long candle

Chapter 119 Rain

She looked at me like this, which made my heart beat faster and faster, and my face suddenly turned red.

Because I feel embarrassed, I even want to turn my head to avoid it.

But for some reason, when I felt her sincere eyes and saw her slightly haggard and beautiful face, my eyes could no longer be moved.

Just as we couldn't take our eyes off each other, I suddenly heard a ghost screaming downstairs.

That was Nobita's voice. He shouted at the top of his voice, "Ogawa! You are up there! Come down and have a look! A lot of UFOs!"

Hearing his voice, Liang Qian and I frowned at the same time and turned our heads with a little embarrassed.

At that time, I really wanted to kill Nobita. No, I castrate him.

After a while, Daxiong didn't scream anymore, and I didn't plan to see any UFOs, so I said to Liang Qian, "Do you... did you have anything to say to me just now?"

Liang Qian turned her head again and looked at me. As soon as her lips moved, she heard Daxiong scream again: "Help! Xiaochuan, come and see, there are a lot of UFOs!"

I heard this pig-like sound, so I had no choice but to rub my hair and stand up.

Liang Qian looked at me like this and smiled and sighed, "Let's go and have a look."

I nodded, helped her, and walked down the stairs.

As soon as we got out of the stairs, we saw Nobita standing in the middle of the street, each with a telescope looking at the distant sky.

I went up and grabbed the telescope in Nobita's hand, then pushed him open with my elbow, and took the telescope and looked at it.

At a glance, I was shocked.

Because there are about 15 or sixteen small white light spots in the sky, which are very similar to those seen during the day.

They sometimes float aimlessly in the sky like balloons, and sometimes they gather together, lined up in regular formations such as triangles, squares, diamonds, etc., which is very strange.

And the most strange thing is that those white dots are still increasing. Every ten seconds, a white dot will slowly rise from the ground and merge into the team in the sky.

"Quick! Take notes on these shapes! Maybe they want to convey some kind of message to the earth!" Kobe said to his girlfriend Aqiu.

Aqiu stamped his feet and said coquettishly, "Oh, they are remembering it. You don't have to say it!"

It's so strange, I said in my heart.

Because from the height of those UFOs and from our perspective, plus the distance, these things are likely to appear above the cave as during the day.

Is it that what did we do in the cave that led to the production of these UFOs?

So I asked Kobe, "You have been studying these things for a short time, have you? Have you ever seen such a scene before?"

Kobe nodded and said, "Of course, more than once. The most recent one was the Fukushima nuclear power plant leakage caused by the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Two days before the accident, a large number of UFO sightings were reported near several volcanoes near Fukushima. At that time, the number of UFOs was higher than now. Much more, one chance will be added every second. At that time, we didn't have time to go to Japan, but we saw a lot of information on the website, and then these video materials were blocked.

At this time* answered, "You mean, what's going to happen recently?"

While watching with a telescope, Kobe recorded it and answered *: "I can only say that it is very possible."

We all have a burst of silence, because we went to that cave to prevent the disaster from happening, and now this phenomenon actually symbolizes the occurrence of the catastrophe, so isn't what we did in vain?

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He is a fool. I brought him to our association back then." At this time, Aqiu answered: "The appearance of a large number of UFOs does not indicate any disaster. On the contrary, when the Cherlobyl nuclear power plant in Russia was about to explode in 1986, there were also a large number of UFO sightings. At that time, someone personally saw that a UFO projected a beam of light into the nuclear reactor to block it. It stopped the occurrence of greater disasters. Did you know that if the Cherlobyl nuclear power plant had all exploded at that time, the whole northern hemisphere would have turned into cosmic dust?

"The one you said is just a rumor. There are no photos or video materials. It doesn't count." Kobe said back.

Then, the two people quarreled enthusiastically.

I smiled awkwardly, but I didn't expect that they knew a lot. There was an essential difference from what I said that would only cause trouble.

At this time, Nobita patted me and said, "Do you still want to go back and have a look?"

I smiled bitterly and said, "Unless I really find something wrong, I swear I will never go back to that nightmare place again."

Daxiong smiled and said, "That's it. Let's celebrate the New Year as the little green thorn monster in the cave. Don't worry about it."

Hearing what he said, I had to nod.

* said, "Let's get out of this damn place quickly, so as not to think nonsense."

To be honest, UFO is not big or small. There are many people in the world who have seen UFOs, and it is even rumored that some people have been taken away by UFOs. However, we know that now, UFOs have no impact on human life on earth, but they have become the research object of many astronomical enthusiasts. Already.

Thinking of this, I was not interested in reading any more. The telescope said, "It's getting late. Let's go back to bed."

"Wait! Look, those UFOs seem to have begun to return to their nests..." Aqiu said aside.

So I raised my telescope and looked into the sky. I found that the number of UFOs that had increased to hundreds of UFOs were lined up in a long line, and then slowly fell from one end until they fell below the horizon.

Then the UFOs also fell one after another, and the whole team looked like broken pearls, and finally all fell to the ground.

As all these white luminous objects fell, the night sky returned to calm.

This is a moonless night, which is a rare cloudy day in Xinjiang. Only when the sandstorm is violent in July and August will there be such weather.

"We are so lucky." Kobe said with a smile.

"How can you be lucky?" Nobita hurriedly asked.

Kobe pointed to the sky and said, "I think there will be a rare light rain tomorrow over the desert."

"Really? That's so lucky to have a light rain to see us off, so this trip to Xinjiang will have a perfect end..." Aqiu answered.

"Cut, what's the luck of the rain..." Daxiong said disappointingly.

I pushed Nobita and said, "What do you know? In this desert area, the rain is called the baptism of the gods, which is very sacred."

Daxiong curled his lips and said, "Well, I'll wait for the gods to come to baptize."

At this time, Mr. and Mrs. Kobe have collected the information contented, made a record, and began to pack up and go upstairs.

We also followed the stairs and went back to our respective rooms to sleep.

When I opened the door, I saw Grandpa open the window at some time, looked at the night sky in the distance, and was distracted.

Obviously, he also saw the UFO phenomenon just now.

After I entered the door, I sat down to ** and began to take off my shoes.

At this time, Grandpa turned his head with a smile, looked at me and said, "Tomorrow, it will rain in Lopour."

Although this is inexplicable, I haven't seen Grandpa so sincerely happy for a long time.

This night, I never said the second word to my grandfather, but I can feel that my grandfather's mood seems to be much more relaxed.

In this way, I also felt much more at ease and slept peacefully.

Early the next morning, I heard a lot of people laughing and fighting on the street below.

I climbed down from ** in a daze, opened the window, and saw a drizzle in the sky.

And the streets are full of locals dressed in national costumes, old and young, laughing and playing in the rain. Although they are not celebrating as much as the New Year, they are all happy in the rain.

Really, it's raining...

I also smiled when I looked at such a scene.