long candle

Chapter 207 Talent

When she came to the place with dense flowers, Zhuo Ya seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

The big white dog crawled nervously at the beginning and walked upright. Although it did not walk fast, it seemed to be much more relaxed than the previous vigilance.

I guess it may be because if the plants on the ground can grow, there must not be too much danger. After all, plants will also be scorched by strong electric currents.

Due to physical and mental relaxation, we travel much faster.

When we passed through a cluster of waist-deep flowers and vines, suddenly the scenery in front of us changed greatly.

This change makes me a little stunned.

Because of the original golden color in the hall, it suddenly turned into a dark wall. The wall is inlaid with many glowing beads, not to mention hundreds.

The brightness and darkness of these beads are different, and with the dark curtain of *, it looks like stars all over the sky.

I found that the arrangement of these beads is not irregular. The closer the beads are to the center, the brighter they are, and the darker they are on the edge. Although they look messy, they are visually layered.

This wall is full of glowing beads, surrounded by dense flowers and vines, and is surrounded by thin fog, which is quite mysterious.

I saw that there was no way on the left and right sides of the wall. At the same time, I asked Zhuo Ya, "Is this the mural you just mentioned? Why can't I see anything?"

Zhuo Ya didn't say anything. She slowly walked to less than a meter in front of the wall and said, "Come and have a look."

I walked over curiously. Needless to say, I have found some clues.

That is, on this wall, there is not only these glowing beads, but also a thin groove connected between each two beads, which can accommodate all the beads to move freely.

I guess this wall is not as simple as a wall. It is likely to be a mechanism wall. If you move the beads above in a certain order, you can open some kind of mechanism.

At this time, Zhuo Ya took out a piece of shabby parchment from nowhere and opened it in front of me.

I looked at this parchment, which was full of dense dots.

Comparing with the small black dots on this paper and looking at the wall in front of me, I immediately understood that this is a diagram of a certain pattern of this wall. If you pull the beads on the wall according to the diagram above, it will definitely trigger the mechanism.]

But where did this picture come from? I have doubts, but I didn't ask.

Zhuo Ya has lived here for decades, and it is not surprising that there is a piece of parchment.

At this time, Zhuo Ya pointed to the black spots on the picture and said, "As long as you arrange them in the order above, you can see the murals."

I nodded and said, "Okay, let's start."

At this time, Long Jia interrupted and said, "Grandma Zhuoya, I think this picture and line look like a male text in witchcraft. Is this related to the origin of witchcraft?"

Zhuo Ya nodded and said, "Yes, I think the original design principle of this mechanism is early witchcraft, but I have also solved it, and I can't solve any answer at all. It's all some random words."

Long Jia frowned and asked, "How did you solve it?" Just draw all the lines above and decipher them?"

Zhuo Ya shook her head and said, "Of course not. What I solved is this picture."

Long Jia looked at the pattern on the parchment carefully, then nodded and said, "Indeed, there is no answer in this picture. There are too many lines to solve the male text on the wall, and some of them must be screened."

Zhuo Ya nodded slightly and said, "After all, you were born in a big wizard family. Naturally, you know more witchcraft than me. These lines are fixed. You should be able to see how many solutions there are on it, right?"

Long Jia said nothing. Because the ground is made of gold, she can't draw on the ground with a tree stick. She can only stretch out her index finger and draw it in the palm of her right hand.

After drawing for a while, she frowned and said, "There may be about seven solutions on it. If you want to draw all of them, it will probably take some time."

At this time, I answered, "Don't worry, solve it slowly. Let's spell out the pattern on the painting first."

Zhuo Ya nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it now. But you have to be mentally prepared. It took me half a month to finish this picture.

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't know how many times I have done this kind of IQ question.

After saying that, I moved the middle one of the beads to the chute, and then moved one of the beads on it to the empty seat and completed the first step.

In fact, it is not difficult to move more than 100 beads on this wall.

This mechanism is a bit like the small game Huarong Road. If you want to move a bead, you must first remove the bead from that position and then fill it in.

In this way, the first thing to consider is whether the beads that you temporarily move to the groove can finally be moved to another pit.

So this wall is more difficult than Huarong Road, because there is a space on Huarong Road that allows you to move the unused squares first, and the mechanism on this wall has a pit for each bead, and there is no empty pit, so if you are not careful, the beads you removed can't find a pit to fill in. Go.

The brightness of beads is divided into three types, the brightest, brightest and ordinary brightness.

This is a large black spot, medium black spot and small black spot on parchment, which is very easy to identify.

However, when you look at it for a long time, you will still feel a little messy, because there is no regular arrangement of black spots.

In fact, the best solution for this mechanism is to partition the whole wall and then complete each area after another, but that will be very time-consuming.

Like me, move the beads in the middle first, so that a large circle of beads around has room to move, and then slowly spreads around.

Although this method is difficult, it is the fastest, but it is just a little IQ test.

Zhuo Ya looked at me with contemptuous eyes as soon as she saw me from the middle.

But when I systematically pushed the beads to the right position, her eyes turned into surprise and then a little appreciation.

Later, she completely felt that she couldn't help.

While calculating in my heart, it only took me about half an hour to pull the beads, and only the last bead was not in place.

At this time, Zhuo Ya and Long Jia's eyes focused on my fingers.

I slowly pushed the beads to the right position, and then the whole wall made a click sound, causing a magical change.