long candle

Chapter 104 Amber

We ran dozens of meters forward, and then came the roar of the crab god and the girl's scolding.

And the scene around us is still the same, with countless tree capsules hanging upside down on the wide square, shining with blue light.

It's just that the flashing light is much faster than before.

I thought that if there were all kinds of mantis-like monsters in it, if they were allowed to fly out of the cave, it would definitely be a disaster. Anyway, I want to prevent all this from happening.

As we ran, * observed around with a flashlight. Suddenly, he told us to stop, pointed to the top of our heads and said, "Wait, we didn't notice just now. Look, there seems to be murals above our heads."

Hearing what he said, Nobita and I stopped and looked up.

But the flashlight in our hand is so weak that we can only see that there is indeed a dome on the top of our head, and there are some curved lines on the dome, but we really can't see what's going on.

For good, there was a large spotlight in Nobita's backpack. He took out the spotlight from his backpack, looked at the light, and shot straight over our heads.

* Looking at the portable spotlight almost the same size as Daxiong's backpack, he said to Daxiong, "Damn it, you actually carry this kind of thing with you."

Nobita shook his head and said, "Are you stupid? Where was the backpack when I fell into the secret room? I picked this thing up from Feng Ze's corpses.

* nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to be really foresight."

Daxiong said proudly, "Of course... I'm most afraid of the dark."

I was speechless for a while, ignored him and looked up.

At the top of our heads is a huge triangular dome. On each inner wall of the triangle, there are several colorful murals engraved.

Nobita scolded: "Damn, is this a church? We won't break into the hometown of the Virgin Mary, shall we?

I ignored him, thought about it carefully, and immediately understood that this is the interior of the spire building we saw outside.

The firewood grows in the cave, and its height is at least a few hundred meters. It is almost impossible to build a building award and the whole firewood is wrapped in it.

So the people of Wei tried to build such a spire building around the tops of giant trees to hide the existence of fire and giant trees.

This is also a protective measure, because Wei people may consider the vicissitudes of life in the future. If they can no longer rule here, then when someone finds this relic, they will not immediately see the earth-shaking firewood.

In other words, Wei people worshipped firewood, built such a temple, covered the treetops of huge trees, and built palaces in the wood, expressing a belief of living together with nature.

If my speculation is correct, then the content of these murals must describe the construction of palaces and the worship of giant trees.

But as the spotlight moves, what I see doesn't seem to be the case.

The content of the mural seems to describe the occurrence of a disaster.

The origin of the disaster is the destruction of the spire building we are in, and then countless huge insects fly out of the roof.

And the top of our heads is the cave that connects to the ground. Those huge insects fly from the cave to the city, suffering everywhere.

And the most terrible thing is not these bugs, but a huge arm stretched out of the hole, and then a huge unparalleled tree man crawled out of the hole.

The mural describes this humanoid tree as extremely tall, and its shoulders are as high as the clouds in the sky.

As the giant tree climbed out of the cave, all the soil of the tombs that buried the deceased in the human world cracked, and the dead climbed out of the graves and attacked the living people around them. The whole picture was like a purgatory.

"This is Grandpa's purpose!" I swallowed my saliva and said laboriously.

* also looked at it in a cold sweat and said, "I'm afraid so."

"Is this impossible? How can there be such a thing in the world?" Daxiong said unbelievablely.

But after that, all three of us were silent, because Feng Ze's resurrection could just explain the possibility of this matter.

Seeing such a disastrous picture, we stopped talking and ran forward at a faster speed.

After running for a while, the situation in front of us finally changed. There were fewer and fewer tree capsules in front of us, but many people appeared.

All three of us were stunned, because this scene was so familiar.

We have seen the same scene when we were underground in the black bamboo ditch.

We slowed down and slowly walked into the crowd to see the faces of these people one by one.

Like in the underground of Heizhugou, these people are men, women and children, both in ancient costumes and modern people.

And they all knelt in one direction, expressionless, bloodless, and unresponsive to our arrival.

"Come and have a look, isn't this Feng Ze!" Nobita walked in the front and pointed to a person kneeling on the ground.

* and I hurried over and saw that it was Feng Ze.

However, when Feng Ze was resurrected, he was still conscious and thoughtful, but now he has become a piece of wood. He just looked at the ground, his face was pale and terrible, and his whole body was still trembling slightly.

We shook the flashlight in front of him, and his pupils did not zoom at all, and they were obviously in an unconscious state.

I recall that when I was in Heizhugou, my grandfather told me that these were no longer human beings. Now that I think about it, he makes sense. The people here are indeed not real people. It can be said that there is only a pair of skin.

We didn't stay much longer, but continued to walk in the direction of these people kneeling down.

Soon, we saw a transparent yellow ball in the center surrounded by countless kneeling people.

The ball is about one person high, and the whole body is shining, like a piece of amber.

The sphere in the translucent state is not stationary. We can see that in the center of the ball, something in the shape of a human embryo is wriggling.

And next to this yellow amber ball, there are two people standing, one is my grandfather Nie Haiyun, and the other is Mu Yun.

However, it is strange that we see that Mu Yun's hand has returned to normal, and it seems that the mutation is not irreversible.

Two people turned their backs to us and kept looking at the amber-like sphere, as if they were saying something.

I finally saw Grandpa again, so I couldn't help shouting out, "Grandpa!"

Two people heard my voice and looked back at the same time.

Mu Yun's expression was a little surprised. He looked at me, then at Daxiong, and said, "It's strange. Did you win the female crab? Also, why didn't Fatty Wang die?

I hate Mu Yun, a beast, but now I'm more concerned about my grandfather.

This is the first time that I can talk to Grandpa head-on.

Grandpa looked at my face. After a few seconds, he sighed and asked me, "Ne Chuan...you... all know?"

I saw this familiar face and recalled Grandpa's kindness and doting on me when I was a child. I couldn't control myself and shouted out: "Grandpa! Stop it!"

Grandpa looked at me, snorted slightly and said, "Stop? Do you know what I'm doing? If you know the truth of everything, you will know that everything I do is for you.

"For me?" I asked doubtfully.

"Not bad! But now you won't understand. Now you are bound by your own thoughts and bewitched by these people. I can't make it clear to you. When I finish what happened here, I will naturally explain it to you when I go back!" Grandpa said decisively.

Wake up these dangerous big bugs and resurrect the dead in the cemetery to attack human beings. Is this actually for my good?

Maybe I only see superficial phenomena, but I think such a thing will not be for my own good anyway.

How can this be unless I should have stood on the opposite side of the whole human race?

Thinking of this, I shouted, "Grandpa, if you are really good for me, stop it quickly. How can such a thing be for my good?"

Grandpa took a deep look at me, then sneered and said to Mu Yun next to him, "Don't let these three people affect our plan."

Mu Yun nodded, took out the pistol in his waist and came to us.

Nobita was tortured just now. Now when he saw Mu Yun, he almost bit his teeth with hatred, so he reached out to block us and said, "Don't interfere. I'm going to tear this hateful guy to pieces."

Looking at Nobita's fat back, there is a tiger's posture, and I know he is really angry.

However, Mu Yun has an immortal body, which is not so easy to deal with, so I handed the silverfish knife to Daxiong and said, "This can deal with him!"

Daxiong took the knife and asked us to retreat a little, then shouted and rushed to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun smiled and held his right hand tightly. Then suddenly the whole right body expanded, giving birth to countless green thorns.

At the same time, in the palm of his right hand, the red flower also grew out, which looked particularly enchanting.

"Don't think that a broken iron knife can deal with me. I have the perfect regeneration ability. Let you see it." After saying that, Mu Yun waved his arm, stretched out something like a tongue in his palm, and swept quickly towards Nobita.

* and I shouted to be careful in the back, but Nobita had already escaped the blow.

He held a silver fish knife in his hand and stabbed Mu Yun.

At the same time, * and I saw that the yellow amber actually broke a gap.