long candle

Chapter 236 brutal

Sure enough, this thin man seems to be really saying something.

Before I could hear it clearly, the thin man cheered up again and came to us.

When he walked past us, we heard what he said.

The Japanese actually said in Chinese, "Master, listen to your call. I'll come now."

Although I don't know why this guy can speak Chinese, we know that this guy was controlled by something like hypnosis, and now the place he is going to be the place where he manipulates him.

Liang Qian and I hurriedly followed without saying a word.

I saw this guy go all the way to the big explosion hole in the middle of the corridor, and then looked up.

I knew he was going to go up from this hole, but I never thought that this guy was so seriously injured that he just went to wash and jump, soared more than two meters high, grabbed the extension of the ceiling, and then jumped up.

Liang Qian and I both sighed that we were inferior, and then hurriedly climbed up along the table and chairs I had arranged before.

When we struggled to climb up, the simple guy was gone.

He secretly scolded himself for being useless, while discussing to find separately.

However, just as we hadn't discussed it, a burst of women's voices came from the room next to us.

Liang Qian and I were glad that we didn't say anything, and then we went to the door together.

Women speak in a small voice, but full of anger and hatred.

Then suddenly, a man's scream came out.

The scream was worse than killing pigs. It spread in the cabin and turned into an echo of ghost crying and wolves, which made the two of us tremble.

After a while, the man's voice gradually lowered, but he was still moaning.

I heard that he was almost out of breath and in pain, so I began to fantasize about what kind of demon was in this room.

I have countless images of monsters in my mind, and even the East China Sea Crab God of the human-faced crab body I met before was taken out.

At this time, Liang Qian said, "This voice seems to be the witch in Durban Village."

Longjia! My head is buzzing.

Because I found that I forgot this woman from beginning to end.

When she got on the boat, Xie Yuting said that she wanted to take her, but when she got on the boat, she kept silent, making everyone forget her existence.

Even when I met Nobita, I didn't ask where the woman had gone.

At this moment, this woman seems to have been covering up something since she got on the boat. Now, we finally see her minions.

"Are you sure?" I hurriedly asked Liang Qian.

Liang Qian nodded and said, "Although I haven't said a few words with her, I am still very impressed by her heavy nasal tone."

As she spoke, the woman in the room sounded again.

This time, the words in her words are still very vague, as if they were chanting spells.

But I did hear the nasal sound that Liang Qian said.

"Since it's her, we don't have to be afraid of anything. Let's go in and ask what's going on." I said to Liang Qian next to me.

After saying this sentence, I waited for her answer, but after a few seconds, Liang Qian did not move at all.

I was surprised. I turned my head to look at her and said, "What do you think..."

Before I said the word "like", my scalp was about to explode.

Because I turned my head and saw not Liang Qian's face, but an old man's face full of white hair.

What's wrong with my heart? Will Liang Qian also change her appearance?

But at this time, the white-haired old man had a strange curvature at the corners of his mouth, and his hand was like an eagle's claw, and he grabbed my neck in an instant.

This guy is very strong. I instantly felt the gurgling sound when my whole neck was compressed and breathing heavily, but there was no oxygen that could enter my trachea.

The white-haired old man picked me up with one hand, with a strange smile on his face, and seemed to enjoy looking at my pain.

I pedaled my hands and feet, but it didn't work at all. This guy's body was like iron.

Just as my eyes were black and my chest was about to explode, the white-haired old man said, "Aren't you able to become me? Let me see."

After saying that, he waved his hand and threw me out like a chicken.

I felt a wind blowing in my ear and hit my head against the wall with a loud bang, and then my whole body was bounced back by the wall and fell to the ground heavily.

After coughing twice, I felt severe pain in my chest, and then some black blood flowed down the corners of my mouth. The blood was full of thick blood bubbles. I don't know if the lungs were broken or some internal organs were damaged. In short, it was heartbreaking pain.

I wanted to raise my hand to get up, but I found that I had no strength to lift it.

I've been injured before, but it's definitely not serious this time.

But when I hit the wall before, I must feel dizzy, but this time I was surprisingly clear.

I heard that people are so awake when they are seriously injured and die, so I think I may die now.

The blood at the corners of my mouth was still flowing, but at this time, the white-haired old man kicked me fiercely in the stomach again.

Although my liver and intestines are broken, I don't have the strength to get up and hug my stomach.

There was just a howling in his throat, and even blood bubbles spewed out of his nose.

The white-haired old man wanted to kick me again, but at this moment, someone behind him stretched out his hand to hold the old man.

I lay on my side on my side and saw that it was a woman.

I am very familiar with this woman. She is Dr. Meichuan.

It's just that compared with the previous light, it looks awkward at this moment.

Her lipstick is blurred, her hair is as messy as a ball of grass, her face is full of small scratches, and one hand is still hanging, which seems to be injured.

Needless to say, this must be Xie Yuting did it.

I lied to Meichuan before. It should be said that it was all my harm that she became like this. I know that she must hate me very much.

But although her eyes looking at me at this moment are full of resentment, her hand grasps the white-haired old man's hand tightly.

I was thinking about why she saved me, so I heard her say, "If you die, you can't make it into a thunder corpse. Come on, cut off its legs first, and then inject brain toxins. I'm going to make it into a thunder corpse that can only crawl on the ground and suffer from my mother's **."

Hearing what she said, the white-haired old man stopped his hand and said with a gloomy smile, "You still know how to play, my baby!"

With that, she hugged Meichuan and kissed him.

I can't speak, otherwise I must scold the dog man and woman. At this moment, I can only grit my teeth and look at them with red eyes.

I was furious, but there was nowhere to vent, and I almost bit my teeth to bleed.

At this time, two soldiers with Japanese knives came up.

They flattened my body, pulled my trousers to my thighs, exposed my legs, and then wiped the Japanese knife with a white handkerchief, aimed at my leg and was about to be cut off.

I finished speaking, closed my eyes and gritted my teeth fiercely.

But at this time, a woman's voice came over: "Let go of her, you demons!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman stumbled over and knocked two soldiers with knives away.

When I saw that it was Liang Qian, I couldn't help but be very worried.

I wanted to tell her not to mind her own business so as not to be tortured, but when this sentence came to her throat, it only turned into a hissing gasp.

At this time, the white-haired old man next to him grabbed Liang Qian's hair and lifted her up in the air.

Liang Qian's face turned white with pain, and her scalp was about to be torn off, but she still gritted her teeth and insisted.

The white-haired old man smiled and said, "It looks good, especially for these dark eyes. If brain toxins are injected into the eyeballs, the picture of skin atrophy must be wonderful. Come on, give me a brain toxin."

I remembered the appearance of those thunder corpses before, and my face was full of wrinkles, which turned out to be caused by brain toxins.

And now, Liang Qian is about to become like that.

Although I was of the same heart, I couldn't help watching the white-haired old man raise the needle and insert it into Liang Qian's eyes...