long candle

Chapter 74 Forest

I know what he means, because it has indeed become a question whether to move forward after seeing so many green thorn monsters before.

The two were silent for a while, and I said to *, "Just now in the elevator, a cluster of flames forced the monsters back, right?"

* nodded and couldn't help touching the place on his neck that was stabbed by the monster.

I looked at him and continued, "I speculate that those monsters are not afraid of fire, because they just want to extinguish the flames and are not afraid. Maybe the flames will only trigger something they are afraid of."

* nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "I have a way. Now let's light a fire here and see what happens."

His idea coincided with me, and soon we found a few dead branches and some dead leaves and built a simple bonfire.

I took out the lighter and lit the leaves. The flames quickly stringed up and climbed onto the branches. Then a bright fire burned, emitting a trace of warmth in this empty underground space.

* and I don't have time to enjoy the warmth brought by the flames, but wait solemnly and watch the changes around us.

One minute, two minutes...

But more than ten minutes have passed, and nothing special has happened.

* and I looked at each other with a helpless smile.

Finally, after some discussion, we decided to go deep into the dense forest to find out.

However, for the sake of safety, we found some broken cotton wool and plastic from the tent and made two torches.

We left some water and food for Xiao Wang. In order to prevent him from getting lost when he came back, we did not extinguish the bonfire, because after the bonfire was extinguished, the smoke could still float for two or three hours, which was an excellent road sign.

Then * in front, behind me, the two walked together to the depths of the dense forest.

The direction of our march is one of the three light balls landing. If we can reach it smoothly, we can see what it is.

Shortly after entering the forest, I found that the road we took was repaired before, and many trees in the way were cut down, so that it was not as difficult as before. Perhaps this is a road opened up by former Russian researchers.

While exploring around with a torch, he walked carefully for about ten minutes. * stopped and said to me, "Look at this."

I walked to * and saw a clump of prickly shrubs, commonly referred to as thorns.

Pieces of thorn bushes have been crushed into a gap, allowing one person to pass through and extend to the depths of darkness.

I squatted down and took a look. This prickly shrub is an uncommon species. It is characterized by many leaves and can produce thumb-sized spherical berries in summer.

However, due to the long-term underground environment, this prickly shrub has mutated and become thinner, and the thorns are longer than ordinary, and the plants are more dense.

Judging from the places where these thorns are broken, someone should have cut it with a knife, and the gap is still very fresh.

So I said to *, "I think Boss Wu may have just passed here. Shall we go and have a look?"

* nodded in agreement, then held up the torch and walked over first.

The previous path was irregular. He made a roundabout in the dense woods, and * and I didn't walk very fast.

As I walked, I held torches to observe the trees on both sides and found that these trees were some common drought-tolerant trees. The tall ones were wild dates, poplars, and low shrubs such as cycad trees, which was also consistent with the composition of most areas of Xinjiang.

I looked at it and was attracted by a huge Su iron that is more than 500 years old. This Su iron is taller than many Su iron I saw on the ground, and I don't know how it grew so big in this underground that lacks sunlight and nutrients.

Just as I looked sideways at the tree, I accidentally found that the crown of a tall wild jujube tree adjacent to the tree seemed to move gently.

I became alert in an instant and hurriedly whispered the * in front of me.

*When I asked what was wrong, I pointed to the wild jujube tree and said, "There seems to be something going on there."

As soon as he heard me say this, * became alert, pulled the bolt, then handed over the torch to me, looked at the flashlight, and looked at the tree.

I looked at it for a long time, but I didn't find anything. * I pulled out the saber at my waist and said I wanted to go and have a look.

When he was about to leave, the trees above our heads suddenly trembled and dropped a few leaves.

* had already taken a few steps forward, but after hearing the noise, he grabbed his head to look at me.

I was also going to look above my head, but *'s face turned white. He hurriedly waved his hand to me and told me not to look up.

I asked him what was wrong with my lips, and he whispered, "Don't move... Don't move..."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his pistol and aimed at the position above my head.

At this time, the back of my neck suddenly cooled down, and I felt a cold wind blowing on my stamina, and there was a layer of goose bumps all over my body. At the same time, the two torches in my hand began to shake violently.

So I finally couldn't help looking at my head, but this look almost made me incontinent.

As soon as I looked up, I looked at a sharp green face. The guy was hanging upside down on the tree, blowing the torch in my hand like a monkey.

Do I think this is the legendary ghost blowing the lamp?

Seeing me looking up at it, the guy grinned and opened his fangs and was about to bite at me.

At the moment, the gun sounded, and the bullet crossed the top of my head and shrank the thing back.

I took this opportunity to immerse myself in it and hurriedly rushed to one side.

But the green thorn monster did not escape or jump on it, but still hung upside down on the tree and squeaked.

In fact, I thought it was a little strange before. When I saw this kind of thing before, they usually rushed up roughly, and just this thing just blew the torch in my hand with my mouth, which was really strange.

Just when we were surprised, the green thorn monster unnaturally shrank back into the canopy little by little, as if it had been dragged back by something.

* and I were stunned, stared at the monster's heartbreaking roar, and finally completely withdrew into the canopy.

Then, the crown above our head made a huge movement. Pieces of crowns shook violently and brushed down the leaves. A huge shadow quickly shuttled through the crown and soon moved to the distance.

I couldn't hear the movement of the trees at all. * and I looked at each other and were obviously surprised.

What the hell is that? Giant snake or big bird?

Of course we can't be sure what it is, but it must be a huge predator.

After sett down, * and I decided to move on to see if there was anything strange in the woods.

I used my old skills, observed the posture of the surrounding trees, recorded them one by one with a notebook, and collected some specimens so that I could go back to do research.

Unconsciously, I walked forward for about half an hour, and I found that the ground was getting weter and wet.

There may be a swamp ahead, so let * stop first.

* was responsible for vigilance, and I squatted down, picked up a dead leaf and looked at it.

I found that the dead leaves here were completely soaked by water, so that they began to rot. There were some white fungi on the back of the leaves, and when I opened the thick layer of dead leaves on the ground, I did not find any insects, let alone wet-loving amphibians such as tree frogs and salaminars.

In fact, this is not surprising. The lack of species in the underground caves is understandable, and there is no harassment by leeches, which has to be said to be good news.

How's it going? Have you found anything?" * Ask me.

I shook my head and pointed to the front, meaning to keep moving forward.

So we shuttled deep and shallowly on the wet dead leaf layer, but before long, a huge thing in front of us blocked our way.

I was very happy to see the shape of that thing, because what blocked our way was a stone statue of an artificial sculpture!