long candle

Chapter 55 Attack

Nobita scolded, turned around and grabbed the thing and pulled it back. Like fishing, he pulled a lizard more than two meters long.

Nobita waved his huge fist and smashed the flying thing on the top of his head. He only heard a squeak. The thing fell to the ground, plunged his head into the sand, and twisted his body desperately.

"Damn, this thing has thorns!" Daxiong's hand was pricked with several blood holes by the thorns on the lizard's head, and he grinned with pain.

He pulled off what was wrapped around his neck, and I found that it was the dragon's tongue!

At this time, the wind rose on all sides, and I heard a swoof in my ear. Knowing that it was not good, I hurriedly fell to the ground and saw a few sticky things flying behind me, all with tongues.

Nobita waved his hand and knocked down a few tongues and scolded, "Damn beast, do you treat your master as a fly? Look at the gun!"

He raised his hand and hit it. After a few shots, it bloomed on the head of several giant lizards in front of him, howled tragically, and fell down, but more giant lizards stepped on the bodies of their companions and rushed up again.

I got up a few times and ran forward almost with four legs. Nobita said that he broke me and fired a few more shots.

I ran dozens of meters forward again. Looking back, I saw that Daxiong was almost overwhelmed by the black torrent, and my heart suddenly felt cold.

Before I called him, a few dark shadows suddenly moved in front of me, and several giant lizards blocked my way.

Now I'm completely desperate. Do I think I'm going to die here today? At the beginning, I should have listened to Lao Ni's words and ran out in the middle of the night. Even if I shouted for help, no one could hear it.

I looked around in a panic to see if I had any weapons, but after looking for a long time, I found that I didn't bring anything but my mobile phone.

In a hurry, I had to take off the belt as a weapon and throw it to make a crackle, hoping to deter these beasts.

However, those huge lizards moved extremely quickly. One of them flashed over my feet. I waved the belt to hit it. The heavy belt buckle stirred up a piece of yellow sand on the ground, which fascinated my eyes.

At this time, my feet tightened, presumably entangled by the lizard's tongue, pulled by its huge force, my center of gravity was unstable, and I fell to the ground on my back.

I scolded in my heart, "Damn it! I'm so weak. If I go back alive this time, I must go to Thailand to practice boxing next time!"

The giant lizard wrapped around my ankle and dragged it back. I struggled to get up, but suddenly it was dark in front of me. By the moonlight, I saw a dark shadow rushing towards me.

I reached out to block it, but it was completely useless. The thing fell on me, weighing at least 300 pounds, and almost crushed me to vomit blood.

In an instant, my arm was tight, and I felt the sharp claws pierced into the flesh of my arm, which made me suffocate.

When I reacted, the giant lizard on my body had already opened its mouth and bit my face. I was so scared that I turned my head to hide.

A strong wind hit my face. Although my face dodged in a hurry, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and felt warm blood gushing out of my shoulder.

"My God, I'm really going to die." There was a panic in my heart, and my feet were disorderly, but it didn't work.

What's worse, at this time, I heard a very unpleasant curse next to me. I turned my head and saw Nobita running towards me. After a few steps, I fell down, and then the giant lizard covered him up like a wave.

"It's over!" I was so frustrated that I cried heartbreakingly.

Although my scream was worse than killing pigs, the dragon that bit me didn't seem to want to let go, but there was no further movement, just pressed me down.

After more than ten seconds, there was a sudden rustling sound from the sand next to me, and some sand fragments fell on my face.

I turned my head and saw two ugly giant lizards digging sand next to me.

Their front paws are very flexible and quickly dig a hole on the ground.

"What's the matter? Do you want to bury me alive?" I thought to myself that these beasts behaved a little strangely.

Looking back on the previous memory of lizards, it is not said that these guys will store food or anything like that. Carnivorous lizards are usually eaten immediately after catching prey.

However, I suddenly remembered that some lizards do not eat at night because the temperature is too low at night and the digestive function of lizards cannot function. So I understood in an instant that this was to take us back to the nest and wait for the sun to rise tomorrow before eating!

It turns out that my guess is really good. The two lizards dug a big pit next to me, at least two or three meters deep, and then the giant lizard that pressed me began to drag me into the big pit.

The giant lizard crawled backwards and dragged me into the pit. My shoulder was very painful, but I didn't dare to struggle for fear that its sharp teeth would tear off my arm.

When I came to the mouth of the cave, the giant lizard twisted his whole body and threw me into the pit first.

My body fell and thought I was about to take a bite of sand. Unexpectedly, I felt that I had fallen seven or eight meters, but I hadn't landed yet.

When I was surprised, there was a sudden pain in my back. I felt dizzy and almost vomited blood.

After a while, I recovered, turned over with difficulty, raised my head and looked around.

I looked at my feet first. It was half a meter thick yellow sand, which may have leaked from it.

Looking at the top of my head, I saw the moonlight falling from the mouth of the cave, which was more than ten meters high from me. I thought that if I hadn't fallen on these sand, I might have at least been disabled.

The heads of the three giant lizards cast shadows at the mouth of the cave. I saw them look around for a while and then climbed down into the cave.

I was shocked and hurriedly lay down and pretended to be dead, but as soon as I lay down, I saw several lizards pushing a fat man down from the hole.

I sweated in my heart. I hurriedly rolled in place, and then I heard a bang. The fat man fell next to me and saw that it was Nobita.

The moonlight came through the hole, but it could not illuminate the surrounding environment, but I still saw that Nobita was injured, and from his silent fall, this guy was at least unconscious.

Although I'm worried about his life or death, I dare not make any movement, because even if the lizards don't eat at night, they can still bite us to death first.

I closed my eyes and listened to the rustling sound on my head. I felt countless lizards crawling down.

Those sounds got closer and closer, and finally came to our ears.

Then I smelled the strange smell of the plant being crushed just now, and the strong fishy smell floated around us. From time to time, hard scales touched my arm, and my heart trembled every time I touched it.

After suffering for about 20 minutes, the noise around me gradually weakened, but I still dare not act rashly.

After about half an hour, the surroundings had been quiet for a long time. I felt unprecedented fatigue, and my consciousness was a little blurred.

I wonder if it's because I've lost too much blood and I'm about to die?

At this time, I felt a hand suddenly grab my arm, and then a man whispered, "Xiaochuan, are you all right?"

When I heard that it was Nobita's voice, I couldn't help but be happy and opened my eyes.

When I saw the fat face full of scars, I felt a little at ease. It seemed that this guy was just some skin trauma.

Nobita made a silent gesture, then touched his back and grinned, "These bastards will kill me..."

I saw that he was fine, so I looked around and took a breath of cold air. I saw that the ground around us was full of large and small giant lizards, one by one with ferocious faces, and some of them were lying on the other's back, sleeping like arhats.

It's just that there are at least hundreds of places where the moonlight can see, and I don't know how many farther away.

I scolded in my heart, and Daxiong had turned on the flashlight software in his mobile phone and began to look around.

At a glance, we said at the same time, "Hh?" With a sound.

I thought this was a naturally formed underground cave, but under the light of the light, we found that it was actually the interior of a house.

The inner wall of this house is coated with gray cement, which has peeled off. There is a large window on the opposite wall and several empty flower pots next to the window sill. Obviously, it used to be on the ground and then buried by yellow sand.

Daxiong whispered, "Damn it, what's going on? Who built this house?