long candle

Because the package box turned out to be Grandpa's head.

Not only that, but this man is still laughing with his mouth one by one.

I was awakened by this strange picture.

I sat up and wiped the cold sweat on my head. I immediately came to the door of Nie Chuan's room and knocked on his door.

I didn't expect that I happened to open the door three times. Nie Chuan sweated coldly and looked at me pale.

I wondered why he hadn't slept so late.

Nie Chuan shook his head and said it was nothing, just a dream.

I really want to ask him if he had the same dream as me, but after thinking about it, I still don't think it's appropriate.

Nie Chuan asked me to sit down in the room and asked me why I came to him so late.

I asked him, "Didn't you say that Professor pinched a package back last time? Why didn't you go back to see what was inside?

Nie Chuan was stunned for a moment. Obviously, it was surprising that I would remember this.

But he just paused for a moment and said, "Is that what you mean?"

He took out an empty cardboard box from under the coffee table and said, "When you were recovering, you sent me the box, but when I opened the package, it was like this."

I looked curiously at the inside of the box and found that the box was empty.

When Nie Chuan looked at my expression, he smiled bitterly and said, "This is the express waybill. Take a look."

I took the express waybill in his hand, and then I saw that the mailing address on it turned out to be the address of Grandpa's yard. That is to say, the package was sent from Grandpa's house to Grandpa's house.

Obviously, if this is really the case, then it makes no sense to do so, and if it is really sent from there, who will send it?

I can't figure it out. Obviously, Nie Chuan can't figure it out, so he has been studying this empty box these days.

The final result is that there is no result.

Nie Chuan said that he still wanted to go back and have a look when I was healing, but since the package was empty, he felt that there was no need to go back. He had handed this matter to his second uncle for investigation.

I nodded and understood what he did very well.

After all, Liang Qian's injury was an accident, and saving her life was the most important thing.

We talked about something else, and we had to go back to sleep.

Early the next morning, we were baptized by Japanese fans again with a smile on our faces, and then took a bus to Liujia Mountain.

Because I have learned a lesson, I went out this time with a helmet.

After getting on the car, Xie Yuting checked that we were not eavesdropped again, and then let the driver drive to the real destination.

However, our car was still tracked by several business cities while driving.

We scrapped the power and got rid of these business cars. It was almost noon. We put on masks and sunglasses and casually found a ramen restaurant on the roadside for lunch. The car drove out of the surrounded by high-rise buildings and set off for the green mountains in the distance.

Japan's mountains are generally not high, rather than hills.

Although our car is climbing, it hasn't felt much.

The afternoon sun is particularly good and warm. Because it is Sunday, there are many passers-by in student uniforms on both sides of the neat streets.

Looking at those girls with short skirts and black stockings talking and laughing, I can't help thinking of Hayao Miyazaki's cartoons and thinking that Japan is really a harmonious country. I don't know why when talking about war, it's like chicken blood.

While dozed off and observing the city scenery on the street, unconsciously, the houses became smaller and fewer, replaced by many empty farmland and rows of lush trees beside the fields.

I saw that the continuous green mountains in front of me were approaching, and the surrounding vehicles began to decrease.

Although Japan is densely populated, the density of cars is much smaller than that of China, and there are basically no cars in the suburbs.

And although there are many cities, the greening is very good. There are no buildings such as chemical factories in the suburbs. They are basically farmland and village communities.

Japan still has an active and wide range of primitive forests, and there is a piece of Mount Liujia here.

However, the natural environment is good, but I also think it is a troublesome thing.

If the shrine is located in the virgin forest, the complex terrain will undoubtedly cause us great trouble.

I was speechless all the way, probably because everyone was doting.

When I got to the place, I was almost the only one awake.

Japan's natural landscapes are free of charge, and Mountliu jia is no exception.

Because there is no charge, there is no need to be afraid of people evading tickets, so there are often many exits and entrances in a scenic spot. The entrance where we are located may not be the main entrance, only a simple gate of the scenic spot, there is no ticket office, and there are no small vendors selling things around the Chinese scenic spot.

There is a big dam in front of the door, which can stop hundreds of cars, but today there are only three cars among us.

After the car stopped, I patted the Nobita next to me.

Nobita raised his head, wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, and asked me, "What? Have you eaten yet?"

I think he must have dreamed of eating again, that's why he drooled so much.

I slapped him on the back of the head and said, "When you eat, you will know how to eat all day long. You have arrived."

Hearing what I said, Daxiong looked around, then patted his thigh and said, "What time is it? Should we eat first?"

I heard that he was still thinking about eating and slapped him again, but I heard Xie Yuting clapping his hands and saying, "We're all up. We're all here. Let's meet at the dam below, and then I'll explain the action plan and start working."

Obviously, although it is sleeping, everyone still maintains a high alertness.

As soon as Xie Yuting shouted, many people stood up.

came to the dam below and stood in a row, and Xie Yuting sent a road map to each of us.

I saw that there were squares, circles and triangles in the picture. For a moment, I was a little confused and didn't understand what it meant.

Obviously, everyone has such doubts.

At this time, Xie Yuting smiled and said to us, "Don't doubt, you will know when you go in."

Next, Xie Yuting told us some rules, which are nothing more than local customs in Japan, such as not touching stone statues on the roadside or taking pictures of Buddha statues.

I can't help but laugh at what he said, like a professional tour guide.

But I know what he said is reasonable, because if it violates local customs, causes unnecessary trouble and hinders action, it is not good.

After saying that, he took us to the scenic spot.

Through this bamboo-shaped gate, we stepped on a spacious cement road.

There are clear ditches on both sides of the road, and opposite the ditches are lush forests.

I saw several monkeys jumping on the trees near the ditch, howling at us, as if giving a warning.

This is completely different from the monkeys in Chinese scenic spots. For example, the monkeys in Mount Emei immediately come around to eat when they see people. If they don't give them, they will rob them, and they won't issue any warning at all.

The monkeys in Liujia Mountain are obviously still wild, which shows that this scenic spot still retains a very natural natural environment and has not been overly exploited.

After walking along the cement road for a few minutes, we feel more like this, because the cement road under our feet has come to an end, and walking forward is a mud road.

And the mud road is full of weeds, and there are farmland and cottages distributed on both sides of the road in the distance. Bamboo is planted around the cottage, and you can hear the primitive sound of chickens and dogs.

After a short stay and take a sip of water, we continued along the dirt road.

When we really walk into those cottages along the dirt road, we understand why the scenic spot does not charge tickets.

Because this should not be called a scenic spot at all, but a well-preserved pastoral landscape.

The ancient tatami room, the original pumping well, the sunflowers in the yard, and the large flower fields next to the old house are planted with mulberry trees, tulips, and scarecrows wearing straw hats and plaid shirts.

At the gate of the village, the kind Japanese old man wore a straw hat, carried a hoe, and wore simple clothes from the Edo period. He did not need COS at all, but interpreted the feudal Japan vividly.

These old Japanese people, whether we are tourists or foreigners, smile and nod when they see us, which is very kind.