long candle

Chapter 88 Strange Things

Although there are only a few crosses, I can only understand: "Zhao Gong's secret order... Yan Ze... looking for... Wei people."

"Zhao Gong" I recalled the people surnamed Zhao in the Qin Dynasty, and the first thing I thought of was the treacherous minister Zhao Gao.

And those who can issue secret edicts are certainly more powerful, and Zhao Gao is indeed more likely.

Looking at the bottom of these words, there is also a simple stroke drawn with a brush. In the painting, a thin middle-aged man stands next to the sea with his hands behind his back, while the sea is rough and the sea breeze blows up his clothes and dances with the wind.

The strangest thing is that there are two suns in the sky above the sea.

One sun is slightly larger, while the other sun is slightly smaller. The larger sun is slightly weak, and the whole is oval, and there are two obvious black spots in the center of the ellipse.

This reminds me of the kind of candle god worshipped by the Chinese people, which looks similar to this big sun.

Although a few lines and a picture are not very closely related, I can also see that these officers and soldiers of Lingyu Temple in the Qin Dynasty were most likely to have been instructed by Zhao Gao to come to this place to look for the Wei people, and the picture is a clue about the Wei people.

Zhao Gao issued a bloody edict, which was obviously issued behind the back of Qin Shihuang. So what on earth did he send people to find the Chinese people?

So, the sea in the picture is likely not to be the real sea, but may refer to the salt, that is, Lop Nur.

However, there was a doubt here. I read the silk book carefully and did not find the words saying that if I couldn't find a Chinese, I would commit suicide to apologize.

Then why did these people commit suicide?

Of course, by guessing, I obviously don't have the ability to guess the reason, and now there are no useful clues on these dead ghosts.

I thought for a moment and felt that everything was so messy that my head was about to explode.

In desperation, I had no choice but to put this matter down first.

Put away the silk, stood up again, and shone around with a flashlight.

Soon, I found that there was a weapon rack two or three meters away from the aisle.

But the weapon rack has fallen to the ground, and the messy weapons are scattered all over the ground.

It is very laborious to push down such a heavy bronze weapon rack. If it is not idle, the ancients here should not deliberately push down the shelf.

So I speculated that there must have been a fight here before.

When I walked to the shelf, I immediately understood everything.

Because on the weapon rack, a gap caused by a bullet hit explains everything. Obviously, Grandpa's people have been here.

But this is also a strange thing. According to Grandpa's habit, Grandpa should investigate the things on several ancient corpses here in detail, but the current situation is that Grandpa has not even moved a single body.

There are only two reasons for this. One is that Grandpa encountered a very urgent situation, and the other is that these ancient corpses are not as important as anything else they found.

Judging from the gunfight, the previous reason is the most likely, and there may be some danger lurking here.

While I was thinking about it, suddenly there seemed to be a group of people talking in my ear, coming towards me from far and near.

I hit a thriller and knew that it was likely that Grandpa's people had come, so I hurriedly hid behind the weapon rack.

I put out the flashlight, and I didn't dare to hide behind the weapon rack and wait for Grandpa's people to appear.

And the noisy sounds are getting closer and closer, almost two or three meters away from me.

"Grandpa, they didn't use the flashlight?" I have some doubts in my heart, because there is still darkness in front of me.

At this time, Grandpa and the others have walked past me, and their voices are getting farther and farther away.

I clearly heard Nobita's voice: "Damn, I said what the hell is this place, one hole after another, endless, old man, is the Qin Dynasty mansion of the Lingyu Temple you mentioned really in this place?"

Grandpa didn't answer him. Only a dozen people walked forward in my ear, making a thud sound.

This makes me even more strange, because I don't know what Daxiong's cave means. This place is obviously an empty space. Where did the cave come from?

At this time, there was a sound of kicking in my ear. Obviously, the broken copper weapon on the ground was kicked by someone.

"Oh, what a broken copper and iron, it's killing me!" Nobita's shout came from not far away.

But I always feel something wrong with this sound. It sounds very close, but I feel far away.

After a few minutes, Grandpa's group of people became farther and farther away.

I judged that they should not be able to see me, so I set a flashlight and prepared to follow.

But as soon as I took two steps, I felt strange.

Suddenly, the cold sweat on his forehead flowed down and said to himself, "What's going on, damn it!"

I was so surprised because my flashlight shone on the ground, and the dust on the ground was very heavy. If Grandpa's people passed by here, they would definitely leave footprints.

But now there is only one string of footprints on the ground, which was left when I first came over.

And most importantly, a copper hammer was kicked out far away on the ground, leaving a series of obvious scratches on the dust on the ground.

This shows that Grandpa's people did walk from here just now, but they didn't leave any fucking footprints!

This is so weird that I can't accept this strange phenomenon.

In my opinion, such a thing will never happen unless Grandpa has become ghosts and can't walk.

But after so many things, I also know that there can be no ghost in the world. There must be an explanation for this kind of thing.

Thinking about this, my heart calmed down a little, and I decided to follow my grandfather's voice to see what was going on.

Grandpa's direction is to follow the corridor to the handsome seat, which is exactly the exploration route I set before.

Considering that there may be some danger ahead, I walked forward carefully with a flashlight in my left hand and a silver fish knife in my right hand.

After a while, I saw the shadow of a handsome seat not far ahead.

The handsome seat is very elegant, more than three meters wide and nearly two meters high. It needs to climb more than a dozen steps to climb the high platform of the handsome seat.

Behind the handsome seat is the end of the tree wall, and there is no way behind it.

When I got close, I saw three ancient corpses in black robes upside down under the handsome platform, who also committed suicide.

I checked a little and found that there was nothing special.

I walked up the steps and came to the handsome seat. I carefully checked the huge seat with a flashlight.

This is a handsome carved chair made of ebony. The size is similar to the Yellow Emperor seat standard I saw in the Forbidden City, but it is not so luxurious, and the carved pattern is just a crane and a hundred birds.

In fact, such a long seat can no longer be called a handsome seat. In ancient times, this should be called a couch.

The couch can not only be used to sit, but also be used to sleep, so there will be thick fur on the couch to be used as a quilt.

I guess that people who once sat on this couch should govern this place for a long time, because this kind of thing is usually available in places such as the royal palace, which is a place where officials work for a long time.