long candle

Chapter 223 Short Confrontation

Boss Wu stared at the flame and asked me after more than ten seconds, "See?"

I said in my heart what I saw. The flame was burning well. There was nothing different except that it was a little green, and there was no phenomenon of blowing the lamp.

So I shook my head and said, "I didn't see it. What's going on?"

Boss Wu looked a little impetuous and let me look at it for a long time. When he found that I still didn't understand, he began to count: "One, two, three, four."

When he counted four, he stopped.

At this time, I found that the flame seemed to tremble slightly.

It doesn't make sense to say that the airflow brought by Boss Wu when he spoke made the flames tremble.

Because the first boss Wu took the flame very far away from him, and the windproof lid was also inward.

Second, even if it can blow to the flame, it will swing inward and away from people, not inward.

Obviously, there seems to be some airflow movement in this hole, and the movement of this airflow is quite regular, almost once every three seconds, just like human breathing.

Thinking of this, I stretched out my hand and felt it. Sure enough, there was a gust of wind blowing in the cave, and the feeling of sticking to the skin was a little cold, but it was not obvious.

The reason for this phenomenon may be the wind blowing in on the other side of the cave, which makes the air inside flow.

But in this way, the flames will not move so regularly.

So there is another possibility that something is breathing not far in front of us, but we can't see it.

If it is the second possibility, there is no doubt that the thing opposite us is not human, but a natural and unexplainable existence.

Boss Wu obviously thinks the same as me. Cold sweat on his forehead has flowed down his temples.

Then his other hand moved and reached to his waist.

I saw that he was very careful, as if he was afraid of shocking something.

"What are you going to do?" My neck was stiff and I didn't dare to move at will. I still looked straight ahead, but I couldn't help asking him.

Boss Wu didn't say anything, his hand slowly reached to his waist, and then suddenly became faster. He took out a pistol and pointed it at the empty place right in front of us.

I said that it was just a speculation that there was an invisible creature in front of me, which was too unreliable and almost impossible. Why did Boss Wu believe so firmly?

Later, I learned that Boss Wu had indeed encountered such a thing before, so he was so vigilant.

That's a later story, and I won't show it for the time being.

Boss Wu quickly took out his gun and pointed it in front of him. Almost at the same time, the lighter in front of us seemed to have been blown out by someone, and the wolf-eye flashlight on the ground also crackled, blowing out a ball of white light and immediately extinguished.

I was shocked and almost fell back to the ground.

Fortunately, Boss Wu grabbed me and said in my ear, "Get down!"

So he pulled me forward and fell to the ground, and then felt a chill on his neck, and something rushed over our heads.

I was stunned in an instant, saying that there are really any invisible monsters in the world?

Boss Wu didn't say anything. He grabbed my arm tightly and didn't let me move.

We just lay in the dark and didn't move.


Just as we didn't dare to speak, there was a strange sound around us, like a crisp sound when someone was eating an apple.

With the faint light from the mouth of the cave, although Boss Wu and I could not see each other, I could feel that he turned his head and looked at me.

And I also looked at him and expressed surprise.

It's surprising, but the other party can destroy the flashlight at a lightning speed without our awareness. It must be an extremely powerful guy. We are definitely not his opponents.

So Boss Wu and I still had to lie down and dare not come out, trying to make the other party think we were dead.

After about five minutes, the click sound stopped, and then we all heard clearly that the bronze elixir furnace made a sound, as if it had been touched by some heavy object.

After about two minutes, there was no more sound around. Boss Wu asked softly, "It seems that he has gone back."

After Boss Wu said this, we were silent for a while, and he took out a lighter and rekindled it.

We carefully observed around and found that there was nothing abnormal. The shattered flashlight on the ground explained what had just happened.

Boss Wu looked carefully at the lighter in his hand, and the flame did not shake again.

"What the hell is that? Why didn't it hurt us?" I asked Boss Wu.

Boss Wu looked at his hand and said, "I don't know. Maybe I'm afraid of the blood on my hand."

After saying this, Boss Wu walked forward with the light of the hand lighter to see the condition of the apple.

Then we were stunned and saw that the apple had been gnawed by something, leaving only the core.

There are still some black fragments left on the apple core, which are a bit like copper rust.

Boss Wu and I looked at each other and said no.

I picked up the apple core and looked carefully. I found that it was really copper rust. What is that thing? Why is there copper rust on the apple I have eaten? Is it part of the bronze furnace?

Looking at the bronze furnace in front of us, we felt that it became more and more incredible in an instant.

Boss Wu was silent for a long time, looked at his watch and said, "Forget it, let's go. We can't afford to provoke the things in it."

In fact, I don't want to cause more trouble. Although this bronze incense burner is strange, there is such a thing with a strong Chinese style under this Western building complex. There should be nothing I want to investigate.

However, I saw that there seemed to be some unwillingness in Boss Wu's expression, so I said, "I think if we can come back, there is no other way. We will pass here at that time, and there will be no time to investigate at that time."

Boss Wu just nodded and said nothing. He walked around the bronze furnace and walked deeper into the dark.

I didn't expect Boss Wu to be so free and easy, so I hurried to follow up.

walked forward for a while. Boss Wu never said anything. It was not until he walked through the bronze elixir furnace for a long time that he said to me, "Actually, I don't want to give up, but I just calculated that those fires were going to fly back, and it would be more troublesome at that time, but I think that thing ate me. Our apples will not give up so easily.