long candle

Chapter 131 Mainland God of Gamblers

The reason why all this is arranged by fate is that before I get out of the taxi, I saw Professor Andre standing at the gate of Jiaotong University and looking around.

"Strange, didn't he say that the plane returned to Russia last night? What else are you wandering here today?" I said to myself.

"Guest, please get out of the car. It's 25 yuan in total." At this time, the taxi stopped and the master urged me.

I didn't look at the taxi driver and said, "I'll give you 30. Let me sit more."

The master stared at me, was silent for a moment, and said, "Young man, don't affect my business."

I shook my head helplessly, took out 100 yuan from my bag, stuffed it to him, and said, "Don't look for it."

The master didn't say anything. He turned on the radio and listened to it.

I said to myself that this guy drives a taxi. Why is it so annoying that he can't be quiet for a while.

If it were normal, I would definitely quarrel with him, but at this time, several black SUVs came from the other side and stopped beside Professor Andre.

I only took a look and was so shocked that I couldn't speak.

Because there is a flame pattern painted on the door of the car, it is actually the group of people watching me!

When I saw the people getting off the car, I almost vomited blood.

Because those people in black suits are led by Xie Yuting!

The reason why I was able to recognize him at a glance was that although he was wearing a black suit and sunglasses, the pink shirt, his thin face, and his extraordinary temperament instantly betrayed him.

I can't believe that the group of people who have been making me hate are Xie Yuting's subordinates.

Xie Yuting, who was born and died with us in Heizhugou, has been monitoring me.

Recalling that a fierce gun battle was carried out to get rid of that group of people, that time almost took the life of me and Nobita.

It can be seen that Xie Yuting treats us very cruelly.

But why did Xie Yuting monitor me?

With doubts, I continued to observe them to see what the hell they were going to do.

I thought that Andre must have been sent by Xie Yuting to steal the information in my hand, but I didn't expect that they quarreled as soon as they met.

Once white people are emotional, they will blush together with their necks and faces, and Professor Andre is a typical example.

I saw Andre pointing to Xie Yuting's nose very excitedly and saying a lot of words.

However, Xie Yuting smiled and seemed to have no intention of fighting back.

Xie Yuting was silent for a while and opened his mouth and said a few words.

Andre seemed to be a little frightened and took two steps back.

But at this time, the people in black behind Xie Yuting took out their guns and pointed them at Andre.

I'm used to this kind of scene, but taxi drivers obviously haven't seen this kind of situation.

After all, this is a large city in China, and there may not be many people who dare to take out guns on the street.

So the driver shouted, "Come on! The son of the turtle! These people actually have guns. Come on, let's call the police.

Not only the driver, but also several passers-by next to him stood still when they saw this situation. Some girls screamed in horror and began to run away.

As a result, at this time, Xie Yuting's two men fired a shot at the sky, which scared the people around him not to move.

Then several people went up and set up Andre's arm and dragged him into the car.

In fact, when I saw such a scene, my heart also jumped up and cursed in a low voice, "Isn't these son of bandits just a family of grave robbers? They are even more arrogant than the police. In broad daylight, they rob people on the street. What's okay?"

After taking Professor Andrey into the car, the SUV started and ran to the west.

I patted the taxi driver who was still stunned and said, "Master, follow me."

The master's hand holding the mobile phone was still shaking. Just now, he was so scared that he couldn't even call 110.

Now I heard that I want to keep up, and my whole body trembled.

Looking at him like this, I sighed and knew that even if I borrowed courage from him, he would not dare to keep up.

But what I didn't expect was that the driver slapped his thigh, bombarded the accelerator, and stammered, "With... stalking * criminal? It's so...so fucking exciting! I like it."

I was speechless for a while, but the car started quickly and followed the black SUV.

I think this taxi driver has never driven so fast before, and it soared to 130 in an instant.

Maybe he doesn't think he needs to be ticketed for chasing traffickers? That foot went down the accelerator and was completely ruthless.

I shouted repeatedly in the back, "Don't drive too fast. Keep your distance. It's bad if they find out."

The driver nodded with excitement and asked me, "Brother, what do you do? Are you a legendary private detective or a plainclothes policeman?"

I said that I am still an American agent. The reason why this guy is so excited must be that he has watched too many gunfight movies in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

So I thought about it and said, "I'm not a policeman or detective. I just don't like people robbing people on the street in broad daylight. Although that's a foreigner, this is in mainland China, not Afghanistan and Syria."

The driver emphasized his head and said, "That's right! Nowadays, there are few young people with a sense of justice like you.

I smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.

At this time, the driver asked me again, "I said, young man, what are you going to do when you follow them to the place?"

I was stunned for a moment and said that I really didn't think about it, but I absolutely couldn't call the police, because when the police came, I definitely didn't have a chance to know why Xie Yuting was spying on me. I had to secretly follow them.

"Wh! I said, young man, let's call the police first, otherwise there will be danger later. The driver continued.

I hurriedly said, "Don't call the police! OK... Well, I just said that I'm not a detective or a policeman. In fact, I lied to you. I'm actually the Royal Police of Hong Kong to track down a Macao gambling boat shooting. I suspect that these gangsters are the culprits in the shooting. At that time, Russia's magical Klov and mainland gambling god Lu Jinfa gambled on the Macau gambling boat. Lu Jinfa lost 30 million US dollars to Chiklov, so Lu Jinfa's men were going to kill and grab them back. As a result, they were escaped by Chiklov, and they chased all the way here, and I also came here. Don't worry, I can handle these people. Don't bother your mainland police.

"Mainland gambling god Lu Jinfa?" The taxi driver scratched his head with a confused expression and said, "Why haven't I heard of it? All I know is that the god of gambling is high."

"Six-finger Lu Jinfa, you haven't heard of it! You are so old-fashioned." I deliberately pretended to be a Hong Kong and Taiwan accent.

"Finger Lu Jinfa!" The taxi driver became excited again and asked me, "Does he have six fingers in each hand, and the thousand is particularly powerful?"

I continued to say in Hong Kong and Taiwan accent, "How come... You are so old-fashioned? Lu Jinfa doesn't have six fingers in each hand, but only has six fingers in total, because he was cut off by the Japanese Yamaguchi Group before."

"Oh..." The taxi driver said meaningfully, "It sounds very powerful."

"Of course, he is the legendary mainland gambling god Lu Jinfa who won all over Las Vegas with six fingers! He laundered money without any means. Our Hong Kong police have been chasing him for more than ten years, and he has been run away. This time he must have been caught by me. I said in a big way.

"Good!" The taxi driver patted his thigh again and said, "I will definitely catch him for you this time!"

Looking at him like this, I almost laughed in the back seat. This man is really short of strings...

"You also believe this, and you believe everything you say." I said silently in my heart.

At this time, I looked out of the window. Our two cars went straight west, which was the direction out of the city.

Many new roads have been built here, and the traffic flow is very small.

The more we walk, the more remote we become. On both sides of the road are farmland and fruit forests. In the sun, it is green and looks particularly refreshing.

The two cars drove two or three kilometers at a very fast speed, and I began to worry.

Because there are only two cars on such a wide road, it seems too abrupt. They will soon find that we are following their car.

Sure enough, when we turned another intersection, a man in black leaned out half of his body in the back seat of the car in front of us.

I saw him look around, and then slowly took out his pistol and pointed it at our car.