long candle

Chapter 70 Elevator

I picked it up from the ground and found that it was a palm-sized iron box. Due to its age, the box had turned black, but a string of small words was written obliquely on it, which was still clearly identified.

"Changbai Mountain brand foreign fire." I read it silently and suddenly felt very kind.

I remember my grandfather told me that there was a great shortage of food in China at the beginning of liberation, so China produced some toothbrushes, soap, matches and other gadgets to export to the Soviet Union in exchange for bread and other food.

And this Changbai Mountain brand foreign fire is a match produced in Northeast China and exported to Russia.

Looking at such a delicate handmade iron box, I felt a strong sense of nostalgia.

I took a little effort to open the box and saw three long matches, two Russian fine cigars, and an ordinary silver ring.

This is a good thing. I almost drool when I look at that cigar, because I have long heard that Russian tobacco is of high quality, and these two decades-old cigars must be strong enough.

Then I picked up the silver ring and looked at it and saw a string of Russian engraved on the inside of the ring.

The size of the ring should belong to a man. The Russian on this ring may be this person's wife, right?

Perhaps a scientist here accidentally put the iron box with a ring into the data bag in an emergency?

Seeing that he cherishes this ring so much, he must love his wife very much, but unfortunately...

"Oh..." I sighed.

I was thinking about it when the * behind me suddenly whispered, "Come here, there seems to be something wrong here." |

I frowned, hurriedly closed the iron box, and then walked over.

When he came to the edge of *, he was carefully looking at a wall in the corner with the flashlight in his hand.

I was a little strange and wanted to ask him what was going on, but * made a silent gesture.

I felt a little helpless and looked at the wall carefully. I saw that the wall was in the middle of the two large iron cabinets, which was made of cement. Because it was too old, now the cement had fallen off, revealing the black bricks inside.

There is nothing special about this wall except for some dampness and small moss.

So I looked again*, but heard him whisper a word: "Listen..."

I nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and suppressed my breathing as much as possible.

At this time, a very weak voice sounded, as if someone was talking behind the wall.

I was a little curious and put my ears as close to the wall as possible, as if I could hear it clearly. It was a man's weak voice: "Three moons...three..."

I found that this person's voice was slightly Hangzhou-flavored. I knew that it must have been the person brought by Boss Wu, and I didn't have time to consider the meaning of his words, so I said to *: "There is someone here, get him out quickly..."

* shook his head and said, "I've been studying it for a long time. There should be a stone wall in this wall. This person doesn't know how to get in."

I reached out and touched the wall for a long time, but I didn't find any mechanism. Then I pushed hard and there was no response.

I was in a hurry, and I saw * take two steps back and began to measure the pattern of the wall.

Then I saw him take out two black explosive bags from his backpack and draw against the wall.

I was shocked and said, "*Are you crazy? There is also a big living person in it. If you blow up the wall, people will die.

* glanced at me carelessly, touched the beard on my chin, and whispered, "Don't think that Captain Jin is only good at finding dragon holes. I fried eggs with a cannonball when I was five years old, and the shell was broken. The egg yolk will not disperse. Don't worry."

I didn't expect this black guy to have such a skill. I watched him stick explosives against the wall in disbelief, and then we retreated to the door.

* looked at my watch and asked me to cover my ears and open my mouth. Before I could do it, I heard a bang, and then the sound of debris falling to the ground.

For good, this explosive is not loud, otherwise I will definitely be deaf for a while.

Waited for a few seconds, * first returned to the room, set up the flashlight, fanned the surrounding smoke with his hand, and walked slowly in.

I followed * to the root of the wall and saw a big hole in the wall, which was square like a door.

So I patted * on the shoulder and smiled, "Hey, buddy, your craftsmanship is good!"

* took my hand away and said, "I'm not so accurate. This should have been the door, but it was later built to death. The rock structure inside is stronger than the brick wall, so the original door hole was exposed."

I smiled helplessly and thought that compared with Nobita, this * personality is very serious and straightforward. Although there is no sense of humor, it is more reliable.

With a smile, we have eased from the horrible atmosphere just now.

* took a deep breath and raised his foot into the doorway.

I followed, and as soon as I entered, I smelled a strong smell of blood.

I swept with a flashlight, and soon found a man lying against the wall in the corner. He was covered with blood and his upper body** curled up there.

* and I hurried forward to check.

I squatted down, gently raised the man's head, and saw his appearance clearly. It turned out to be Xiao Wang, the assistant of Boss Wu.

Xiao Wang's eyes were closed, and there were many bruises on his face, looking embarrassed.

And on his upper body, there are several deep blood stains, especially on his back, there are several deep visible bones, but it seems that they have been treated by people, sprinkled with iodine and some white powder, so the blood was stopped.

* frowned deeply, took out the bandages and alcohol from his backpack, bandaged several important wounds, then took off his jacket and let him put it on, and fed him a sip of water.

Then * turned up Xiao Wang's eyelids and saw his eyeballs slightly turn up and his pupils narrow. He was already in a severe coma.

"We have to find a clean and safe place for him to cultivate, or the boy will die." * Say to me.

I nodded and looked back at the wet data room. Obviously, it was not suitable for the patient's cultivation. We can only continue to go deep behind his back.

* Knowing that I was not strong enough, I gave him his backpack, and then picked up Xiao Wang and let me lead the way in front of him.

I took a flashlight and took a picture. The opening we blew up seems to be connected to a horizontal passage. Now we have two directions to go.

* frowned and said, "Don't hesitate, it's the same wherever you go."

I smiled helplessly. According to the natural reaction of people, I chose the left.

While moving forward, I looked at the channel. It was about three meters wide and two meters high. The wall made of red bricks reminded me of the wall tiles used to strengthen the coal mine tunnel. It seemed that this channel was easy to collapse before.

Sure enough, not long after walking, some bricks scattered all over the ground, and a half-meter wide crack appeared on the wall, extending to the ground.

In fact, it is no wonder that Xinjiang is an earthquake-prone region, often with earthquakes above magnitude 7, and it is really not easy to pass here.

While I was still imagining where such an underground passage could lead, a flashing red light suddenly appeared in the dark in front of me.

* and I looked at each other in surprise and hurried forward to check.

When we got close, we were surprised to find that there was an iron cage at the end of the passage, specifically an electric elevator like an iron cage.

The door of the elevator is closed, the wire has rusted dark brown, and there are still some withered vine-like things hanging on the net.

* pushed me away, took out a saber, skillfully pried open the latch, and then pulled hard to pull the barbed wire door aside.

He tentatively stretched out his foot and stepped on the bottom of the elevator. Although there was a squeaky and unpleasant sound, it still seemed to bear the load.

So he nodded to me and went in first.

I followed and walked in. The two stood in place for a while, confirming that the elevator would not collapse, and then went to see the operating table with the flashing red light.

The operating table is located in the corner of the elevator. There is a warning light flashing on the side of the table. There is only a red button on the table with the word "DOWN" next to it. It seems that it is still American.