this night. I opened the curtains several times and saw several dark SUVs tirelessly pricking in front of our house.

Before six o'clock the next day, I borrowed my second uncle's car and drove out.

I thought I got up early enough to escape, but those people still started one by one when they saw me driving out and followed me all the way to the west of the city.

I was very unhappy when I was followed. I deliberately took a small road and circled around the city. I finally got rid of it before I got out of the city from the west of the city to the Singularity Internet cafe where I used to surf the Internet with Nobita.

This Internet cafe is located in the most chaotic place in the urban-rural junction. There are many hair salons, massage rooms, and countless small stalls.

When we first returned to Chengdu, Daxiong said that he would take Mu Yun and me to find excitement, but standing at the door of those foot washing rooms, we were scared off by those pink as the bottom of the pot and perfume as shower gel, and finally we had to find an Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

Later, the three of us thought it was funny and remembered the Internet cafe.

We have only been to this Internet cafe once, and the environment is very chaotic. According to the principle of anti-reconnaissance, it should be difficult for them to find.

I parked my car in a private car repair shop, gave some money, asked them to cover me with cloth, and then walked to the Internet cafe.

When I came to the second floor of the Internet cafe, a strong smell of smoke permeated the whole lobby, mixed with the smell of cleaning the toilet.

There is a person sitting on each table who concentrates on playing games. Some people take off their shoes and lie on the dark sofa and are sleeping soundly.

I also lit a cigarette to make my mouth smell better, and then looked for Mu Yun's thin and tall back.

I took a few steps forward and saw a man standing up from his seat and waving to me.

At first glance, I recognized it. It was like a bear in the League of Legends. If it was not Nobita, who else it was.

I was shocked why the big bear was here.

Then I'm going to go up and shout his bear face and get angry these days.

I strode over and was about to scold him when I saw Daxiong with a straight face, picked up the backpack on the seat, pulled me out, and said as he walked, "Let's talk about it later."

When I saw his expression, I put up with the matter for a while and followed him downstairs to the depths of the narrow street.

The street is lined with hawkers selling fruits and snacks, and the bustling crowds are very crowded.

We walked forward for a while and suddenly saw several tall people coming in a hurry, looking left and right as if they were looking for someone.

Nobita scolded, "Damn, I'm chasing after you so soon. Let's go!" He pulled me in the opposite direction. I looked back and saw that the group had found us and rushed through the crowd fiercely.

We didn't run a few steps, and seven or eight people on the opposite side suddenly rushed out of the alley and blocked the way.

Nobita gritted his teeth and said to me, "Let's talk about it later."

After saying that, he took out a short stick from his backpack, which seemed to be metal. The people around seemed to be used to fighting. Seeing Daxiong taking out a stick, they were not very panicked. They just subconsciously dispersed aside and prepared to watch the fun.

I saw those people rushing over from the scattered crowd, but they didn't even have a self-defense guy, so I had to pull down Nobita's backpack as a weapon.

I have seen Daxiong fight, especially in the black bamboo ditch. The kind of iron-clad centipede spider was directly blown away by him. These people will lie down in five minutes without accident. I only need to protect myself during this period.

At that time, Nobita roared and rushed out like a bear. He pushed the person who rushed to the front with his elbow and flew straight for more than a meter before falling to the ground.

At this time, two people rushed over from the side, with a baton in his hand.

After all, Nobita is not agile. He just couldn't stop. He was grabbed by the man with the baton, but he raised his foot, kicked another person out, then grabbed the baton, lowered his body, and threw the man behind him out.

At this time, another man with a baton suddenly slapped on Nobita's back and made a thumping sound, and his heart also felt pain for Nobita.

Nobita was in pain and his body trembled, but he quickly recovered. He grabbed one of the man's legs and overturned him to the ground.

I didn't have time to see him again, because four people rushed up from behind and rushed to me.

I cried bitterly in my heart, swirling my backpack and hit one of them.

This backpack weighed at least 20 pounds. I thought I should have knocked one unconscious this time, but I didn't expect that the backpack was directly caught by the man. I had to let go and wanted to kick over one by the power of rushing forward.

Unfortunately, I moved slowly, and a man had rushed over from the side and crushed me to the ground.

I ate a mouthful of mud and struggled a few times, but I was always unable to break free, and I suddenly felt a burst of despair.

I turned my head and saw the man take out a pistol from his pocket and put it on the back of my head. He said coldly, "Don't move, or I will kill you."

My heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and my heart said, who is this? Can he still carry a gun, policeman? It doesn't look like it! At this time, several other people also took out their pistols and pointed to the crazy Nobita.

Seeing a gun, there was a scream in the crowd, and the lively people pushed and dodged like sparrows.

Nobita is holding a person's hair and slaping it to the ground. After seeing the pistol, his face changed, but his hands still refused to let go.

I thought it was over. These people were so fierce that they didn't know what to do with us. Maybe they would be dragged to a place where no one was killed.

As I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a car flute in front of me, and a van hit the headlights and rushed over without slowing down.

Those people were shocked and avoided one after another. Nobita also dodged, and the car drove straight to me.

The man who pressed me turned over and ran away, and I just sat up without giving in a hurry. The front of the car was only two meters away from me.

At this time, there was only a squeak, and the van stepped on the brakes and stopped 20 centimeters in front of me.

Everyone didn't know what was going on. The door of the van had been opened, and Nobita rushed back, lifted me up and jumped into the van.

As soon as we got on the car, we heard the driver in front of us shouting to lie down.

As soon as I shrank my neck, I heard a few shots behind my back, and the window glass broke and fell off my neck.

The driver buried his head and hung up in reverse gear. The car went backwards with a whine. He didn't know if he had hit anyone and retreated to the street.

Then the driver stepped on the accelerator and turned off the road.

This scene like a Hong Kong gunfight film made me a little overwhelmed, and the thrilling scene just now really scared me.

It took me a while to come back to my senses, and by this time, the van had driven far along the road to the suburbs.

Nobita handed me a bottle of mineral water, took a big sip and drank it, and then asked me breathlessly, "Chuanzi, how's it going? Are you all right?"

I threw the mineral water casually and carried Nobita's collar. I don't know where the anger came from and roared, "What the hell is going on!"

Daxiong sighed and did not break free and said, "Alas... Don't be angry. I'm still aggrieved. Do you think it's just that you are being monitored? We are all the same, otherwise I wouldn't have been discharged without greeting you."

I saw that his expression was very sincere, so I let him go and asked him how he had passed.

He told me that he had woken up in the hospital, but when he woke up, he found that every time the attending doctor came to check the room, he always had to be with several unidentified men.

Nobita was very vigilant and knew that it was probably the hospital that colluding with these people. When he woke up, it would be bad for him, so he pretended to be asleep and looked for a chance to escape.

After pretending to die for three days, he finally waited for the bearded man to see him, so he borrowed a suit of clothes and pretended to be a bearded man and got out of the hospital together.

After being discharged from the hospital, Nobita came to the mustache's house in the suburbs and tried to call me, but the phone never answered, and several SUVs drove to the little beard's house that night.

Nobita guessed that my phone must have been monitored, causing him to expose his whereabouts.