long candle

Chapter 225 morphosis

I have to say that man is a strange animal. Even if it is completely dark, when the eyes get used to it, they don't feel too dark, and because of the high concentration of mental power, the sensitivity of the facial features has been exerted to the limit, so I can still see the vague shadow in front of me.

The neat edges of the gap where we hide, the strange rocks in the cave, and the sharp stalactites hanging down from the top of the cave can all appear in front of us.

I have asked * how his night eyes were trained. At first, he said that he had nothing to eat when he was a soldier. When he ate frogs, he ate them with his eyes. Over time, he became night eyes.

Of course, I don't believe that frog-eating eyes can get night eyes. I think he often performs tasks at night when he was in special forces, so over time, he formed night eyes.

This is similar to my current situation.

I blinked, and the situation in front of me became clearer and clearer, but I still didn't see anything moving outside.

Just as I was about to lose patience, suddenly, I saw something about the size of a bull's head near the ground at the gap, slowly leaning out.

Gradually, I saw clearly that this is indeed the head of an animal, but not a cow, because the head mountain has no horns.

It buried its head on the ground, as if it was sniffing something with its nose, and looked like a dog.

I have never seen such a big dog with a head as big as an cow. How big should it be? I can't imagine.

Boss Wu obviously found something and slowly took something out of his pocket.

I knew he was going to take out a gun, so I hurriedly pressed his hand and whispered, "Don't take out the gun, it's dangerous."

Boss Wu was a little surprised and asked, "Can you see me?"

I nodded and replied, "Yes."

Boss Wu was silent for a while and whispered, "It seems that I underestimate you. You are really a strange person. You can see things in such a dark place."

I said speechlessly, "What's wrong with me? It's just... I ate too much frog's eyes, so my eyesight is better at night."

Boss Wu said strangely, "Frog's eyes? And this function."

I didn't tell him it was a joke, I didn't say anything, I just stared at the weird dog's head.

After a while, Boss Wu said again, "How about it? Is there anything outside?"

In order to avoid talking too much and attracting the attention of the animal, he simply said, "A dog."

"A dog? What kind of dog?" Boss Wu's voice was also very low.

I looked at the animal and just wanted to tell Boss Wu that it was a big dog.

But when the animal's body gradually appeared in front of me, my words suddenly stuck in my throat.

Because although the animal's head is very big, its body is not as big as expected.

And it does not have the limbs that walk upright like a dog, but its limbs lying flat on the ground, which is a bit like a human movement.

However, it is human, and there is something wrong with it, because there are two pointed bulges on its shoulders, which is a bit like wearing some special clothes.

The strangest thing is that there seems to be a human-shaped thing on the back of this strange thing.

I looked at it strangely and kept staring at it.

And this thing also seemed to find our whereabouts, and its head slowly turned towards us until it faced me.

Then its whole body is like a frightened cat, slowly arching.

I saw that his body was getting taller and taller, and his limbs were slowly straightening. His whole body was raised until he reached a height of more than two meters. In an instant, he became like a tall human figure.

I was almost stunned. What kind of monster is this? It has changed so much before and after?

After the monster stopped changing, its head did not move again. It just stared at me, emitting a faint green light in its eyes, which looked particularly gloomy and horrible.

I really don't know what this is. I just feel that my back is cold, and I suddenly have an ominous feeling.

But the thing still seemed to be sure of something. A pile of sharp dog ears moved above his head, as if listening carefully to the movement around him.

I said to myself, don't make any noise now, otherwise this monster that has maintained an offensive posture may pounce on us at any time.

But at this time, Boss Wu next to me asked in a soft voice, "What's wrong? What kind of thing is it?"

I trembled all over and hurriedly covered Boss Wu's mouth.

However, it was too late. I saw that the ears on the monster's head trembled again, and then its face was like a stove had been opened, slowly cracking a crack, and there was a firelight pouring out in the crack.

I know that's the mouth of this thing, but I haven't seen anything that can contain a flame in my mouth.

While the flame ignited in the mouth, the two eyes of the thing also lit up like a light bulb, flashing green light.

Since there was light, Boss Wu obviously saw the huge monster blocked at the exit. Suddenly, he was dumbfounded and couldn't speak.

I didn't expect this guy to be so scared. He shook his shoulder and said, "Gun! Get the gun!"

Boss Wu didn't do what I said. He turned his head and looked at me and said, "Don't shout. There is someone behind me. I can't move."

I was shocked and said how could it be? I didn't see anyone coming in just now. Is it possible that there has always been a person here that we didn't find out just now?

But I don't have time to care about the people behind Boss Wu now. The monster at the exit has opened its mouth and rushed to us like a small whirlwind.

I saw that the thing was still spitting fire and moving so fast that I hurried to touch the gun in Boss Wu's waist.

I took out the gun and aimed at the monster's head.

After this series of actions, the monster also rushed to us, with its mouth like a hippo, and you can see the flame in its throat illuminating its saw-like fangs.

I said in my heart that this bite is enough? He hurriedly pulled the trigger.


The gun did not fire the bullet I imagined, but seemed to be stuck.

"I didn't go to court!" My heart was cold, and I knew what was wrong, so I hurriedly waved my right hand to the monster's head.

With just a bang, I hit the monster's head with my right hand and shrank it back.

But at the same time, flames erupted from the monster's mouth, burning the sleeve of my right hand.