long candle

Chapter 77 Second Gang

Obviously, Nobita not only cheated me, but also deceived me*. If Nobita really finds us now, I really can't imagine what kind of scene it will be. In the face of the best two best buddies, will he be cruel, or...

I was thinking about it when a fat face appeared next to the crack in our hiding.

Nobita's hand was lit, and the light clearly illuminated the place where we were hiding, and I was less than one meter away from him, and I could see the expression on his face clearly.

He was stunned first, and then his small eyes stared at my face in surprise.

I saw Daxiong's face and didn't know why. I wanted to kick him down before and just looked at him angrily.

Nobita saw my hair and hurriedly made a silent gesture. He looked back nervously to see if anyone was following him, then looked at me again, sighed gently, and whispered, "Go, get out of here..."

Then, Daxiong shrank his head back. I saw the light of his torch fade away, and then I heard his voice as if nothing had happened: "Old man, I didn't find anything here. Maybe I was really blind just now."

I feel a little relieved to hear him say that. At least he still regards me as a buddy.

If we are caught, although grandpa can't kill me, * is not necessarily.

Although I still know little about *, he is not a bad person in my eyes. In this case, I don't want him to clash with Grandpa.

Next, Grandpa's men searched around and found nothing, so they decided to leave here.

Before leaving, Grandpa specially asked the two people to stay.

This makes it difficult for us, because we can't hide under this tree for a lifetime.

Looking at Grandpa and their torches disappearing in the ruins of the broken wall, I feel anxious, because I know that if I separate from them this time, many mysteries will become farther and farther away from me. Grandpa has always been mysterious, and I can't even imagine how long it will be the next time I see Grandpa.

* Obviously saw my mind, patted me on the shoulder and said to me in my ear, "Don't move here. Look at me."

I frowned and hurriedly said, "Don't kill them."

In the dark* seemed to nod, and then I felt his cat quickly walk out from behind the tree.

I sweated for him, because Grandpa's two men are not mediocre in terms of their figure. They should be better people, otherwise they would not be placed alone on the edge of the dangerous forest.

I heard * take two steps forward and stopped against the wall without making any sound.

The two people in the distance did not turn on the flashlight or make a fire, but silently lurked in the dark. We couldn't see them at all.

However, I heard that professional grave robbers have night eyes and a particularly sensitive sense of smell. * Obviously, they also have this ability.

He stayed by the wall for a while, and then rushed out.

In fact, I can't see anything, but the breeze he brought when he walked made me judge that he had begun to act.

About ten seconds later, I heard a muffled hum in the distance, and then the sound of a man falling to the ground, and then another person seemed to want to shout something, but as soon as half of the word came out, it was swallowed, and then another sound of falling to the ground.

I rubbed my eyes, but I still couldn't see anything. After a while, * turned on the flashlight and shook it towards me.

I took a breath and came out from behind the tree.

As I walked up to *, I felt as if something cold slid over my back, which scared me.

But when I reached out to touch the clothes, I didn't find anything.

I put on the flashlight and looked around, but I didn't find anything, only the dark canopy above my head.

Slowed down, I shook my head helplessly and walked over to *.

When I came to the edge of *, he had tied the two people like a zongzi with a rope.

Although these two people were lying on the ground, their breathing was smooth. Obviously, they just knocked them unconscious.

* Squatted down, groped over the two people, and found the pistols they carried with them and two walkie-talkies.

So he gave me a gun and a walkie-talkie.

Then he searched the two for a while and found nothing else. Then he stood up and said, "Let's go. They shouldn't have gone far yet."

* means to keep up and see what happened, which obviously coincides with my idea, so we carefully followed the direction Grandpa and the others left.

Through the broken wall, we came to a roadway with a serious collapse, which should have been a corridor that once connected the restaurant with other areas. After sweeping with a flashlight, I found that the walls on both sides of the roadway were also made of huge gray stone strips, but many stones had collapsed, and the stones were piled up in a messy wayway. The stone cracks were full of weeds. Under the light of our flashlight, they swayed gently with the breeze, and a feeling of desolation filled our eyes.

* and I did not dare to slow down. We continued to walk along the roadway and bypassed a pile of rocks with a serious landslide. Suddenly, we saw a gap in the alley dozens of meters ahead, and some faint firelight came out of the gap. Obviously, Grandpa and their team had entered the space inside the gap.

We hurriedly extinguished the flashlight in our hands and followed it for fear of making a little noise.

When we slowly approached the firelight, we found that Grandpa seemed to have stopped moving, and their voices gradually became clear.

When I came to about ten meters away from the firelight, * grabbed me and whispered, "Don't go any further. Turn around and you will bump into each other..."

I nodded to him, looked around, and found that there was a large tree with a thick water tank behind us growing out of the cracks in the rocks. The branches were lush, and the branches were very thick and rich, and five or six meters high, just enough to hide.

So I pointed to the tree behind me.

* Immediately came over, and the very sharp cat came to the tree with its waist, then jumped hard and climbed to a thick branch, and then a monkey climbed up the bar and jumped lightly on the branch.

Because the surrounding light is very dim, and there is only grandpa's firelight in the distance, so after jumping on the tree, I can't see him at all.

After a while, * threw a leaf from above, which meant that let me go up too.

So I also moved to the tree with my waist.

Perhaps out of habit, when I came under the tree, I inadvertently gaw at the other end of the alley and saw a few white lights shaking in the darkness not far away.

Someone is here! I was a little surprised, because judging from these people's flashlights, they should not be with Grandpa.

* also seemed to see another group of people coming here. He hurriedly stretched out a hand from the tree trunk and said to me, "Come up!" Someone is coming."

I struggled to jump up and took *'s hand. He lifted me up hard, but maybe I was too heavy. My feet shook twice in the air and I couldn't climb up.

So I hurried to pedal the trunk next to me and wanted to climb up.

However, the trunk of this tree was covered with some fluffy parasitic moss. As soon as I kicked it, it slipped. * I didn't hold me, so I fell down.

When I fell to the ground, I didn't stand still and fell directly to the dog.

At this time, several flashlights in the distance were very close, and I could only stand up and jump up in a hurry.

This time* hung my legs upside down on the branch, then hugged me with my hands, and then turned over to let me climb up.

I was very ashamed and covered my buttocks to apologize to him, but * shook my head and motioned not to speak.

* and I hid in the canopy and see the situation on the ground.

We can only see two stone walls that have collapsed not far below us, and the palace corridor composed of these two stone walls extends left and right into the boundless darkness.

The corridor collapsed a big hole on the far side from us, which is connected to a rectangular square about half the size of a football field.