long candle

Chapter 168 Harvest

Before he finished speaking, I stuffed the ice into his mouth and asked, "How's it going?"

Daxiong poofed twice, but he was not angry and said, "It smells like seaweed!" But it's not thick."

I smiled conceitedly, indicating that I was very powerful.

Nobita scratched the back of his head and said, "But what's the use of analyzing this?"

I spread out my hands and said, "It's useless. It's just for analysis."

Nobita was speechless for a while and looked at the ice with promising eyes.

I looked at the time on my mobile phone. It had been an hour since we lit the mining lamp, and there was still no sign of the fish floating up.

At this time, Nobita shouted, "Damn it! What a big one!"

I heard his surprised voice and looked down. Sure enough, a long black strip with a thin arm was floating in the deep water under the ice.

The reason why it is very big is that it is at least 20 meters away from us, which is equivalent to seeing it at a height of five or six floors.

That is to say, except for water surface and ice refraction, this thing is at least two or three meters long.

We couldn't take our eyes off the slow rise of this thing and found that its trajectory was straight at us, obviously conscious.

My heart was more curious and incredible, while Nobita raised the chisel in his hand with an excited face and went to smash the ice. He also said, "Catch this one, and you can go home today and eat for several days."

I grabbed his hand and said, "Don't worry. I don't think this thing is like a fish. The fish's body is very flexible, and it floats at an angle when it floats, usually with its head up. I think it floats up straight. Even the fish is a fish that has been dead for a long time. Do you dare to eat it?"

Hearing what I said, Nobita stopped and looked straight at the thing again.

In fact, at this moment, I have already had a conjecture in my mind that I can know what this thing is, but I'm not sure.

When a minute later, this thing was only five or six meters away from us, I was more sure of my mind, and Nobita was still confused.

So I decided to flirt with Nobita and said to him with a smile, "I'm sure what this is now. This is the Loch Ness monster..."

Nobita was stunned for a moment. Obviously, the name of the Loch Ness monster is very loud. He has heard of it.

So he hurriedly stood up and said in horror, "Wow, you mean the plesi-necked dragon?"

I shook my head and said, "Where did so many plesi-necked dragons come from? As soon as you see that you have watched less popular science films, the prototype of the Loch Ness monster is a rotten wood.

"Rotten wood?" Nobita shook his head and said, "It's impossible. How can wood swim?"

I said, "Wood really can't swim, but the wood sinking at the bottom of the lake will swell up and produce a lot of gas, so it will float up. Eyewitnesses of the Loch Water Monster said that they first heard a bang, and then saw a rough dark thing floating up, which is exactly in line with the characteristics of the wood, because when the wood comes out of water, the bubbles attached to the wood will explode when they come into contact with the air, and the sound of the explosion is just a poof.

I just finished speaking, the rotten wood has floated not far under our feet, entangled with many things such as water plants, which looks fluffy and very strange.

Nobita saw that it was indeed a piece of wood, so he sighed and said, "It's really not a fish... What a waste of expression."

At this time, I saw the wood with the help of the light of the mineral lamp, and then I was shocked and said to Daxiong, "This is not ordinary wood. It seems that there are many patterns on it."

Nobita also frowned, looked at the wood, found the pattern on it, and then said, "These patterns seem to be a little familiar... It seems to be... It seems to be the pile in the middle of the village!"

I lowered my body and looked carefully. Sure enough, the pattern on it was very similar to the pile in the village.

Nobita said, "It's strange. Is there a village under this water?"

I shook my head and said I didn't know.

Just as we were thinking, the bubbles on the pile burst one by one because they touched the ice, and then there were a few bubbles, and the pile sank again.

We saw the rotten wood sink until it disappeared without saying anything.

Daxiong thought for a moment and said, "It may also be because the previous pile was broken and thrown into the lake as garbage?"

I said that although this possibility is very small, it is indeed possible, but I have to go back and ask Mrs. Rabilovic or Andrea for details.

Our thoughts are erratic and we don't say anything.

But a few seconds later, Daxiong gave me a silent posture and then pointed to his feet.

I thought he saw something and looked down. It turned out that several salmon more than one meter long slowly floated from the bottom of the lake.

This time I promise to be fish, because their mouths are closed, twisting their bodies from time to time, and slowly leaning towards the mine lamp.

Sure enough, it was because Nobita kept making noise on the ice, so the fish had not been hooked for a long time. It seems that it is feasible to attract fish with lights.

I looked at the fat fish and swallowed my saliva.

Because I know that the meat of this cold-water fish is very fresh and tender, because salmon is a kind of cold-water fish, and wild salmon is much more delicious than salmon.

I can even see that the tails of these fish are a little dark red, that is to say, these names are Zheluo salmon.

Zheluo salmon is uncontrolled in salmon. As long as there is enough food, they will grow infinitely. Some people have seen two or three meters long Zheluo salmon.

So in Kanas Lake in Xinjiang, many people have witnessed the water monster. In fact, the water monster in their mouth is this huge Zheloan.

Thinking of this, I sighed and said to Nobita, "Today, we not only met the water monster of Loch Ness, but also the water monster of Kanas Lake."

Nobita obviously knew the latter, so he didn't care about my cold jokes. He picked up the axe and chisel next to him and began to chisel the ice.

The big fish swam away as soon as they heard the movement, but we were not in a hurry, because if we light up later, more fish will swim up.

Nobita asked me to retreat a little and carefully hit the ground with the chisel in his hand. It took about ten minutes to chisel out a deep hole about 80 cm thick of the ice.

At this time, he shook his hand and said, "I didn't expect this ice surface to be quite deep..."

I nodded and thought that although the freezing of three feet was not a day's cold, it fell from minus ten degrees to minus ten degrees in one day. In addition, the snowstorm blew for a day and night, it was not surprising to freeze 70 or 80 centimeters.

I greeted Nobita to sit down and rest, then took out a pointed saw for sawing ice and began to saw ice along the deep pit.

In fact, what we both do is a high-risk behavior, because as long as we are not careful, it will cause the ice to break. It doesn't matter if we fall into the lake. The key is that the lake is very cold. If we are not pulled up for a long time, our muscles will soon lose their ability to move, and then our limbs will be numb and sink into the lake and drowned.

And the most important thing is that once the ice breaks, it will cause a chain reaction. The more you want to climb out of the water, the more the ice caught in your hand will peel off layer by layer.

For good, Nobita used to live in the northeast and caught fish under the ice, so he is very experienced.

Under his guidance, I successfully saw a large hole in the ice surface of about one square meter.

The next thing we need to do is to put the mine lamp on the edge of the hole, and then when the fish approach, we will put them on the net with our hands.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and it was approaching five o'clock in the afternoon. As the sky darkened, the temperature dropped a few degrees, the wind began to be fierce, and the snow also fell heavier.

The two of us half squatted on the ice and guarded a dark yellow light.

In the distance, there are several large trees more than ten meters high. The weeds under the trees have all collapsed by ice and snow, showing an uneven blood line, which is derived far and far away.

Liang Qian and the tired Tenie were sitting under a big tree. I don't know what they were talking about. The curling smoke had risen in the village in the distance, and the lights gradually lit up, which made me look a little distracted.

After staying on the ice for a while, as expected, because of the darker weather, many fish gradually leaned towards us.

These Zheluo mackers are very fat, and the smallest ones are half a meter long, with a dark back, a streamlined body, and a red tail, which are very harmonious and full of the beauty of wild animals.

All these fish raised their heads and exposed half of their heads to the surface of the water. Their big godless eyes stared at the mining lamp in our hands as if they were summoned by the water.

I made a gesture to Nobita and whispered: three, two, one!

As soon as the words fell, the net in Nobita's hand was scattered. The mesh of this kind of net was very thin and the line was relatively light. Twelve small iron balls hung along the four perimeters of the net. When it entered the water, the iron ball sank first and quickly closed.

At this time, the fish will not sink immediately because of shock, but run next to the net, so that it will just hit the wall of the net. Then as soon as the person who casts the net pulls the rope, the whole net will turn over and put all the fish in it.

Nobita was very strong. When he felt that the iron ball was almost sinking, he pulled it hard and pulled the net up from the deep pit. Then I heard the crackling on the ice, all the sound of big fish struggling.

Nobita was so excited that he hurriedly pressed the net and brought the iron barrel over.

We were very happy to pick up big fish, but we were not happy for a few seconds. Liang Qian's scream came from the lake!