long candle

Chapter 155 Memories

I think if an ordinary old lady hears what he said, she must have to call the police. Fortunately, Mrs. Rabilovic is a Russian.

I hurriedly pushed Nobita away, went into the door, and said to Mrs. Rabilovich, "I'm sorry, these are my friends. They are new to this place and have no place to go."

Obviously, Mrs. Rabilović couldn't understand what I was talking about, but when she saw me making a comparison, she understood, so she stood up, smiled and asked us to sit down first.

After we sat down, she spoke Russian to us and then turned back into the kitchen.

Then she came out with a bowl of boiled potatoes, venison soup and other food and put them on the table one by one.

Nobita smelled the smell of food and immediately couldn't help saying, "I've been greedy for your grandfather these days." Then grab the meat in the bowl with your hand.

I poked him hard with the wooden fork on the table and said, "The master's house hasn't served on the table. What are you worried about?"

Daxiong stared at me and said, "You know nothing. The old man just said let's eat first."

It suddenly occurred to me that Daxiong can understand Russian, but he doesn't speak it very well.

But he was too rude to do this, so I said to him, "That still doesn't work. We have to wait for Mrs. Rabilovic to come to the table."

Daxiong couldn't resist me, so he had no choice but to put down his hand and wait with his cheeks.

After a while, Mrs. Rabilovich put all the dishes on, and after sitting down, Nobita grabbed a piece of boiled potato and devoured it.

When he swallowed the hot potatoes, I said to him, "This is the first time I think you are particularly useful. Please help me ask Mr. Andre and BEY where they have gone."

Nobita frowned and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

I said don't worry about it, just ask for me.

Nobita nodded, took another piece of rye bread, and said something to the old woman in Russian while nibbling.

Then he turned his head and said to me, "I learned standard Moscow Mandarin, and there is still a certain gap with the local language of Siberia. I don't know if she can understand it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Rabilowic replied with a smile.

After hearing this, Nobita told me: "She said that after Mr. Andre came back, he was invited by the villagers to the only school in the village to give a speech. Her husband went to sea to catch cod and expect to come back in the evening, and BEY still had something important. He returned to Moscow overnight last night and was expected to wait until the New Year. ."

I nodded and said to Nobita, "Help me ask where the school Andrea went to. Let's visit him in the afternoon."

After listening, the old woman answered me: "The school is next to the cross square in the center of the village, which is also the only market in the village. If we want to go, help him bring back some coriander and wild ginger. She will make us fish soup in the evening."

After saying that, the old woman handed me 100 rubles*.

100 yuan is equivalent to the value of 156 yuan. The price here is relatively low, which should be completely enough

Next, we didn't have much to say, hurriedly finished our meal, and then went out.

According to Mrs. Rabilovic, as long as we walk along the street in the opposite direction of the port, we will soon see the market.

Sure enough, it only took the four of us more than 20 minutes to walk there after dinner.

When we passed the witch doctor's building on the way, we all paid attention to it, but it didn't seem to be any different. It seemed that Xie Yuting did leave.

The market in the center of the village and town is spontaneously organized by local villagers. It is located at the intersection of the two main roads and is a circular square surrounded by wooden attic buildings, with people living on the upper floor and various shops on the lower floor.

The most are pubs and restaurants, and the rest are * fur and herbs, as well as various spices, cloth, and even horses, which have a retro feeling.

In the center of the circular square, there is a stone column about three meters high and shaped like a pencil. The columns are full of various symbols that can't be understood. Some are like horns and some are like ox heads, all filled with red paint.

Nobita told me that this is a witchcraft pile, which is full of witch language.

I remember that the Wa people in Yunnan also have something similar to a village pile, which is a place where sacrifices are placed to pray for good weather, and outsiders can't easily approach.

So out of politeness, I asked everyone to stay away from that thing.

Nobita inquired about the villagers around him in Russian and soon found the school.

It is said to be a school, but it is actually another church transformed.

This may be the only stone building in the village, with roofs, round arches and glass windows, but the cross on the roof has collapsed in half.

After entering the school, we saw 50 or 60 people sitting in a row of seats, mostly young people, all looking respectfully at Andre on the podium.

And Andre spoke brilliantly and heard applause from the stage

When Andrea paused, nodded to me, and then continued to talk.

It's not easy for us to disturb him at this time, so we found a corner to sit down and listen to his speech silently.

At this time, Liang Qian beside me asked me, "Who is this person? How do you know him?"

I smiled and replied, "This man is a famous paleontologist in Russia. He is in his 120s. Don't you see it?"

Liang Qian was surprised and said that she really didn't see it.

Next, I told the three of them how to know Andre, how to be caught by Xie Yuting, and how to be in distress on the ruins island.

When I heard Andre talk about my background, I deliberately looked at Nobita and *. Sure enough, they were all very surprised and stunned.

After I finished saying everything, Daxiong and * were silent.

And Liang Qian first asked me, "That's not right. I'm the descendant of Wei people. How can you...be?"

I shook my head and said, "Now I guess that the person in the coffin we found under the Heizhugou may not be a native of Wei, but was later covered by someone, and the content of the king's silk book is also forged, because the Lingyu Temple did not originate in the Tang Dynasty, but existed in the Qin Dynasty."

Liang Qian nodded and said, "It's true. I also found this in Lop Nur."

Then she paused and said, "But these alone do not mean that I am not a descendant of Wei, because the kings of Wei in all dynasties are indeed surnamed Liang."

I frowned and asked, "How do you know?"