long candle

Chapter 163 Wind and Snow A vision

In the autumn when Lauren was two years old, the first blizzard hit the Chukchi Peninsula. Strangely, this snowstorm is accompanied by the sound of thunder, which is a strange sky rarely seen in a thousand years.

"That night, violent thunder hit the village, and many cottages were hit by lightning. Suddenly, there was a sea of fire in the village, and many people could only endure the cold of the blizzard and hide in the open air."

"Zhuo Ya's house also ignited a blazing flame in the thunder, and the family did not know whether to live or die."

"The next morning, the villagers searched for the ashes of Zhuo Ya's house. As a result, they heard a manic dog barking, and a black mastiff the size of a calf jumped out of the ruins with a dark face in its mouth."

"The villagers were very surprised to see the black mastiff standing in the white wind and snow, like a hungry wolf, full of fierce light and ominous breath. Because everyone didn't know that Zhuo Ya secretly raised Lauren, and they had seen Zhuo Ya's dogs, they regarded Lauren as the source of all disasters and believed that this black mastiff would bring disaster to the village.

"So an angry village name raised a shotgun and hit Lauren in the abdomen."

"Lauren let out a scream, regardless of the severe pain, took the girl in her and ran to the grassland."

"The villagers knew that it was Zhuo Ya. In order to save Zhuo Ya, they dispatched all the hounds in the village to pursue her."

"What is unexpected is that although Lauren was seriously injured, she ran fast and ran more than 500 miles away with Zhuo Ya in a day. The hounds kept chasing Lauren and came to the dense fir forest at the foot of Dora Mountain.

"The fir forest is dense and cold all year round. The hounds can move freely in the thorns, but the hunters can't keep up. In a short time, more than a dozen hounds followed the blood and disappeared into the dense forest."

"The hunters followed closely and struggled through the forest for about an hour, and then heard the screams of countless hounds fighting with the enemy not far away."

"When the hunters pushed through the thorns all over the ground and arrived, they saw a black mastiff standing in a pile of hounds' corpses, staring at them coldly."

"The hunters were stunned, because in just ten minutes from the sound of fighting to their arrival, more than a dozen of the best hounds in the village were bitten to death by the black mastiff in an instant."

"This strengthened the idea of the black mastiff as an ominous thing. The hunters raised their shotguns to kill the vicious dog."

"Maybe Lauren was seriously injured, and the fierce fight caused it to bleed a lot and squat on the ground and couldn't move, so when he saw the shotgun pointing at him, he didn't have the strength to hide."

"But just before the hunters pulled the trigger, the long roar of the grassland white wolf came from all directions in the dense forest, and the surrounding shrubs shook."

"The hunters knew that this was the sound of a large group of wolves approaching, and the hounds around them died here. If all the wolves attacked, they could not resist."

"In a hurry, they had to shoot two shots and escape. The thorns cut their trousers and pierced the back of their hands. They completely ignored them and retreated in the direction they came. However, the wolf dog chased closely, and a pair of blue and faint eyes appeared not far away from time to time, with hatred, greed and strangeness.

"The hunters thought they were dead, but after running for a while, they found that the wolves didn't seem to have the intention of attacking them. They just followed them and wanted to drive them out of the forest."

"When the hunters ran out of the forest, they were already injured and exhausted, so they had to give up the idea of tracking Zhuo Ya and withdraw from the village... After the black mastiff Lauren left the village, although the blizzard still did not stop, there was no thunderbolt hitting the village again, so the villagers felt that it was because they drove out evil. The devil came, but no one celebrated, because all the people and dogs of Zhuo Ya's family had no life..."

At this point, Andre took another deep breath of smoke and exhaled a long string of smoke.

Nobita has always been our favorite to listen to stories. He hurriedly slapped the choking smoke in front of his nose and asked, "Is it gone? What happened later? How's that Zhuoya? Is the black mastiff dead..."

I am speechless about his last question, because the black mastiff, which we just saw, is obviously not dead.

Andre was silent for a moment and sighed, as if he had fallen into a deep memory.

I turned my head and looked at Liang Qian. She seemed to be attracted by this sad story and frowned at Andre.

And *I don't know when he took a cigarette and stood in the dark behind the door, holding his hands and standing there, unable to see his expression clearly.

At this time, Andre continued: "About half a year later, the old man Rabilovich was only 40 years old at that time. He took over the position of village head and led everyone to rebuild their homes. People gradually forgot about this until... Until one day, a 15- or 16-year-old girl with a black one The mastiff appeared at the entrance of the village.

"People quickly recognized that this girl was the missing girl Zhuo Ya, and they also recognized that the black mastiff dog brought by Zhuo Ya was the mastiff dog that brought disaster back then."

"The villagers remembered their relatives who died in the fire, so they panicked about the arrival of the mastiff and took out shotguns to kill the black mastiff. Under the protection of the girl, these people did not shoot."

"While protecting the barking Lauren, the girl explained that Lauren was her savior, but no matter how the girl explained it, it was useless. In the end, the girl had to return to the village alone, and the black mastiff seemed to know that people's malice towards him and did not keep up. She went back to the grassland knowingly."

"The girl found the old man Rabilović, told him that she secretly raised Lauren, and then said that the house was on fire, her parents were stunned by the smoke, and she was no exception. It was Lauren who hid her in the cellar, so Lauren saved her life, and although Lauren was seriously injured, But I took good care of her in the forest and looked for food for her every day. Because her lungs were burned by thick smoke in the fire, she rested for half a year before she could move. Thanks to Lauren during this period, otherwise she would have died long ago, so the villagers should not reject it.

"Although this old man is old-fashioned, Rabilovich is also a sensible person. He was also very moved to hear such a thing, but he also knows that Lauren is a synonym for surprise in the villagers. No matter what, he will not accept Lauren."

Speaking of this, Andre sighed.

I finally understood why he wanted to have education in the village. It was because of ignorance that led to the ignorance of the villagers. This once glorious nation actually fell to such a level.