long candle

Chapter 116 Where there is someone

I was wondering that the thing suddenly disappeared from my sight.

Then the boy in front of him shouted, "Look! It flashed!"

It turned out that the thing did not disappear, but suddenly appeared in another place in the sky and hovered.

In the next few minutes, this thing disappeared in the sky several times, but it has been changing around our position.

I always feel that it can also see us, or it is moving around the hole.

In fact, I have seen some reports about UFOs before. These shadows in the sky always come and go, and they have always been doing something meaningless.

The one in front of us now obviously conforms to this feature.

Although I was very curious about Candle God, I felt a little boring after watching it for a while.

The girl with thick-soled glasses has been operating the camera on the roof of the car from the car, has been filming and recording the whereabouts of UFOs, and is still remembering something in her notebook.

Fortunately, they didn't toss around for a long time, otherwise I would fight for Liang Qian.

Ten minutes later, the two put away the equipment, then started the car and drove away from the vast desert.

I was at ease and asked them when they could return to Ruoqiang.

The boy replied that it would take about four hours and asked me to rest first.

I'm not polite, so I leaned against the window and began to take a nap.

This sleep really soundly. Although I woke up several times along the way, all I saw was yellow sand and another jeep driving side by side with us.

You can see Nobita and * also sleeping in that car.

We are really too tired. If we had changed others, we would eat something in seven days and sleep less than ten hours. In addition, we might have gone crazy long ago, so we are all strong.

I don't know how long it took, and I felt someone shaking me.

I opened my eyes in a daze and saw the boy in Kobe's uniform smiling in front of me.

I immediately realized that I was in someone else's car, so I immediately sat up, wiped the saliva around my mouth, and said, "I'm sorry, did I... oversleep?"

The boy shook his head and said, "It's okay. Now we have arrived in Ruoqiang County. Your companions have picked up your grandfather and your girlfriend. They asked me to call you in the end."

I turned my head and looked outside the car door. It was already a brightly lit night. The surrounding snack bars, beer shops and hotels were lit with signs, a warm night view of a small city.

I don't know why, I have seen the bright lights of the 24 Bridge in Beijing and the glory of Shanghai at night, but at this moment, I feel a little moved to see this ordinary night scene.

I finally returned to the place where there was someone.

Looking at the stall selling mutton kebabs on the street, I have already wanted to rush to grab hundreds of kebabs, because I haven't eaten anything for a long time.

When the boy saw that I was in a trance, he asked me with concern what was wrong.

I just came to my senses and said, "Oh, it's okay. I just sighed that I escaped from death this time."

The boy smiled and said, "I understand you. At that Qiu and I were trapped in the snowy mountain in Ali, Tibet for ten days because of the heavy snow, and almost died. Later, when we returned home, we also felt like you."

I also smiled. As a courtesy to the savior, I said, "Your girlfriend's name is Aqiu? My name is Nie Chuan. How about you?

The boy smiled and said, "Actually, my girlfriend's name is Huang Mengqiu. I'm not afraid of you laughing when I say my name. My surname is Jia and my name is Jia Kebi."

I was speechless and said, "This name is really not good."

The boy stiffened and laughed and said, "I like straightforward people, but you can't blame me. Kobe didn't play basketball when I was born. Maybe my parents wanted me to have knowledge, so I got this name?"

I saw that he was also a straightforward person, so I said, "Brother Kobe, what about my friends?"

Kobe turned around and pointed to a sign behind him.

The sign was in the shape of a light box, hanging outside the window on the second floor of the building, with red letters: "National Chain Hotel on the second floor."

I was speechless again, saying that the business of this "second floor hotel" is really big. There are at least hundreds of hotels called "second floor hotels" in every town, regardless of size.

So Kobe and I got out of the car together and went up the second floor from the dark and narrow stairs.

The second floor is a small hall, and the yellow incandescent lights are very low, so the hall is not very bright.

Under the lamp is a simple front desk. Daxiong is carrying Liang Qian and * holding his grandfather, he is quarreling with the middle-aged man with a round cloth hat in the front desk.

I saw that Daxiong was red and thick-necked, so I pulled him and asked, "What do you mean? Why did you quarrel?"

Nobita pointed to the nose of the man at the front desk and said, "This man thinks we have no money. I said I would give it to him for two days, but he refused. He said we are beggars. Let's get out of here!"

At this time, I had time to look at the clothes of several of us. I'm fine. The leather jacket just broke a button on the shoulder, the edges of the trousers were worn out, and the sleeves of the shirt inside were generally torn off, and the right hand was wrapped in a scarf.

Daxiong's beard is two or three centimeters long, and his whole clothes are full of holes. The most important thing is that his loose sports pants crotch is broken and he can only cover it with his hands.

*, grandpa and Liang Qian, not to mention, except for no dew point, they are simply wearing a fishing net, and all kinds of smells on their bodies can't be smelled.

It's strange that others believe us in such a dress! Whether we are beggars or psychopaths, some people will believe it.

Fortunately, Kobe was still there. He came forward to stop him from beating the boss and said, "Boss, these are my friends. They have been trapped in the desert by the sandstorm for several days, so I gave them the accommodation fee first, and then give you some more cleaning fees. You can let them stay first."

The boss looked at the he had more than 1,000 yuan in cash in his hand, softened his face a little and said, "Don't go to bed without taking off your clothes, or you will lose the bed."

I resisted the dirty words in my heart, stopped Daxiong and said, "Definite, definitely."

The boss looked at us again, then took out three keys and said, "There are only three rooms, 307, 308, 309."

I thanked repeatedly, took the set of keys, and walked to the third floor with a group of beggars.

When I opened the room of 307, I was still quite satisfied. Although the furniture had only one wardrobe and no table, fortunately there was hot water and a separate bathroom.

I assigned it at the door. My grandfather lived in one room, Daxiong* lived in one room, and Liang Qian lived in one room by herself.

After thinking about it, Liang Qian is likely to stay in the hospital at night, so I'm going to let my grandfather live by himself. Daxiong and I will live in a room, * live in a room by myself.

Because I have nothing to say with my grandfather now. Along the way, I seldom communicate with him like an escort prisoner, and he seems to be too lazy to pay attention to me.

Kobe automatically petitioned to buy each of us a suit and let us freshen up first.

After thanking me repeatedly, I closed the door and put my luggage away.

Grandpa sat down by the bed and didn't look at me, so he studied his notes by himself.

I asked him if he wanted to take a shower, but he didn't raise his head and asked me to take a shower first.

I had no choice but to smile bitterly, turn on the hot water, and then pull him over and let him wash it first.

Grandpa couldn't resist me and finally stared at me before he was willing to take a shower.

Strangely, he also took his note in when he took a shower.

It's hard for me to ask him, so I can only hold my mobile phone and start looking at it.

At this time, I noticed that the power of the mobile phone had dropped to 30%, and it seemed that everything had returned to normal.

I have more than a dozen missed calls, which are basically from home, and there is another one that came one day after we entered the signalless area. It is the phone number left for me by Xie Yuting board.

Why is he looking for me? Is that phone call real? Then why does that woman always fool me?

I couldn't figure it out, but I suppressed my curiosity and called home first.

My mother asked me where I had gone with a crying voice at the other end of the phone, but I answered him excitedly, "I found Grandpa!" He is not dead."

My parents were very surprised and asked Grandpa how he was doing and where they found him.

So I told them briefly about Roble's experience.

When I heard that I met a person who looked very similar to my cousin in the underground ruins, my parents told me that I could not be a cousin. Lanlan has been going to school for the final exam in the past few days.