long candle

Chapter 211 The Fifth Jar

If the Kingdom of Durban was planned and grown by two long-faced weirdos, why did they create this rich and powerful country and then create these four true gods to destroy it?

The reason for this is simply incredible.

I was puzzled and looked at the picture fixed in the devastated city of Durban after the tsunami, and I didn't come back for a moment.

At this time, the picture on the wall stopped moving, making another click sound, and then the stone turned back, revealing the side with countless bright beads.

I shook the distribution of the beads and returned to the original order, just like when we didn't move before.

The three people have not recovered for a moment, just like a thrilling and gripping movie. This movie is full of legends, blood, violence, and some things that can't be explained by common sense, which makes people unable to let go.

After a while, I asked Zhuo Ya, "Is it over? Are these all the pictures?

Zhuo Ya wiped the sweat on her head, nodded and said, "Yes, it's exactly the same as last time, but every time I look at it, it's still the same thrilling."

I took a breath and said to the two of them, "Is everything recorded on it true?"

Long Jia frowned and said, "We have seen at least one of the four true gods. I think even if there is an exaggeration, it will not be false."

I sighed and said, "But don't you think it's a little puzzled? The beginning and end of this matter can't be explained at all, and the birth of the four true gods is too unreasonable. Can the tower really communicate with the gods?"

Long Jia said aside, "No, it's not four true gods, but five. Because after the death of the king of the Durban Kingdom, he was put into five jars by long-faced people.

I looked at Zhuo Ya and asked, "Yes, Grandma Zhuoya, why are there five jars, but you tell us that there are only four true gods?"

Zhuo Ya said indifferently, "It's not that there are four, but there are only four true gods in the Durban Kingdom. As for the fifth jar, nothing was born, but abandoned.

"What does it mean that there can only be four gods?" I asked in a hurry.

Zhuo Ya just said that there had been a prediction for a long time, and the Wuwen on the tower recorded this matter. When the Kingdom of Durban was founded, it had been destroyed by long-faced strange people, and everything was predicted.

I can't refute what she said, because I didn't read the text on the tower carefully.

And I know that the tower depicted in the picture is the lighthouse in the middle of the Durban Royal City we have seen before. The gap on the top of the tower is not decayed over time, but the traces left by lightning.

After staying here for so long, Zhuoya must have seen the text on the lighthouse, so she has such a conclusion.

If we want to confirm this, we must go to the lighthouse.

Thinking of this, I asked Zhuo Ya, "Grandma Zhuoya, is there any way to the central lighthouse in this underground golden hall?

Zhuo Ya frowned slightly and asked me, "What? You also want to see the text left on the lighthouse.

I nodded and said, "Yes, and I want to know the whereabouts of the fifth jar and how the Yayaku people have been handed down to this day."

Zhuo Ya smiled and said, "I can answer this question now. The people of the Durban Kingdom were not dead. After thousands of years of development, there are also opponents who think that the king is a monster. They will not come to worship the tower, so when the disaster happened, these people escaped at the first time. The islands and exiled to all parts of the world, you Chinese are one of them, and our Yayaku people in Chukochi are the other one.

I asked, "How do you know so clearly that there are other murals here?"

At this time, Longjia answered, "You don't need to look at the murals. These things are clearly recorded on our Yaku genealogy."

I nodded and touched my chin to consider some questions.

After a while, I sighed and said, "After a long time of investigation, I still don't know where the source of the Yaaku people comes from. If we are the descendants of the village that caused the plague in those years, we are not much surprised by ordinary people, but the middle-aged men and the two long-faced people outside have a great influence on Yayaku. The reason why we were so developed in ancient times is not because of how smart and prominent we are. Technology, to put it bluntly, the Kingdom of Durban can only develop to this extent with someone helping.

While talking, I reached out and touched the cold stone wall next to me, thinking that even today's technology may not be able to make such a moving mural. What is the principle driving those stones*? I have no idea at all.

We talked for a while, and I suddenly remembered something and asked Long Jia, "How's it going? Have you solved any answer based on these patterns just now?

Long Jia nodded and then shook her head again.

I was confused and asked her what she meant.

Long Jia said, "The seven answers I said have been solved, but each answer is meaningless, just some garbled codes. Or, it's not garbled code, but there is a lack of information in each answer, which makes the whole confusing.

I know what Longjia means. For example, if you remove one of the keywords of the idiom "Saeng lost horse", it becomes "Saengma", which is completely meaningless and doesn't know what to express.

However, in general, in this case, we can still infer the missing words, but this is the case when we know this idiom first.

If you say an idiom that you don't know at all and remove one of the words, it will be more difficult for you to understand the meaning.

In this case, it makes no sense for us to stay here.

Originally, if Long Canon solved other answers, we might be able to reopen new murals by rearranging the beads on the wall through these answers, but now the plan has been ruined.

So I asked Zhuo Ya, "Grandma Zhuoya, can you tell me where this picture came from?"

Zhuo Ya seemed a little annoyed and said, "I said it, but I don't know. It helped me find this picture."

Zhuo Ya pointed to the big white dog on the ground and said, "When I first arrived at this island, it was also the early spring season. I was hindered by the thick fog at that time and dared not land on the island at all. I could only set up a tent on the coast. However, unlike me, this guy ran to the island for adventure from time to time. After a few months, he figured out the situation on the island and led me here. Even the murals were found by it.