long candle

Chapter 101 East Sea Crab God

When we heard that Mu Yun knew who the woman was, we all looked at him in surprise.

Mu Yun smiled and said, "Don't think you pretend to be exactly the same as the witch in the mural, but I know that in your current capacity, you can't do anything."

The girl smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true."

"It's still hard!" Mu Yun looked very angry and raised his hand and shot the girl.

But at the moment when the bullet came out, I saw the mouth of the huge bitter king next to the girl moving, and a strange tongue shot out like an arrow and collided with the bullet.

Then the tongue retracted into his mouth in a tenth of a second.

Under the expression that our chin was about to fall to the ground, the bitter king still looked forward calmly. His mouth moved and swallowed the bullet.

"Oh! See, Xiaochuan, see it!" Daxiong shook my shoulder and said, "I really want one! Then I will be invincible."

Mu Yun looked at the bitter king squatting on the ground, looked at us again, and finally his eyes were fixed on the girl.

After a few seconds, he waved his hand and said, "Well, in that case, it's okay to let you go..."

After saying that, he turned around, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and walked far away.

"Wait! Do you know that you are a coward? Master Xiong, who am I? How can I allow you to leave? Stop!" Daxiong's neck turned red in the back, and he strode up to chase Mu Yun.

But as soon as he took two steps, the girl in white shouted behind: "Be careful!"

Nobita was stunned for a moment, turned his head, looked at the girl, and asked, "How..."

Before he said anything, he only heard a roar from the ground, and the originally flat board suddenly cracked a big mouth. Wood chips flew across the sky, dust, accompanied by a woman's scream.

I was so scared that I took several steps back, stabilized myself, and then looked up and saw two pliers as thick piers coming out of the ground.

The momentum was very horrible, and the scene made people burst into liver and gallbladder.

"This...what is this..." Even the always calm*, now he begins to stutter.

"Don't care what this is and see if Nobita is all over!" I pushed*.

* Then he suddenly realized that he pulled out his saber and rushed over against the dust all over the sky.

I followed closely behind * and ran to the pair of huge pliers.

Seeing us doing such a dangerous thing, the girl shouted behind: "Come back quickly! Danger! That's the East China Sea Crab God..."

Hearing what she said, I remembered that the mural we saw in the secret room described this kind of East China Sea crab god, but at that time we only saw a bunch of rotten bodies and did not see the monster.

Anyway, it's right to have a pair of big pliers.

Although I don't think Feng Ze is so good, since their people can overcome many difficulties and come to the depths of the underground, they must have extraordinary skills.

But such an elite expedition, almost all of them lost their lives under the giant pliers of the East China Sea Crab God, which shows its brutality.

Judging from the position where Daxiong stood just now, there should be a certain distance from the place where the giant tongs broke out of the ground, and he should still have room to survive.

When we rushed through the huge pair of pliers, it really confirmed my idea.

Nobita is still alive, but the situation is not very good.

Because I don't know when Mu Yun's right palm full of green thorns grew a red flower, and eleven strange mouths in the center of the flower, with a green tongue of thumb thickness sticking out of his mouth.

The front end of the tongue was forked and twisted in the air, like a snake letter, which came out in a blink of an eye, entangling Nobita's shoulders.

Looking at this strange scene, I was stunned for a second.

Then Nobita roared: "Save me! Shit, this thing is really tight!"

I think that thing is really strange, wrapping Nobita around three times, just like Zongzi, and the fat meat is pulled out.

In a second, Nobita began to stick out his tongue and roll his eyes. Fortunately, he had more meat, otherwise other people would have been squeezed to death.

* Seeing this situation, I grabbed the pistol in my hand and raised it to hit Mu Yun.

I said next to him, "Don't hit people. That guy hit him for nothing. Shoot off his tongue!"

* nodded. His shooting was not as ridiculous as Nobita's. One shot shot at the strange tongue that was still shaking in the air.

But almost at the same time, Mu Yun sneered in his nose, pulled back his hand several times because of the green thorn, and pulled Daxiong over.

And the bullet just hit Daxiong's buttocks, and a ball of blood suddenly appeared.

Fortunately, Nobita was strangled unconscious, otherwise he would definitely scream like killing a pig.

Mu Yun pulled Daxiong over and let Daxiong lie in front of him like a dead pig.

Then he looked up and said to us, "Don't worry, I don't want to kill him. There's something more fun."

After saying that, he took out another needle tube from the pocket of the black windbreaker.

I can't say in my heart that Nobita is going to become a monster and hurriedly called * to shoot.

But * just raised the gun to shoot, but the ground roared, and a head bigger than a water tank almost emerged from our feet, blocking us.

The face of the giant head is extremely ugly.

It has long hair stuck to a piece of shawl, its face is full of fat, its cheeks and chin are almost hanging on its shoulders, its huge eyes like a flashlight flashed with a strange golden light, and its pupils are like a cat.

The skin of the whole head is black, even the teeth are dark, covered with mucus, and there are some unknown carrion hanging between the teeth.

This thing just took a breath from my nose, and the smell of rottenness made me retreat and almost fainted.

But next, this thing went even more to us, and it screamed extremely tragically at both of us.


This is the harshest and most tragic woman scream I have ever heard, mixed with a rotten smell and a huge vibration wave, which directly blew the two of us up.

I held my ears and flew back. When I looked at the ground, I flew more than three meters high. I said in my heart that I had to fold my waist.

But at this moment, a black sticky thing quickly swept through the air, entangled us, and then rolled it over.

That's right, it was the bitter king who saved us behind.

The bitter king's tongue was very dexterous, and he rolled us back on his back.

* and I climbed down from the back of the bitter king, and the girl next to us said andly, "I told you not to go. I'll save the fat man, but you don't listen."

Thinking that Nobita was going to be injected with that strange drug just now, I couldn't calm down for a moment. I panicked and didn't care who the other party was, so I shouted, "Help... You are saving!"

When the girl saw my attitude, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at me, just like the slightly reproachful look when the descendants contradicted their predecessors.

After that, she smiled bitterly again, sighed slightly, took out a silver bell from her waist, and gently shook it to the bitter king.

I don't know what she is going to do, and I don't have a chance to watch more at this moment.

Because the East China Sea crab god with huge pliers and a woman's head has struggled to get out of the ground.

With the sound of Kaka on the wooden ground breaking, the East China Sea Crab God first broke free from the ground, and then, with a roar, two sickle-like crab legs emerged from the ground.

Then it climbed hard, and its whole body came out of the ground like pulling radishes.

At this time, * and I were stunned and looked up at the monster like a wooden man.