long candle

Chapter 67 Dead Corpse

Just as we were in danger, the unlucky creaking sound came from the direction of the top of the cave again, and some tire-sized gravel was shaken down by the vibration of the top of the cave and hit the ring stone plank road, making a crackling sound.

My heart suddenly pounded, and an extremely ominous foreboding arisen.

Sure enough, a few seconds after, three huge shadows suddenly appeared on the top of the hole on his head and roared down.

In a moment, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the gravel flew across the sky.

One of the huge shadows collapsed several layers of the plank road above our heads with the momentum of thunder, rushing down to the place where we were standing.

* There was no time to shout anything, and I began to run wildly by pulling my arm.

As we ran forward, we heard a strange click above our heads. The sound of breaking the plank road was getting closer and closer, and the fear of death enveloped everyone.

Running forward more than 20 meters, a square door hole suddenly appeared on the stone wall in front of us, * pulling me in front and back.

The people behind us followed us into the doorway and ran in seven or eight people for a moment, but five people fell behind because of the obstruction of gravel.

* gritted his teeth, stretched out his head, waved his hand and shouted, "Come on..."

The quick words have not been said yet. There was only a loud roar above his head, and a huge thing mixed with countless gravel fell down, bringing a gust of wind blowing back *.

I was shocked and hurried forward to hold it*.

A black face was as white as paper, and several blood marks were scratched by rubble s on his face, and his eyes were red and about to bleed.

A few people gathered around, * slowed down for a while and said, "They... were crushed..."

Looking at the slightly crying and painful expression, everyone was silent. After all, it was five young lives. I have just seen these people's skills. They are all well-trained and good hands, but few people who are so powerful fall so easily that everyone will feel sad, not to mention these are *'s right hands.

Everyone was silent, and the dark in front of them was like a black hole, sucking people down. If they stopped and staring, they would involuntarily be controlled by the ghostly magic and fall into the invincible abyss.

The distant wind swirled in the empty cave, raising a heart-wounding melody like whimpering...

After a long silence, * rubbed his face and stood up.

He put a Band-Aid on the scratched part of his face, and then silently walked to the collapsed plank road.

We were afraid that he couldn't open up, so we all followed him.

Several people carefully walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. They saw that the thing that fell was indeed a huge excavator, and it was stuck on the three or four floors below us and stopped falling.

Strangely, after the collision of more than a dozen layers of rock path, the shaped excavator's headlights flashed, against the endless darkness*, which seemed particularly abrupt.

Just as we were surprised why this rusty excavator could still turn on the headlights after so many years, a more strange scene happened.

Against the bright and dark headlights, the twisted door was slowly opened by something, and then a dark shadow slowly climbed out of the car.

I looked at * and obviously felt a little strange. It seemed that these excavators were not as simple as being blown down by the strong wind, and what was coming out of the car?

If it is an ordinary person who falls from such a high place, even if he is sitting in a car, he must be crushed to pieces.

Obviously, other people also thought of this, so they didn't make a sound and stared at everything that happened below.

But if it's not human, what can turn on the car's headlights? Did some animal accidentally touch the light switch?

I just had this idea in my heart, and then I was denied by the facts in front of me.

Under the flashing of the headlights, a humanoid in a white robe crawled out of the car door.

We watched him slowly climb out of the car, then stood up, found a large gravel nearby and sat down.

The slight wind blew the "man" clothes, and he seemed to look up in our direction.

Seeing the man looking at us, * frowned and finally couldn't help shouting, "Who!"

I don't know whether the wind is too loud or the distance is too far away, or maybe the man doesn't want to talk to us at all. He just turned around silently, then stood up, walked to the wreckage of the excavator, and began to search for something.

* was a little annoyed, but because our lighting equipment was smashed in the accident just now, he looked for a long time and only found a few fluorescent sticks.

* didn't care too much. He turned on a fluorescent stick and threw it at the man.

The light red light bounced several times in the gravel pile and finally fell on a stone not far from the wreckage of the excavator.

With the help of some faint light, we saw the guy in white robe groping under the excavator for a while, and then found a bloody arm and dragged it out vigorously.

"What? Is he saving people? I asked*.

At this time, a young man next to him said tremblingly, "No... he seems to be looking for something..."

* has long been red-eyed, and those men have died miserably. Now he will never allow this strange person to touch their bodies. Despite the danger of landslides around him, he fixed the rope with the flying tiger's claws, then threw the rope down and began to climb down along the rope.

I'm exhausted and can't keep up, but four people still follow.

The five people fell to the ground and slowly surrounded the man in white. I saw * they were all holding guns tightly, but there was still a trace of worry in their hearts.

The light of the fluorescent stick is already dark, and only the flashing headlights illuminate the scene in front of it.

* I was in a hurry. I rushed to the front by myself and quickly approached that person.

When he was about ten meters away from the man, * picked up the gun and said, "Stand up! Who are you? What are you doing here?"

At this time, the man was stunned, stood up slowly, and then slowly turned his face.

The headlights flashed, making my vision very blurred. After two seconds, * and the man looked at each other without any movement, but I vaguely seemed to see *'s hand holding the gun shaking, and my face was frighteningly pale.

And several people standing behind * seemed to be stunned, and the scene was terriblely silent.

After a long time, * shouted in a hoarse voice, "What the hell am I... what the hell is!"

Then he heard a gunshot, * and fired a shot at the man.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the empty cave for a long time. However, when I looked at the following scene clearly, I found that the man in white was missing.

Just as I was surprised, a more strange situation happened.

The bloody body that had been lying on the ground suddenly twisted its body and slowly got up.

I know very well that the body is dead and can't die anymore. The muscles and bones of the whole body are crushed by stones. There is only a human shape, but to put it bluntly, it is not as good as a ball of rotten meat.

How can such a thing stand up again? This is incredible.

This shock made me even have no time to be afraid. Obviously, the same is true. When they saw the thing, they stood up slowly and were stunned there on the spot.

However, after all, he was a veteran of tomb robbers, and his reaction was still a little faster. When he saw the man twisting his body and rushing at him, he immediately pulled the trigger and heard a touch. The impact of the pistol hit the muddy thing back two steps.

However, the thing did not make any screams that belonged to human beings, but stood up straight again and moved to them.

Although I couldn't see *'s expression, I knew it must be very ugly. He shouted in a hoarse voice, "Withdraw, withdraw from the cliff!"

Several people retreated as they retreated, and the gun in their hands occasionally emitted a tongue of fire, repelling the thing that rushed over.