long candle

Chapter 216 The contractor

Who the hell is he? Or, who am I? This question has become the first thing for me to understand.

Next to the right foot of this huge portrait, there is a single door made of pure gold that has been opened, leading to the dark.

I looked up and carefully looked at the face of this huge picture and knew that this painting should play a role in suppressing the door hole here. It seemed that the contents were not small.

I looked back, then looked at the north needle in my hand and found that I did not follow the route designed by Zhuo Ya. Just now, I was muddle-headed and accidentally deviated from the direction, but I happened to encounter such a scene, which had to be said to be a kind of fate.

In this case, how can I have a reason not to enter this door?

But because the flashlight has been broken, even the aluminum skin wrapped outside is broken and can't be used at all.

So I could only turn on four fluorescent sticks and get stuck together as temporary lighting equipment.

My fetal education entered the gold-made door. Suddenly, the brilliant light in the golden hall dimmed, and the darkness came to my face with a slight chill.

Entering the door, I paid attention to the gold and found that the door had not been opened recently, but had not been closed in those years. Although the gold did not rust much, because it was too heavy, and the door had been opened for too long, so the door had been slanted.

After learning this information, I continued to walk in and saw a mural painted with bright red paint on the wall at first sight.

This mural is rough and concise, and there is no unique craftsmanship, which is very in line with the mural technology of the ancients in Europe.

But the content surprised me.

Because its content is the picture of the ancient me, guiding a group of thin people to build a three-dimensional triangular building on the wilderness.

"Pyramid?" I'm a little surprised.

I also took a closer look at the facial features and clothing of those thin people.

Soon, I saw a man kneeling with a crutch and a square scarf next to the three-dimensional triangular building.

Looking again, you will find that this is a square scarf, but the unique Nemes headdress of the Egyptian pharaoh. The horizontal lines on it represent the light of the sun, so the pharaoh is also known as the son of the sun.

Obviously, this pharaoh respected the ancient times very much and actually watched me build the pyramid with a kneeling posture.

Next to me, there are some strange machines made of unknown materials. Some of them are as big as adult African elephants, and there is also a long nose-like arm in front of me, which may seem to be a modern crane-like machine.

Scientists still can't explain how the huge stones that make up the Egyptian pyramids were moved. Now in this picture, they are floating in the air.

I was so surprised that I couldn't speak. I continued to look down and found that the second painting described the construction of the famous Alexander lighthouse. Among them was also me in armor, sitting on a stone-made giant, commanding the laborers to carry the boulder in the wind, rain and waves.

Two of the world's seven architectural miracles were actually built by me in ancient times, which is not only incredible, but also incredible.

This is not a PS or spoof puzzle of modern computer technology, this is a real mural.

I touched these cold stones with my hand and the old clumsy lines painted on them, knowing that everything was true.

Next to these murals, there are also some huge buildings, which are pictures of tens of millions of people working hard to build.

Although I have never seen these buildings in the historical books of any country, I know that these huge buildings should have existed before, but after years of baptism, many of them have collapsed and have not even left a record.

Or these buildings are built in very hidden places, such as underground or under the sea, so no one has found them yet.

One of the paintings caught my attention.

The expression of this painting is very different from the realistic style next to it, which is a bit like what the author imagined.

Because the picture shows some monsters with snake bodies and human heads, carrying boulders thicker than their own bodies, and also building a pyramid-like building.

Behind these monsters are some towering peaks.

The strange thing is the shape of these peaks. They are all flat-roofed and look like volcanoes.

In fact, for example, Mount Fuji in Japan is also a very powerful volcano, but it is only unique. However, in this picture, such volcanoes are basically side by side, and there are many.

And the strangest thing is that the smoke around this place is lingering. In ancient times, I covered my nose and mouth with my hand, as if I was prepared for poisoning.

"Strange... Where on earth is this?" I muttered and looked at the picture carefully.

Then soon, I noticed a detail that I hadn't noticed before.

That's behind the ancient me, there is something close to the shape of an olive on the ground mountain.

After a closer look, I found that this thing was the kind of boat I saw under Robber.

Next to the fallen boat, there is also a guy who looks close to a monkey, but his whole body*, with a small box in his hand is digging a hole in the ground, ready to bury the box in it.

I looked at it strangely and wondered if this monkey-like thing was stealing?

If this boat is the one I drove from in ancient times, then the box must contain very important things related to him.

Of course, this is an immovable painting. Of course, I don't know what happened later.

I think the reason why the craftsman who painted the mural expressed this detail may be that he saw it with his own eyes at that time and felt it was meaningful.

I don't know if I found anything strange in this mural in ancient times, but he must have lost a very critical thing at that time.

Continuing to look at these rough murals, I found that this ancient me was not only as simple as a contractor, but also seemed to be very good at diplomacy.

There is a picture of him walking in the wilderness with a group of people in animal skins behind him.

The ancient one in the picture, I squatted next to a weed and was reaching out to pull out a grass.

This grass is very short, but there is a string of ears hanging on it, which looks like rice.

Nima... I scolded in my heart, saying that the rice was discovered by this person in the wild and taught to the people? Isn't that what Shennong did?