long candle

Chapter 160 Named Wolf

I only saw the felt hanging on the wall. Because of the reflection of the firelight, the patterns embroidered on the felt describing the hunting of hounds seemed to be alive, which was very mysterious and ancient.

Under the felt is a table with many wrinkled old books. Because they are all Russian, I don't know what these books are. Maybe it's about the deification of ancient Russia or the brilliance of the Durban Kingdom.

Looking further to the left, there is a shotgun hanging there. Although the gun is very old, the wooden stock is coated with a layer of glaze, so it emits a bright light in the firelight, as if it is telling the reindeer, gray wolf and even the Yayaku proud brown bear it once shot.

Below the shotgun, there is a reindeer's skull, which is twisted like a branch, reflecting many strange shadows in the firelight.

The shadow extends to the position of the window.

I looked along the window, and I was shocked.

The double-open window made of wooden board was stunned and killed by the pin, but there seemed to be someone outside, because the gap in the middle of the window was slightly opening and creaking.

I think if the other two people hadn't snored too much, I would have heard it long ago.

So I frowned, approved the clothes, and went out of bed.

When I walked slowly to the window, I was immediately relieved.

Because although I am still two or three meters away from the window, I can already feel the wind blowing from the middle of the window.

Obviously, there was no one outside the window, but there was a strong wind outside the room, pushing the window and making a creaking sound.

I feel that although the wind is weak, it is very cold.

So I walked to the window, pulled out the pins below, and slowly opened the window.

At this time, there was obvious thrust in my hand, and obviously the wind was very strong.

When the window opened a gap that could allow a person's head to pass through, the wind rushed in and blew my hair casually.

The wind was very cold, mixed with rain and hit my face, which was as painful as a knife.

But for some reason, I didn't close the window immediately, but tightened the clothes on my body and put my head out.

Because I want to see why it gets so cold so quickly when the weather is still windy and sunny during the day.

Then the faint sky and the fire reflected in the room, I saw the vast grassland behind Rabilovich's house, but three tall fir trees were planted on the grass.

Although the branches of the big tree are strong, they also shake violently in the wind and cold rain. The leaves on those branches are like fish hit by the tsunami. From time to time, the single leaves are torn down by the strong wind and blown to the far away of the grassland.

Sometimes, even the whole branch was ruthlessly torn down by the wind and fell far away.

I looked at the wind and drizzle like a violent evil spirit. It swooped down from the sky and hit the grassland fiercely, pushing the soft grass in circles. Between the grass and leaves, lightning lit up the whole wilderness from time to time.

There was wind whimpering in my ear, the creaking sound of trees, and the crackling sound of drizzle hitting the roof.

These are all normal, but in addition to this sound, I actually heard another sound.

That's the sound of "woo..." like a woman crying.

Soon, with the help of lightning, I saw several four-legged animals running fast in the wind not far from the grassland.

In fact, most of the grass on the grassland is as deep as the waist. If it hadn't been swept by the wind, it would have been difficult for me to see their dark gray backs and the wild hairs on their backs.

This is a grassland wolf. In China, this wolf is brown and gray, and in this sub-cold zone, the color of the grassland wolf is closer to white.

"One...two...seven...eight..." I counted the number of these animals and became more and more shocked.

Looking at the wolves in the distance and the ** on the grassland farther away, I knew that the number of wolves was more than 50!

This is a huge pack of wolves. If such a large number of people attack the village together, it will definitely cause a huge disaster. At least there will be no chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep left in the village.

So I hurriedly closed the window, went back to the bedside, and shook*.

* is more alert and sleeps not very well. He wakes up in a flash.

As soon as he sat up, he hurriedly asked me, "What's going on? What happened?"

As I put on my trousers, I said to him, "No, it's a wolf, at least 50 or 60, which have arrived at the back of the village."

* As soon as I heard it, I immediately got up from **.

He kicked Nobita while wearing clothes.

When Nobita didn't wake up, he kicked Nobita again. At this time, Nobita got up, rubbed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?

Without waiting for us to answer, we heard all the dogs outside the house barking, and some people screamed in horror.

So we put on clothes more tightly, and Daxiong didn't ask much and got up from **.

A minute later, all three of us rushed out of the room.

The dim electric light in the living room is on, and Andrea and the village head are ready to go with a shotgun in their hands.

Seeing that we also came out, Andrea said, "Just right! Come out with us and have a look. There are a lot of wolves.

After saying that, he threw a shotgun to me and opened the door and rushed out first.

The village head also rushed out with Andre, and suddenly a strong wind mixed with cold rain blew in, which shocked us.

Nobita was stunned, then turned around and ran into the kitchen, took out a firewood axe and a rolling pin.

He threw the rolling pin to * and rushed out first with an axe.

As soon as we rushed out of the house, we heard a gunshot from the yard.

With the sound of the gunshot, I heard the village growling a curse that I didn't understand.

Then we saw a group of white wolves running across the dirt road.

The village head and Andre held a shotgun in their hands and hurriedly followed.

I chased after him and asked Andrea, "What's going on! Who is the village head scolding?"

Andre didn't have time to talk to me, just said, "It's Lauren!"

"Laren? What Lauren? Is it a person?" I turned my face and asked Nobita.

Nobita also looked at me blankly, obviously he didn't know.

I have no choice but to catch up and see.

After all, the two legs do not run fast. A group of us chased and disappeared from the group of wolves, but the fire flashed in front of us, the voices were noisy, and the dogs kept barking. As soon as I saw the wolves, they went to the Central Square.

I was surprised. Why did these beasts attack the village without eating people or catching animals? Why did they run to the center of the square?

In fact, I don't need to think about it. I also know what's special about the center of the square, that is, the body of the sea girl is now parked there.

Is it possible that this group of beasts came here after smelling the smell of sea girls?

I can understand if it is because of the strong fishy smell of the sea girl that attracts one or two wolves, but such a large group of prairie wolves have come, this scene may not be too big.

Thinking about it, we are already close to the central square.

And the scene in front of us has become a mess.

The figures of people and wolves are shaking in the flames, fighting and shouting, and all kinds of crying.

We ran nearby and saw two wolves biting around a middle-aged man with a torch in his hand.

The middle-aged man's trouser legs have been torn, his face is full of blood, and he looks embarrassed.

Nobita ran in front of me and shouted: "What a bold beast" and kicked one of the wolves out.

The wolf screamed a few times and hit a facade next to the square. His blood cracked on the spot and died.

Seeing that Nobita was so brave, the other wolf took a few steps back without waiting for Nobita to lift his feet.

Nobita shouted and rushed up, another kick.

But after all, the wolf was still very cunning. He slightly avoided, walked around behind Nobita, and suddenly bit Nobite's buttocks.

Nobita shouted, grabbed the wolf's tail with his backhand and picked it up.

A two-meter-long wolf looks like a fur scarf in the hands of a big bear.

Nobita was extremely angry. He grabbed the wolf's neck with one hand and the wolf's hind legs with the other. The blue veins on his shoulder burst out. As long as he pulled it violently, he could pull the wolf in half.

But at this moment, a woman's voice sounded: "Assistant! Don't hurt creatures anymore!"

Nobita was stunned for a moment and didn't do anything. He turned his head and knocked aside with me. I didn't know when the beautiful witch doctor in black appeared on the street and looked at Nobita angrily.

When Nobita saw this woman, he said, "What do women know? If you don't kill them, they will eat you!" With that, he was going to pull it again.

The woman in black couldn't stop it. She just opened her mouth and wanted to rush up to stop Nobita.

But at this time, the mutiny occurred again, and I don't know when a very fast black shadow appeared in front of Nobita.

With a swipe, several blood marks were caught on Nobita's arm.

Nobita was in pain. As soon as he let go, the wolf in his hand ran away.

He was about to curse, but the shadow, like a ghost, flashed out from the side and suddenly threw Daxiong to the ground.

Nobita struggled and competed with the shadow. At this time, I saw clearly that this was a black wolf different from other grassland wolves.

The black wolf's hair stands like an inverted thorn, and his mouth makes a whining sound. Looking at his body shape, it is the same size as a lion, and his power is infinite.

Many people next to him shouted out at this time: It's Lauren! Lauren is back!