long candle

Chapter 125 Two Cousins

After hanging up the phone, I fell into a state of restlessness.

If such a phenomenon can be seen by everyone, it will certainly cause great chaos to society. Fortunately, only a few of us who have entered the cave can see it.

I think something must have happened in that cave, which produced so much energy that it can affect the time and space of the whole Chinese region.

Thinking of this, I increasingly feel that it is not appropriate to meet a month later. We must find a way to solve this matter immediately, otherwise no one can say what serious the result it will cause.

So I simply packed my luggage, left a note for my second uncle, and was ready to go out.

I plan to find* first and then inform Nobita to meet in Urumqi.

When I came downstairs, I looked at Grandpa's closed door and suddenly hesitated.

Because based on the previous judgment, Grandpa is likely to go out.

If he goes out again, he may not be able to get him back this time.

But now I can't care so much. After standing at his door for a while, I walked straight to the gate.

Coincidentally, when I opened the door and was ready to go out.

I happened to bump into a courier.

Unconsciously, my strength was much stronger than before. This collision directly hit the other party on the ground, but I was fine at all.

I was a little embarrassed to help him up from the ground.

He patted the dust on his body and said it was okay.

Then he picked up the package on the ground and asked me, "Does Nie Chuan live here?"

I nodded and said, "I'm Nie Chuan."

Hearing what I said, a slightly apologetic smile appeared on his face and said, "I'm sorry, your express mail was sent out a month ago, but I don't know what happened to the logistics in Urumqi. The mail was stranded there for nearly a month and was sent back to Chengdu yesterday, so it was delivered late. I hope Don't mind."

I shook my head and said, "It's okay. If you can send it here, it shows that you are still very responsible."

I said this, but I was surprised. Who will send me express mail in Xinjiang? And it was the time when he left the cave, was it the guide Lao Ni?

"Well, you can sign here." The courier took out the pen and handed it to me.

I took the express mail in his hand, which was very thin, containing only a large envelope, which should be a piece of paper.

This express company is the fastest in China, and the other party is obviously in a hurry.

After signing, I received the mail and sent the courier away.

After that, I closed the door and looked at the express waybill posted on it, but did not write the name of the sender.

So I no longer hesitated to tear open the mouth of the express bag and take out the contents.

Sure enough, there is only one letter signature paper in it, and the handwriting on the paper is very neat. It looks like it was written by a woman.

The content is as follows:

Nie Chuan, I'm Jia Kebi's girlfriend Aqiu. Do you remember me?

Since we sent you to the airport, we have been heading north, ready to cross the border, enter Mongolia, and then go to Siberia.

But two days after you left, all the roads in Xinjiang were blocked by the People's Liberation Army, and our cars were also detained by the Celestial Empire.

Kobe and I were questioned. The content of their inquiry was related to the appearance of a large number of UFOs in Lop Nur, saying that some military secrets had been leaked and all our information had been confiscated.

Fortunately, Kobe's family is a big official in the place, so they don't make it too difficult for us.

No matter what, don't come back to Xinjiang. The above has made a lot of efforts to investigate the outsiders who have recently come to Xinjiang. After listening to what you said, I am very worried about you. If you are also arrested, it will be difficult for you to get out.

Kobe was questioned again tonight, and I secretly wrote this letter to you.

I hope to see you again...

——Huang Mengqiu

After reading the letter, I frowned deeply.

It seems unlikely that he wants to go to Xinjiang now, and I don't know how Kobe and they are doing now.

Thinking of this, I took out the phone and called Kobe.

But the opposite side has always been turned off.

Back to the bedroom, I put down my luggage and immediately turned on the computer to see if there were any tickets to Xinjiang.

As a result, there are tickets, but the website is obviously good. As long as you click the booking link in Xinjiang, the website will collapse.

In addition, the airport booking phone has also been busy.

It seems that the blockade in Xinjiang has not been lifted.

Now even if I want to go there, I have to choose to drive.

However, according to Aqiu, the highway is also blocked, and even if it is not blocked, it will be strictly investigated.

It seems that the plan to go back to Xinjiang has been ruined.

However, I feel a little relieved, because if the superiors pay so much attention to it, it means that they have also found these strange phenomena. In this case, there are so many people above, and they must be better than us.

I fell on my back and thought a lot.

Thinking that everything was going well in Roble's cave, and we all solved the things that should be solved, thinking that everything was fine.

However, in the end, the result seems to be exactly the opposite of what we expected.

Although there has been no major disaster yet, such a big change has taken place across the country, which must not be a sign.

Does it mean that when we were in the Rob moor cave, we inadvertently did something wrong that contributed to these things?

After thinking about it, there is no result.

I always feel that I still have to ask Grandpa. He must know the inside story of all this.

So I went downstairs in a fiery mood and came to the door of Grandpa's room.

Then I took a breath and told myself that I couldn't be as polite as before. If I still followed him, then I wouldn't ask anything.

This time I have seriously told him the seriousness of the problem.

When I saw that the light in Grandpa's room was on, he must be inside, so I knocked on the door.

But I knocked a few times, and something puzzling happened.

Grandpa heard a knock on the door and immediately turned off the light inside.

I was a little puzzled. I felt that Grandpa should not want to talk to me, so I knocked on the door harder and shouted, "Grandpa! It's me. I have something very important to tell you!"

"Wait! Grandpa is inconvenient now!" My cousin's voice came from my grandfather's room.

So I said, saying to my heart that since my cousin is also in it, it means that grandpa is really inconvenient.

But as soon as I moved a little, I heard a rustling sound from the room.

It's like the sound made by a child sweeping the floor with branches or when a pile of wheat is stirred up.

I heard it strangely, so I put my ear close to the door of the room and wanted to listen carefully.

But at this time, my cousin came in through the gate and saw my thief cat in front of my grandfather's door, so she shouted, "Brother! What are you doing?"

I was shocked and looked back at my cousin.

She stood at the door with an ice cream in her hand and wore a white lace dress that I was very familiar with. This person is indeed a cousin.