long candle

Chapter 256 The other one is also true

I didn't expect this thing to come back with me. I was really surprised.

In the four revelations of the Atlanteans, I saw this tongue-like thing turn into a human form, so I have always thought that this is the prototype of the Atlanteans.

When I entered the copper furnace alone, I was also entangled in this thing.

It must have hid in the copper furnace and crossed back with me.

It may also be one of the long-faced people I saw before, who was ordered by the woman on the pyramid to follow me back.

This thing has changed into a human skin-like thing attached to me, making me change my flawless transformation into *. There must be some purpose.

After the thing became the prototype, it climbed to the table like a snake and looked up at me.

When he didn't know what he was going to do, his head slowly changed and his facial features grew.

Although its head is very small, I can still see what it looks like. It is indeed one of those long-faced people.

After waiting for a while, when the little strange face took shape, it said to me in a very spiesful voice, "You, Nie Chuan, must die."

I was stunned for a moment, took a step back and asked, "What's going on? Are you not from Atlantis?

That thing didn't seem to answer my words, as if it had been predetermined, and said, "Someone broke the rules."

It's a rule again. I heard that this word is very big.

At this time, he said, "He is not the only one who can take advantage of the rules, but also your friends, so you have a stand-in."

Who is my friend? Who is that "he"? I heard it inexplicably.

"You can't expose it. The stand-in will die in your place." The thing continued.

Although I knew that it would not necessarily answer me, I couldn't help asking, "What on earth is that stand-in? Is it a grass man or a puppet like you?"

Unexpectedly, that thing answered me.

It said: "The magnetic field on Durban Island is abnormal, and the parallel space is chaotic. From the moment you go to the island, there are two of you at the same time, but you can't see each other. The four true gods are not gods but people. They are not locked on the island and can move freely. They want to kill you, and you can only avoid it on the island where they were born. The master tried to let you shuttle through the parallel space. After one went back and forth, you saw the other yourself.

I seemed to understand what it said and asked, "You mean that the other one is also real me, but I will die instead of me?" Who will kill me? Is it a true god?"

"You are not the opponent of the true God. You must die." That thing replied.

Hearing him say this, my heart is sinking, because I know that the other me is also the real me!

So, as a * now, I should be another person.

Then what the hell am I?

I have a headache, because I can't watch the other one die, because he now represents everything about me, and everyone thinks he is Nie Chuan.

So I can't let me lose everything. At that time, even if I take off my disguise and jump out and say that I am Nie Chuan, others will only regard me as a monster that can freely change my appearance.

In this way, no matter how powerful the true god is, I can't let the other one die.

I was thinking about it when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I answered "Wait a minute" and was a little overwhelmed.

At this time, the strange thing like a tongue has climbed up my arm along the table.

After five seconds, I returned to * again.

After looking in the mirror and making sure that there were no flaws, I went to open the door.

After opening the door, I saw the people standing at the door and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Because this person is just another me.

In order to distinguish the difference between myself and him, I plan to call him Nie Chuan by his name.

Nie Chuan stood at the door, wearing a fur coat, and his nose was red with cold. He was smiling and looking at me.

I didn't know I was so stupid before, and suddenly I wanted to slap Nie Chuan in the face.

Nie Chuan smiled for a moment and said, "Wake up?"

I nodded, tried to pretend to be *, and said lull and warmly, "Yes, how do you know?"

Nie Chuan rubbed his nose and said, "I just got up to go to the toilet and saw that the light in your room was on, so I guess you were probably awake."

After a pause, he asked me again, "Can I go in?" Daxiong always grabs my quilt and sleeps with him. I have to catch a cold.

Of course, I can't dislike myself, so I got out of the way and said, "Come in."

Nie Chuan was also rude. He smiled, entered the door, and then got into my quilt.

I had no choice but to blow the candle and lie down.

I feel another person's living body temperature, and I always feel uncomfortable.

At this time, Nie Chuan's voice sounded in the dark. He asked me, "What did you get up for just now?"

I thought you were as nosy as I was, but he said, "Oh, I haven't slept for too long, so I can't sleep, so get up and sit down."

Nie Chuan said again, "That's great. I've been sleeping for a day and two nights. It seems that I've had a good rest. I just have a lot to ask you."

I was still in a uncomfortable feeling just now, so I simply replied, "Ask."

Nie Chuan was also polite and asked me directly, "Actually, it's nothing. I just want to ask you if you have found any clues about Grandpa in the ruins. Did he also go there?"

I shook my head, and then realized that he couldn't see me shaking my head now, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "No, I didn't get any clue about anything about your grandfather."

Nie Chuan said, looked a little disappointed, and then asked, "Have you investigated the origin of the ancestors of the Yayaku people and why they moved east to China?"

After thinking about it and recalling my previous experience, I remembered those Atlantis people who created the Yaaku people, and I don't know if it is the source of the Yaaku people.

Actually, I'm a little hesitant to tell the Niechuan Atlantis alone.

I thought about it and recalled that I was born and died to investigate these true thoughts and suffered a lot.

If I don't tell the Nie Chuan around me now, he must be very uncomfortable and feel the same way.

So in the end, I told Nie Chuan about the creation of the Yaaku people by the Atlantis and their four revelations, but turned the protagonist into *.

Because I really knew myself too well, it was not as I expected. After hearing this, Nie Chuan was so surprised that he could hardly close his mouth and almost jumped up from **.

"Are you... telling the truth?" Nie Chuan slowed down for a long time before stammering at me.

I didn't say anything, which means default.

Nie Chuan must believe *, because * has never lied to him, so when Nie Chuan calmed down, he did not question what I said, but said to himself: "Although this is surprising, it still seems that I can't know why Grandpa did those things. Normally, Grandpa should be as grateful to the Atlanteans as we are.

I agree with Nie Chuan's idea. Obviously, he is almost the same as what I think.

After a moment of silence, I took out the transparent bead given to me by the Atlantis from the bedside drawer and said, "The Atlantis told me that the next destination we must go to is recorded in this bead. Take a look."

As soon as I finished speaking, Nie Chuan somehow got a flashlight to light it up, and then ended up the beads in my hand.

Like me, Nie Chuan looked up and down at the transparent glass bead, and then began to frown.

I said that even I can't see it, and you can't see it, because you won't be smarter than me.

Who would have thought that Nie Chuan would say at this time, "Will the text be engraved on the outer wall with a small font?" Find a magnifying glass to have a look.

After his reminder, I suddenly remembered that when I participated in the imperial examination in ancient times, many people carved words on a grain of rice in order to cheat, and then looked at it with a magnifying glass.