long candle

Chapter 187 Three-pointed Fork

The story only describes a picture of a middle-aged man with a similar appearance to Poseidon making a three-pointed fork.

Because the middle picture is relatively complicated, and some pictures have been weathered, I can only roughly see the content expressed in these pictures.

The beginning of the picture is also a picture of a meteorite falling into the ocean, the same as the situation of Heizhugou and Lop Nur.

The difference is that the meteorite disintegrated after falling into the sea. All the external material was scattered in the sea, and only the black material in the middle kept falling. When it hit the sea, it was deeply embedded in the seabed.

This black substance, I think, should be meteorite iron, which is a metal material from outside the earth.

In ancient China, there were many records about meteorite iron. For example, the famous sword dragon spring sword in the Shang Dynasty was made of meteorite iron.

The silverfish sword in my hand is also made of meteorite iron.

However, the meteorite that fell to the bottom of the sea is obviously heavier than the Longquan sword and silverfish, because under the slowdown of the sea layer, it can still be deeply embedded in the rocky seabed.

After the meteorite fell into the sea, Poseidon drove four seahorse chariots to the bottom of the sea, and then found the meteorite deeply embedded in the seabed.

Next, there is a spectacular scene of hundreds of strange people with scales swimming in the sea.

These weirdos are very similar to the sea girls we see and should belong to the same species.

Each of the sea girls has a rope tied around their waist, and the lower end of the rope is tied to the weighing meteorite iron.

But so many people worked hard together, but the meteorite had no intention of moving at all.

The picture below is the scene of Poseidon summoning hundreds of whales from nowhere and pulling meteorites with the sea girls.

I saw the meteorites slowly pulled into the sea by them and then stranded on the beach.

Next to the meteorite iron, there are many rotting sea girl corpses and whale corpses, which should have been exhausted alive.

The next picture is the picture of more than a dozen blacksmiths moving the furnace and anvil to the seaside to build this meteorite day and night.

These people have changed from prosperous young people to old people with a long beard, and a three-pointed fork has been built.

After the three-pointed fork was built, these blacksmiths were cut off by Hainu.

The last picture shows Poseidon sitting on the throne with a three-pointed fork and receiving worship from everyone.

After reading these, I was extremely shocked.

Because if these are just a story, it's okay, but on the platform of this picture pattern, there is a three-pointed fork at a 75-degree angle.

The sharpness of the fork is inserted down into the stone, and the fork handle is upward. The overall length is about three meters, and the whole body emits black metal light.

This fork looks like iron, but it has not rusted and decayed for so many years. Obviously, it is not steel.

I gently stroked the fork with my hand and felt a cold and heavy smell.

Contacting the picture I saw on the table, I suddenly jumped on the stone table, clenched the fork handle with both hands, and pulled it out hard.

I had already guessed that the fork did not move at all.

But I still can't believe that this thing needs so much manpower to carry. Maybe it's just that the bottom and the stone are welded together, so I can't pull it out. This doesn't mean that the weight of the fork itself is. After all, as an ordinary person, I can't carry a boulder. Table.

I carefully observed the part where the fork was inserted into the stone and found that there were many small cracks in the interface.

In this way, the fork may not be inserted.

But if this is real, then is Poseidon also a real person?

If it weren't for God, I can't imagine who else could hold this fork.

Thinking of this, I was surprised and excited.

Because if Poseidon really exists, he must be a man from the Durban Kingdom, that is, my ancestor.

In order to get more information about this, I plan to go deeper into the hall to see if there are any other discoveries.

I picked up the flashlight and continued to walk along the main road.

As I walked, I looked at the bookshelves on both sides, but I didn't find anything valuable.

As I walked, I suddenly heard someone whispering in the unknown darkness in front of me.

Those voices echoed in the empty hall, which seemed mysterious and far away.

I recognized that this was a conversation between two men in a language similar to Russian, but I couldn't understand it because the accent was too heavy.

One of the men spoke thickly and powerfully, while the other looked humble and cowardly, as if a high-ranking man was teaching slaves.

I was shocked and hurriedly turned off the flashlight.

In fact, I know in my heart that this may also be an illusion, but since I saw the leg of the unidentified person in the small hole of the gate, I have been a little wary. Maybe there is really something evil and foreign in this hall that has not been seen for thousands of years.

After I turned off the flashlight, the sound in front of me also stopped.

I thought they found me, so I leaned against a pillar, held my breath, and didn't dare to breathe.

I don't know how long it took, but I suddenly heard a heavy footstep coming from a distance.

This step is heavy and powerful, unlike the movement that illusions can create.

Fortunately, the direction of walking is not towards me, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it.

The sound of footsteps walked not far away, and it should have followed the main road to the door.

I was speculating about the purpose of walking, and suddenly this step stopped.

I estimated the location, which should be the location of the stone platform with a fork.

After my footsteps stopped, I held my breath and listened attentively.

The result was a few seconds after, and an unexpected sound appeared.

I heard the sound of the heavy fork slowly being pulled out of the stone.

Oh, my God, with the unpleasant sound made by the metal rubbing against the stone, I instantly felt like petrified and talked silently.

When the sound completely disappeared, the footsteps sounded again. This time it was heavier, and the ground would tremble gently after almost one step.

I didn't dare to move. Listening to the heavy footsteps, I walked past me to the depths of the temple.

Then, all the sounds disappeared and the surroundings returned to dead silence.

I waited in place for a long time, and there was no sound around me.

Finally, I had to look at the flashlight again and walk in the direction where my footsteps just disappeared. As a result, when I walked to the end of the temple, I was shocked by the scene in front of me.