long candle

Chapter 84 Dead

The cricket hunting in front of us has demonstrated the correctness of this ancient book.

There are many records in that book about crickets, saying that this kind of moth can be demagogic. Where it appears, father and son turn against each other and brothers fight against each other. Anyway, they do all kinds of evil.

And after violence, people who are bewitched will lose their previous memories and forget who they are.

Later, I checked many ancient books. In a book describing Miaojiang's worm, I found that this kind of worm was also tamed by the Miao people as a kind of poison, which was widely raised in the late Tang Dynasty.

Although this kind of worm is very powerful, insects are insects, and they also have their own habits. This nocturnal animal, like other moths, is very ** for flames and various glowing objects. As long as they see bright light, they will rush up desperately. Those insects obviously understand this, so they are harmful. I'm afraid that we will light a flame.

At this moment, with the illumination bomb, countless crickets rushed in the direction of the illumination bomb.

But the temperature of the flare was very high, the wings of the cricket rushing in front of them immediately burned and turned into several huge fireballs. They fell from the sky, and the scales on their bodies fell down like fire and rain.

At this time, with the help of the light of the flare, I saw a fist-sized blood hole next to me, almost through the whole chest, which was extremely horrible.

And his face was as pale as paper, kneeling on one knee, covering his shoulders, and panting like a cow.

I saw that he was seriously injured, so I hurriedly took off my backpack and wanted to find a bandage to bandage him, but * waved his hand and gritted his teeth and said, "Get out of here quickly, or those dragonflies will wake up soon!"

I looked back and saw those squins blinded by the illumination bombs just now, screaming and wandering around.

But I also know that this is only temporary blindness caused by the strong light, and soon these guys will recover and launch the next attack.

So I hurriedly picked up* and rushed to the opposite tree wall.

But * is injured, and we can't walk fast at all.

At the same time, I looked at the flare above my head, which had hit the dome diagonally and was embedded in the tree wall. The light was much smaller, and black smoke was coming out, which might soon go out.

Countless crickets have rushed in the direction of the flares with thick smoke. The burning wing fragments, the limbs of the crickets and countless tombs and scales have fallen like a rain of bullets, blocking our sight and making the road ahead look confusing.

We moved forward while avoiding the attack of the fire and rain without saying much.

But after a while, suddenly a metal fell in front of us, bounced high, and then fell to the ground heavily.

* and I were shocked. * At this time, we didn't care about comfort and said to me, "Quick, go and see what it is."

So I walked to the metal object and looked down. It turned out to be a copper ring with a thin arm.

The copper ring is very old. Although it is full of green rust, I still see that there seems to be some handwriting engraved on the outside of the copper ring.

I leaned over and picked up the copper ring, wiped the copper rust on it with my sleeve, and the pattern engraved on it appeared.

This pattern is actually 5 ancient characters, and I recognize this as a small seal.

I have studied ancient literature, but I am not proficient in it. Despite this, I still recognize that the handwriting engraved on the copper ring is: Daqin Lingyu Temple Feed.

My mother, Daqin Lingyu Temple, what's going on? Didn't Lingyu Temple have existed since the Tang Dynasty? Could it be that there has been a Lingyu Temple since the Qin Dynasty?

Shocked, * and I searched the ground for a moment and found that there was a broken moth's hind leg not far from the copper ring.

On the dark and oily hind legs, there is a circle of copper rust marks left by bronze corrosion. Obviously, the copper ring fell from the python's leg.

The second-speed text on the copper ring corresponds to this hind leg, so these crickets were raised by the Lingyu Temple in the Qin Dynasty and have survived to this day.

We stood still for a while, and the life-threatening squeak behind us sounded again.

Looking back, five or six people blinded by illumination bombs had regained their eyesight, and their limbs crawled on the ground and rushed towards us.

Now these heavenly enemies have taken care of them flawlessly, so these guys can attack us unscrupulously.

* said to go quickly and pulled me to stagger forward.

But after all, he was so seriously injured that he knelt down without running two steps, covering his chest and gasping desperately. All the way was full of his dripping blood.

I came forward to hold him* and asked him how he was doing.

* gritted his teeth, looked at me, and then said, "Don't worry about me, you go quickly... or we will both die."

Hearing what he said, my heart surged with blood and said seriously, "*, if you hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago. This life is yours, and I'm going to die together."

As soon as I finished speaking, suddenly a green light flashed behind us, and a dragonfly shone on my face and rushed over. The black sharp claws seemed to be able to pierce the steel plate. I stepped back a few steps and could not avoid it.

* Seeing the situation, he turned over and used his last strength to kick the snail out, but his legs were also stabbed by countless small blood holes by the spikes on the guy's body.

* He swore his teeth, sweated like rain, and his face was white, but he still covered his chest with one hand, picked up the saber on the ground with the other, stood up with difficulty, faced those who rushed over, and said to me, "You still have a lot of things to do. I'm an upside down, and I've been ready to die on the ground for a long time. Heart, the only thing I feel sorry for you along the way is that I didn't tell you the real relationship between your grandfather and Boss Wu, but I don't want to lie to you. If you can go out alive, remember, you must believe in Boss Wu. Only he can help you, and only you can help him.

"*! Don't say that. Let's go quickly. It's too late!" I took two steps forward, but suddenly a flaming moth fell down above my head, blocking me and *.

"Go! Don't let me die in vain!" * There was a hoarse roar in the hair of the flame.

My tears came out of my eyes and wanted to bypass the flame and pull *, but at this time, more insect corpses fell from the top of my head, and the light of the flare gradually darkened and finally disappeared.

Looking at the increasingly blurred * back in front of me, I retreated by the flames until more than a dozen dark shadows threw * to the ground, and he was still shouting softly: "Go..."

I suddenly remembered what I said to * before: "The deceased can no longer be resurrected. It is a responsibility for the living to continue to live with their wishes."

Thinking of this, I wiped my tears with my sleeves and turned to run to the tree wall behind me.

I didn't run far. I could see countless vines drooping from the cracks in the tree wall with the help of fire, so I accelerated my pace and rushed to the vines.

When I came to the tree wall, I was not in a hurry to climb up. Instead, I took out my scarf, wrapped the palms of my hands, and then took out the fluorescent stick in my backpack for later use. Then I found a vine that could lead directly to the plank road overhead and began to climb up.

After so much grinding, my physical strength is not what it used to be, and it is not particularly difficult to climb up the vines.

I pedaled the wall of the tree, climbed up with my left and right hands alternately, and climbed up more than ten meters in a short time.

At this time, there were a few loud noises not far behind me, and the fires that had been burning in the moth's body were extinguished in an instant.

I know that it was other crickets who lost the target of the flare and rushed to those burning fires.

Looking at the extinguishing of the flame, a strong sadness surged in my heart, because I wanted to look back*, but now, I can't see anything. The captain who saved me countless times, will never say goodbye to me.

Thinking of his vigorous skills, I can't help but fall into deep self-reproach. If it weren't for me, * I would never have died.