long candle

Chapter 248 Multi-Eye Bug

Although this theory is unfounded, it had such a high level of civilization more than 10,000 years ago. Does it mean that Atlanti is not an earth civilization?

If the theory that Atlante is a non-terrestrial civilization is established, their last flying saucer must fly away because of the completion of a certain mission, then what is this mission?

I thought about a lot of questions for a while, and then looked up and stared straight at the creature who claimed to be an Atlantian in front of me.

I looked at him, but he didn't look at me. Instead, he looked back at the door and turned around and walked out.

I didn't know his intention, so I didn't keep up.

And after he went out of the door, he looked back at me, as if to ask me to keep up with him.

I hesitated for a moment and finally followed.

The corridor outside the door is very dark and there is no light, but the tall giant in front of me in the dark actually emits a light blue light all over his body, which makes me stunned.

I don't know how long it took. When the passage began to go up, I saw a trace of white light coming from the front.

When I walked out of the cave, I found that we had returned to the ground.

But this time, we are closer to the huge white luminous body in the center, almost two or three hundred meters away.

However, the proximity did not make the luminous body in front of me clearer. Instead, it was the dazzling white light that I could hardly open my eyes.

It took me a long time to adapt to the strong light, but found that the huge figure did not stop and was slowly walking towards the huge white glowing body.

I hurriedly followed and began to wonder if he would take me near the luminous body.

Unfortunately, this giant, who claims to be an Atlantean, can't speak English or Russian fluently, let alone Chinese, so we can hardly communicate through language.

As I followed him and looked around, I found that in addition to the hole we had just walked out of, there were many caves like this around.

Many long-faced weirdos are coming out of these caves at this moment, looking blankly at the huge luminous body in front of them and slowly move forward.

I took a deep breath and felt that the scene was strange and inexplicable, but it was full of some sacred atmosphere.

After a few glances, I took my eyes back and looked at the tall back in front of me.

He didn't look back and still walked forward.

I have no choice but to follow him.

As I walked, I found that some white crystals gradually appeared on the abrupt rocky ground around me.

These crystals are crystal clear and shiny. I don't know whether they are affected by the huge white glow in front of them or can shine by themselves. In short, they emit a sacred white glow, which gives people the illusion of coming to heaven.

I was a little stunned and said that I was not dreaming, right? So he pinched his thigh, but there was a pain in his heart.

Knowing that I was not dreaming, I muttered in a low voice: "What a mess. At first, I went back in time, and then I met some supernatural real gods. Now, I don't know where to go with a group of guys who claim to be Atlanteans. All this seems too inexplicable and ordinary. People will never even dream of these things in their lives.

Thinking about it, the tall figure in front of him suddenly stopped.

I also stopped and looked around. I saw all the long-faced weirdos stop, then stretched out their hands and read words in their mouths.

I stood among these giants awkwardly, like a sparrow accidentally rushed into a pigeon cage, which seemed a little out of place.

In embarrassment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and I staggered two steps to stand firm.

Then I saw the scene in front of me that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

The light of the huge white glow in front of me gradually dimmed, making me gradually see its outline.

It turned out to be a pyramid-like building, but it is not made of huge yellow stone strips like the Egyptian pyramids, but made of countless transparent crystals.

The top of the pyramid is not sharp, but at the top, there is a small platform.

On that platform, there is a black object similar to the shape of an eye, standing motionless.

I feel that it is a huge stone, but if the stone is like this and the bottom is so sharp, it can't stand firmly. I guess there may be a bracket below.

Thinking about it, the light of the whole crystal pyramid became darker and darker, and then I saw these long-faced weirdos around them opening their mouths and revealing their black fangs.

At the same time, the white tongues in their mouth twisted out of their mouths, and then became longer and longer.

Seeing this strange scene, I almost broke out in a cold sweat.

However, what's more strange is that these white tongues, stretched to a certain extent, actually fell off the mouth of the long-faced strange man, like an arrow away from the string, flying towards the platform at the top of the pyramid.

Those long-faced weirdos who lost their tongues were like being suddenly pulled away. Their hands hung down, their eyes closed, and fell to the ground degenerately.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned to look at the pyramid in front of me, and saw that all the tongues like flying snakes fell on the strange black stone with eyes.

Serily speaking, this scene looks like a nightmare scene or watching a science fiction movie.

However, the soft texture of the tongue, coupled with the sticky transparency attached to it, makes the scene in front of you so real, even a little disgusting.

I watched the entangled tongue twisting like a snake, intertwined with each other, and I couldn't help feeling a little numb.

But at this time, these tongues slowly formed something similar to a human figure.

When I looked at this strange thing full of mucus, I felt uncomfortable all over my body.

But that thing turned its head and looked at my position.

In an instant, this thing seemed to have been hit by thunder and lightning, emitting a faint blue light, and then I actually saw a woman-like face looming on this entangled body.

Seeing me staring at her, the woman waved to me, as if to let me pass.

I was reluctant to go, but when I stood still, I felt a tingling in my head. A woman's consciousness invaded my brain. Although she didn't say anything, my body couldn't help walking forward.

Although my body is disobedient, my consciousness is still very clear.

I saw my body walk dozens of meters forward, and then a huge hole about the size of a basketball court appeared on the ground.

I walked step by step to this huge cave, and then the cold sweat wet my clothes.

Because I thought the weird woman in front of me was going to jump into the huge hole to commit suicide.

But my idea only lasted for less than a minute, and suddenly, a huge white thing in the huge cave unexpectedly rose to the sky.

I was shocked and my body stopped.

At this time, I saw clearly that it was the giant insect lying at the top of the cave that I saw before.

I can see the appearance of this giant insect. It actually has a head, but its head is almost as thick as its body, and it has countless black eyes on its head.

After the white giant worm rushed out of the hole, its body turned in the air and slowly lowered its head.

It slowly lowered its head in front of me, and countless eyes looked at me together.

My body still doesn't listen to the command and can't move at all.

But at this time, the woman's consciousness made me slowly stretch out my hand and reach out to the giant insect's forehead.

To be honest, I don't want to do this, because the appearance of that thing gives me a bad feeling.

But when my hand touched its forehead, a very warm feeling came from the palm of my hand.

It seems that this huge guy is also very comfortable and slowly closes his eyes.