long candle

Chapter 65 Exploration

Please be pitiful, please collect!


In this vast desert, the Soviets spent a lot of money to build such a thing. What on earth do they want to do?

Seeing that the illumination bomb completely disappeared and the darkness came again, no one spoke, only the light of a few flashlights trembled slightly with the heartbeat of the person.

The * next to me took a deep breath and said, "Well, let's take a break here and then walk down for a while to see if there is anything."

I know what he means. After all, it is impossible to determine whether Nobita and they are in the depths of this cave, so there is no need to go too deep, because no matter how mysterious the cave is, * the purpose of their trip is an ancient tomb in the 36 countries of the Western Regions, not to explore the cave, if Nobita is not in Here, this cave is just a safe haven to avoid the wind and sand.

The people present had no objection and followed * for a while. It was not until the road above our head could help us block the falling sand and stones that he let everyone sit down and rest.

Although these grave robbers are young, they are very well-behaved. They each found a seat against the wall and sat down, drinking water, eating cookies, and some even taking out PSV to play games.

But I can't relax my vigilance. Maybe as soon as I get below the ground, I feel insecure and always feel like something will happen.

I looked at the power displayed on my mobile phone, and it was still full. I couldn't help frowning. There was an indescribable strangeness in my heart. The space we were in was unusual.

Looking up at the mouth of the cave, I found that the cables I saw before stretched against the wall of the cave. With the spiral situation of the road, they also circled around and led to a very deep place.

I think these cables should output the energy from the cave to the laboratory outside, and I don't care too much.

After confirming that there were no unstable factors around, I returned to the meeting point and rested against the wall.

I closed my eyes to refresh myself. After about a few minutes, someone next to me patted me.

I immediately opened my eyes and saw the guide Lao Ni sitting next to me. His face was as pale as paper, and his whole body seemed to be shaking slightly.

I hurriedly asked him what was wrong. His eyes looked around and said to me like a thief, "Boss Nie, you can't go under this cave. If you insist on going, please return this to Boss Wu, and I'll go first."

I took the things in his hand and saw that it was a check, which turned out to be five digits.

At first, I thought that Boss Wu would be unfavorable to Lao Ni, and I was very worried. Now it seems that Boss Wu is still a smart person. So much money can indeed seal his mouth for a little guide.

But from the current performance, it seems that even if he gives him more money, he is unwilling to go down with us. I asked him if there were any legends and taboos about caves in Xinjiang.

He said, "It's not like that. I just don't want to lose my life for money. You are tomb robbers. Not to mention whether you break the law, this kind of cave tomb is very dangerous. There are still two children in my family who are at school. I don't want to take this risk. And when you get here, I don't think you need anything. What a guide. I plan to go out tomorrow when the sandstorm is small.

I looked at his sincere expression and said, "Okay, in fact, this matter doesn't have much to do with you. It's not easy for you to risk your life to bring us here. You deserve this check. You can leave tomorrow. I will explain it to Boss Wu."

Lao Ni said gratefully, "Really? Boss Nie, you are really a good person. Allah will bless you. Don't worry, I won't tell you anything about you. By the way, I will pick you up nearby in the next few days. If you come out, I can take you back.

I laughed and said, "That's great. You stay here tonight and don't have to go down with us."

Lao Ni looked at me gratefully and didn't know what to say. He just held my hand and his eyes were a little wet.

After a while, he took out something from his pocket and handed it to me and said, "This is the claws of a god bird in the desert. It was handed down from my grandfather's generation and has the effect of fighting evil spirits. I've been wearing it all these years, and it's very safe. I'll give it to you now. This hole is very strange. Maybe there is really some demon. Demon, I hope it can bless Boss Nie and keep you safe.

I took the exquisite eagle's claw-like jewelry, put him in my pocket, and thanked Lao Ni.

Then we talked about some other things, and then * greeted everyone and continued on our way.

I told * about Lao Ni's situation. * frowned, thought about it for a while, and said, "Well, you have to explain it to Boss Wu. I don't think he will say anything."

Then he turned his head to look at Lao Ni, walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Friend, thank you. Be careful on the way..."

I thought this level was not easy, because he usually had a dark face, but I didn't expect that he was also a reasonable person, which increased my good impression of him.

Nobita's friend should not be a bad person, but in fact, I have always thought so.

I left some food and water for Lao Ni, as well as a mine lamp helmet, flashlight and rope, and then followed the team to the depths of the cave.

We have been ready for a long journey for a long time, but when we walked down around the wall of the cave, we soon felt numb, but it did not drop many meters.

Along the way, we carefully checked the road and walls, and found something. For example, on some fine sand-covered ground, we will find traces of some people walking through, as well as dusty cables on the walls, and some of which were wiped off. Obviously, Boss Wu, they have been here.

Taking advantage of the break, everyone gathered their opinions. Everyone felt that Boss Wu was somewhere below, so we had to go deeper.

However, * proposed that he could no longer walk along the road like this. He suggested fixing the rope on the roadside and then climbing down for fear of getting tired and finding a platform to rest.

In this way, our efficiency has really improved a lot, but for me, who has the worst physical strength here, it is simply killing me.

After climbing for a while, my hands were about to wear out, my feet on the rope kept shaking, and my clothes had been soaked with sweat.

* Seeing me like this, he smiled and said he wanted to climb on my back.

After all, I am a pure man. Even if I die, I can't afford to lose this person, so I politely refused.

climbed down three or four hundred meters like this, but the darkness under his feet was still so deep, as if it were endless, which made people desperate.

As I climbed down and looked up, I saw the faint skylight at the entrance of the cave, which had become very small, which suddenly made me feel like a frog in the well.

At this time, I suddenly seemed to see a dark shadow flashing from the mouth of the cave, which scared me.

The shadow can cover almost half of the hole, which would be a very huge thing at a normal scale.

But how can there be such a big creature in the desert? The size of the giant lizard I saw before has made me feel incredible.

When I was wondering if my eyes were hallucinating due to the long-term flashlight shaking, suddenly a light spot shook at the hole above my head.

I looked up at the rope on my legs and looked up carefully. I saw a person shaking randomly with a flashlight in his hand, as if to give some hint to the people below.

"It should be Lao Ni, what's going on?" I was slightly shocked. Looking at Lao Ni's panic, something must have happened.

Not as much as I thought, a strange sound came intermittently from the top of my head, making people's scalp numb.

It was a very unpleasant sound of friction, just like the sound of sliding on the blackboard with thumbtacks, which made people very uncomfortable.

The others around also obviously noticed the light above their heads and looked up curiously. * as if they knew something and shouted below, "Don't be stupid, come down quickly! Come on to the road!"