long candle

Chapter 205 Zhuo Ya

Although I have heard from Andre for a long time how the Kingdom of Durban has developed, what I have seen more since I came to the island is desolation and dilapidation.

It was not until I heard the old woman tell me that there were four true gods here that I felt that the Durban Kingdom did have its own higher civilization.

However, when I see this huge elevator, I further find that the Kingdom of Durban really has many advantages.

I heard that when the Egyptian pyramids were built, the ancient ancestors had invented a kind of elevator to lift people up high.

But that's the result of pulling pulleys by manpower, and the world's first automatic elevator was only available in modern times, so the one I'm riding now has broken the routine.

Taking advantage of the gap between the elevator landing, I turned around the room. First, after listening carefully for a while, I found that there was a click from the gear on the top of my head, which should be the sound of the automatic bracket of the elevator.

Then I wandered around the room again and found that there were still those brand-new silver jewelry on the counter.

So I asked the old woman strangely, "I said... Well, old woman, the goods in this silver store are so new, is there anyone else here to buy things?"

The old woman was helping Longjia deal with her injury. She looked up at me and said faintly, "You will know later."

Hearing what he said, I shrugged my shoulders helplessly and knew that her attitude towards me had never been very good, so I didn't bother to ask any more questions.

The elevator dropped for about ten minutes, then made a click and stopped.

I estimated the speed and time, and felt that the descent distance was about 200 meters, just in the center of the mountain belly.

At this time, the door slowly opened, and then I was stunned.

Because the moment the door opened, I saw countless golden light shining through the crack of the door, almost dazzling.

When the door was completely opened, I saw the most luxurious scene I had ever seen in my life.

Countless pillars made of white jade are inlaid with gold. They rise up and connect more than 30 meters high domes. Around these gold-inlaid columns, there are piles of gold, silver and jewelry.

There is also a lampstand made of pure gold at a distance. The lampshade is made of completely closed crystal, and there is a wick as big as a soybean in the cover, which is shining brightly.

I know that what is still shining after thousands of years should be the glowing stone we found in the giant tree cave of Heizhugou.

I just didn't expect that there were so many here.

I just glanced at it and found that these gold-inlaid pillars stretched far away. I don't know how big the golden temple in the belly of the mountain is.

Countless gold reflects the light emitted from strange stones. After many refractions, the whole temple is magnificent.

There are only so many treasures, but there is no one, and everything is brand-new, so it looks quiet and strange.

I thought that if Daxiong is still alive, it's strange that he is not happy to die. Those jewelry, tableware, crowns and other things made of gold and silver can be used for a lifetime.

"Don't walk around. Don't underestimate this empty hall. If you take a wrong step, you will die." The old woman said to me indifferently.

I took a look. Sure enough, in some corners of the hall, there are hundreds of black mummified corpses curled up. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to see.

While dressing Longjia's wound, the old woman said, "This is where Zeus you mentioned live, but unfortunately I have never seen him."

I nodded, indicating that I would not walk around, but looked curiously at a scene in the hall.

Remembering what Andrea said before, he said the secret about the Yayaku people, which was in the underworld in the belly of the mountain.

The old woman spent some energy to wrap up Longjia's wound, and then helped her down from Shi**.

Longjia took a few pills after her dressing, and she was much better. After getting out of bed, she was able to walk freely.

The old woman looked very happy and smiled and said, "Okay, child, now you can tell me what you are doing here. Isn't it a special trip to find me, a dying old woman?"

Long Jia shook her head and said, "In fact, although the villagers said that they saw you came to the ruins island by boat, I didn't know that you were still alive. This time, I was entrusted by a friend to protect a person."

I heard it a little puzzled, but it soon seemed to understand something.

Andre said that decades ago, Lauren's owner Zhuo Ya came to Durban Island alone by boat. Is this old woman Zhuo Ya back then?

Isn't the master Lauren worked hard to find alive now?

Thinking of this, I couldn't take the liberty and asked, "Old lady, are you Zhuo Ya? Lauren's master?"

The old woman looked at me with surprised eyes and asked, "How do you know about Lauren? And my name."

Long Jia also looked at me with a very surprised look and couldn't speak for a moment.

I said proudly, "One day in the future, I went to your Durban village, met Andre, and brought Lauren to the island to find you. How about that? I said I came here, but you still don't believe it.

"You said you had been to Durban Village?" Hearing me say this, Zhuo Ya's face was even more surprised, and then asked, "How are the people in the village?"

I was puzzled by her question and said casually, "Everyone is fine, living a quiet and peaceful life."

"Impossible! As early as 30 years ago, the village..." Zhuo Ya was halfway through and suddenly stopped and looked at Longjia thoughtfully.

Then both of them fell silent.

After a while, Zhuo Ya sighed and said, "Well, what should have happened."

Zhuo Ya pointed and said, "Isn't he the person you just mentioned to protect?"

Long Jia nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

"What does he have to protect? Stupid." Zhuo Ya said with some disdain.

I thought Long Jia was going to say something good for me, but in the end she only said, "It was the man who asked me to protect him, and I don't know why."

"You mean, the Wu family?" Zhuo Ya frowned and asked.

Long Jia only nodded and said nothing.

Zhuo Ya looked at me again and said, "Well, since the Wu family is going to do this, then tell me what are you doing here? Maybe I can help you."

I pointed to my nose and said, "Me? You mean you want to help me?"