long candle

Chapter 97 Map

"Illusion... This must be an illusion." I told myself.

But when Feng Ze slowly got up from the ground, I completely believed that this was happening.

I walked over there quickly and let * and Daxiong hold Feng Ze, otherwise this thing might hurt people later.

But before I walked over, Feng Ze had already said, "Where is this... Aren't I dead..."

He looked at his hands with an incredible expression.

Then he looked at Daxiong and *, frowned and said, "It seems that all this is true. Professor Nie succeeded..."

The three of us were stunned when we heard Feng Ze's words.

This is not a fraudulent corpse, nor is it possessed by tree heat algae, but a real resurrection!

How can this be possible? If a person dies, the brain will deteriorate, and all thoughts and ideas will disappear. Even if the body is revitalized, the human soul will not be there for a long time. Why can people really be resurrected? This is unscientific!

But no matter how much we don't believe it, the facts are already in front of us.

But the most surprising thing is that after Feng Ze was resurrected, he did not look very happy, but showed a look of fear, grabbed his hair, and said crazily, "No, don't... let me die, all this is not true..."

Then he grabbed Nobita's hand and said, "Kill me, kill me quickly... I shouldn't appear in this world again..."

Daxiong grabbed Feng Ze's collar and said, "Come on, what's going on!"

Feng Ze's face was pale, and his whole body trembled and said, "Kill me, kill me. It's too late."

As he spoke, this guy pooped under his body and suddenly fainted.

I frowned deeply. Although I knew that Feng Ze was timid, how terrible would it be to scare him with incontinence?

In this situation, we haven't asked a single question, and the boy fainted by himself. It seems that he still has to investigate by himself.

Daxiong gritted his teeth, left the paralyzed Feng Ze, and said to us, "Let's go!" Let's go and see what's going on!"

Saying that, Nobita went to take out his butt pocket again.

When I asked him what he was doing, he took out the almanac, shook it in front of me and said, "Map..."

"What map?" I asked doubtfully.

Daxiong shouted impatiently, "Have you ever heard of Mr. Zhuge Kongming's classic quotations? In fact, it is false. If it is false, it is true. You are too stupid for me to draw the map on this almanac. I thought it was just a simple almanac. Who would have thought that an ordinary almanac contains a mystery..."

I was speechless for a while, and I was really convinced by Nobita.

Nobita asked * to give him a flashlight, then turned to one page of the almanac and pointed to us: "Look, this is the map here!"

I took a look and saw that the page was full of twisted lines, crisscrossed, like countless earthworms entangled, but it seemed chaotic, but there was a certain rule. I seemed to have seen it elsewhere.

So I asked, "Is the terrain here so complicated?"

Nobita nodded and said, "That's not true. If I hadn't been undercover beside the old man, I wouldn't have been able to get this picture. If you two couldn't get this picture, you two would be ready to die in this tree hole maze."

"To tell you honestly, in order to prevent outsiders from spying on this secret base, Lingyu Temple did enough articles in this maze, and even used metaphysics and the art of Qimen Dunjia, which were all deadly."

I saw Nobita's appearance and wanted to beat him, but I didn't want to offend him now, but asked him, "Then how did my grandfather get the map here?"

Nobita pointed to Feng Ze, who was lying unconscious on the ground, with his chin and said, "No, they are the advance team. Lao Huang's team came here a month ago and brought back this picture."

"Old Huang? You mean Lao Huang, the leader of the international thief? Is he really still alive? I asked in surprise.

Daxiong replied, "That's right, Lao Huang is your grandfather's right man. Have you seen the hole in the crab monster's secret room? At that time, Lao Huang and Feng Ze were trapped in the secret room, and the others were dead. Only Lao Huang blew up the hole and fled.

"You mean that international thieves are also my grandfather's subordinates? Since I was a child, I didn't know that Grandpa had such a big power..."

I said in surprise.

Daxiong had an annoying expression and shouted, "These are all small things. I'll tell you slowly when I have time. The most important thing now is to find the old man, otherwise something more terrible may happen."

At this time, * interrupted and said, "I said, take a closer look at the map drawn by Nobita, does it look like a human brain circuit?"

Hearing what he said, I saw that it was true. Although these lines were messy, they were very similar to the folds on the human cerebral cortex at first glance.

At this time, * and I seemed to think of something at the same time, and suddenly looked at each other and said, "Is it..."

* grabbed me and said, "Do you remember the trap we fell in the house of the girl statue?"

I replied, "Of course I remember that under the floor is like the black skin of some kind of animal, and that sticky **..."

Nobita was stunned while listening and asked, "What mucus... What are you talking about..."

We didn't have time to talk to him. * continued to speculate: "If so, the mucus with the fragrance of trees is very likely to be seeping out of organs like human brain solution."

At this point, I have a layer of goose bumps all over my body, because this conclusion is too scary.

* looked at Feng Ze lying on it and said, "Isn't this guy just knowing this that he was scared to faint..."

Nobita was puzzled, but he was still worried about his grandfather's business, so he urged, "Okay, have you finished speaking? If you don't hurry up, I'll go first."

Both me and * came to their senses, but their expressions were extremely solemn.

Nobita pointed to a red line on the map and said, "This is where we walked just now. I have written it down. As long as we walk along this line, we can go to it."

So we didn't say much. After a calculation, we began to run forward along the passage.

Although Daxiong is fat, he runs like a small whirlwind, running in the front, and * because of injury, he runs at our end.

We ran tirelessly, with an immutable wooden passageway on both sides, stretching forward in seven turns.

Nobita's route is very strange. Sometimes it feels like a circle in place, but after two circles, a new fork road appears.

Occasionally, he opens some secret doors or drills into very low holes. If we walk here by ourselves, we will definitely not be able to find these organs secretly.

After running for about 30 minutes, we will stop to confirm the route only when we encounter a fork in the road. Finally, the corridor becomes wider and wider, and an upward step appears not far ahead.

The steps are also completely wooden, each of which is about five or six meters wide, with a total of more than 100 steps. It is an ancient vicissitudes and is integrated with the surrounding wood structure.

At the top of the step road, there is a square exit, with a faint blue light at the exit, and some vines crawled in along the door frame, showing a mysterious and vibrant scene.

We looked up, and Daxiong became surprised and said to himself, "No, I remember that I came here with the old man not long ago, and there was no light on it."

We can't care when the mysterious blue light lights up above, and climb up three steps and two steps.

In the silent corridor for thousands of years, I remembered the echoes.

I don't know what kind of things are waiting for us...