long candle

Chapter 110 Elevator

As soon as he got to the ground, Nobita shouted, "Is there any baby? This time, I came to the hero. I was born and died, and I will never lose any more.

I handed him a bullet-filled pistol, then threw him a backpack full of food and water, and said, "That's all."

Daxiong looked at the things in his backpack, then sighed and said, "I said, didn't you say that there was a white jade statue on it before? Don't you throw that down when it's full?"

I scolded, "Are you not enough to swallow the elephant and throw it down? Throw it down and kill you, you fat man!"

Grandpa looked at us, held his glasses, and said nothing. He had to walk to the depths of darkness.

The three of us had to follow up.

Grandpa had a needle in his hand. He knew where the door we came in was, so he took us all the way forward.

As we walked, we looked at the familiar scene around us. Those huge mushrooms were still densely clustered around us. From time to time, huge shovel-shaped insects poked out their heads to look at us uninvited guests.

However, in addition, we did not find traces of the crab god and the girl in white, and even the moths hovering around disappeared.

We just found the remains of the moths and a large number of debris during the previous fight here.

* said at this time, "We were right before. Now it is estimated that it's time for those big moths to go out for food. We are not in danger."

Nobita listened and asked us, "Have you seen that kind of big moth? Oh, you don't know. As soon as we entered here, we were almost killed by the big moth. Its sharp mouth could retract. When it stabbed, it was very fast. Several of us were stabbed to death. Later, we had to run. The thing ran after us, knocked down a lot of big mushrooms, and finally we climbed to the tree. I just escaped these moths on the wall..."

Looking at the lingering appearance of the big ambition, I wanted to laugh and tell him that we were all watching when he was chased by the big moth and fled.

* smiled and patted him and said, "If you hadn't used the flashlight at that time, maybe so many people would not have died. That thing will be attracted by the glowing thing, so we will turn off all the flashlight after we go out later."

"So that's it. I also know the reason why the moths fight the fire, but why didn't I think of it at that time?" Daxiong said with regret.

Who can think so much when it comes to a dangerous moment?

After saying that, we continued to walk forward for more than ten minutes, passed through the piles of corpses surrounded by mushrooms, and soon came to the gate.

The door still only opened a crack, and the outside was colder than inside. The cold air blew in from outside the door, but blew away the dirty air that had been around us for a long time.

This trip to the palace in the tree is either the smell of moldy wood or the smell of rotten corpses, which is not the smell that people can tolerate.

We extinguished the flashlight and covered all the glowing objects on our bodies, and then slowly walked out of the door.

I was the last person to come out. Before I came out, I couldn't help looking back and scolding in my heart, "If you give me another five million, I won't come to this damn place."

After thinking about it, he felt something was wrong and added, "If you give me another 10 million, don't want me to go to the underground palace."

The air outside the door is really cool and comfortable. Even if I haven't seen the sun outside, I feel satisfied enough.

After all, I almost died in it several times and will never get out.

Grandpa's tent at the door is still there, and only one of the nine tents is slightly lit. That is the tent where Grandpa stayed here to watch the door.

But after Grandpa entered, these three people were poisoned by the girl in white and are still lying on the edge of the tent.

Grandpa walked slowly, squatted next to a person, touched the artery on his neck, and then fell silent.

The three of us also went up and took a look. Sure enough, all three of us died.

However, unlike what I imagined, they were not killed by poison, but by something, and there were many deep bone wounds all over their bodies.

This is likely to be those who have done it. These three people don't have the ability to act. If they are attacked, then...

I regret that I didn't carry these people into the tent at that time. In that case, I might save several lives.

* I guess he knew what I thought, so he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Let's go. I don't want to stay in this hole for another second."

So our party passed through the square in front of the identification building and entered the collapsed corridor from the gap.

Considering Grandpa's physical strength, several of us stopped under the big tree in the corridor and each found a boulder to sit down and rest.

At this time, I looked along both sides of the corridor and found that there was endless darkness at both ends.

I began to guess the form of the whole building. In those years, Wei Chinese built it. Maybe this corridor is a deep corridor through the front yard in modern buildings.

I don't know how many years the Russians have stayed here, and they must have studied the form of this underground palace, so they built the elevator in the direction we came from, and the elevator may be on the other side of the corridor.

Imagine that if there were thousands of Russians in that year, there were a lot of people taking the elevator every day. In order to avoid congestion and faster bringing the specimens to the ground, this form of lifting and separation was adopted. In order to avoid cargo congestion, it is ideal to separate the elevator and the elevator at both ends of the underground palace.

I told you these ideas, and Daxiong agreed at that time.

So we had enough rest and walked to the other end of the corridor, which was in the opposite direction as when we came.

After walking more than ten meters, I found that the collapse on this side was much more serious than the other end.

The walls on both sides collapsed and raised the ground of the corridor. There was almost no corridor. We just trekked through the strange rocks. If we didn't pay attention to it, we would step on it and sink into the cracks of the stone and could not be pulled out.

In addition, we can't turn on the flashlight, so we can only walk carefully. It took about 20 minutes, and the corridor came to an end.

At this time, our hands were almost full of cuts by stone slag, and Grandpa gasped like a broken bellows, only * safe and sound, because he has the ability to have night eyes.

Thanks to *'s night eyes, we can not run in the wrong direction under his leadership.

Sitting on the ground and panting for a while, I asked * where we had gone.

* said in a low voice in the dark: "We have analyzed it before. This hole is inverted horn-shaped. In front of us is a stone wall, and at the bottom of the stone wall, there is a crack about three meters high, and the crack is full of trees."

At this time, Nobita shouted, "I said, since we are almost there, let's turn on a light for Mr. Xiong. I felt that there was a sharp stone just now, which cut my crotch. Let me have a look."

I didn't scold angrily: "Fat, my crotch is broken and I caught a cold at most. There is nothing to see. You are not allowed to watch it yourself, and we are not interested in watching it."

Daxiong took a few breaths of breath and said, "Well, I'm just afraid that some bugs will get into my crotch. Let's not rest. Let's go quickly."

After saying that, Nobita touched Grandpa and carried him on his back, and we continued to walk forward.

In the next five minutes, because the road was relatively flat, we walked very easily, and only Nobita kept complaining.

Through the dense woods in the cracks, * said excitedly, "It's true! I saw the barbed wire of the elevator. Hurry up!"

I was refreshed by *'s words and said that I could finally leave this damn place. As long as I could see the blue sky and white clouds, I would be willing to be burned by the scorching sun of Lop Nur!

So we didn't care so much, so we lit the flashlights and trotted forward.

Sure enough, there is a barbed wall full of vines in our eyes, which is the door of the elevator.

Through the gap in the middle of the barbed wire, I can see the operating table inside, which says "UP"!

I took out the silverfish knife, cut the vines randomly, and then pried open the rusty elevator door and got in first.

As soon as I entered, I frowned, because there were three dead people in white coats leaning against the inside of the elevator. At first glance, they were Russian researchers.

I meditate gently: "I'm sorry, I have to be with you for the time being. I hope the three brothers will be flexible, don't make trouble, and let us go straight to the ground."

Then I welcomed the other three people in.

When Nobita saw the three dead people, he cursed bad luck.

* said to him, "How can you be like a ruffian hooligan? Fortunately, you still want to be a captain. When you see the remains of the deceased, you have to be awed."

Nobita curled his lips, put Grandpa down, then pulled the barbed wire door, and shouted, "I'm suffobling to death. Come on, let's go up!"

I nodded and pressed the red button on the console.

The button turned on red, and the elevator also vibrated, but soon the red light went out and the elevator did not move.

I pressed it a few more times, and it was all the same.

So I looked at Nobita angrily and scolded, "Fatty, I blame you for talking nonsense. Now it's okay. We can't go up. Why don't you apologize to them quickly!"