long candle

Chapter 242 Strange Dream

It was hard to close the door and start the bus, and thousands of fans followed us for more than a miles.

Looking at the crowd getting farther and farther away, I took a few sips of water and said, "I didn't expect that Japanese fans are really enthusiastic."

Nicholas Tse next to

said, "But I don't think real stars will be as embarrassed as us when they come."

Chen Guanxi answered, "That's because others have a formal security team. We are short of funds and can't afford to hire security guards, so that's all we can do."

Yu Wenle was not willing to be lonely and said, "Japanese women are all good-looking when watching the film, but why is there no one to watch just now?"

His words opened everyone's chat box and said that he didn't know if he could shake hands with Mr. Cang this time, and Long Zeluo and so on were also good.

As they were chatting enthusiastically, Xie Yuting coughed a few times and said to Nicholas Tse, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Nicholas Tse took out the green hat in his hand and showed it to Xie Yuting.

Xie Yuting stood up and took the hat, then turned the whole hat over, and we saw a copper wire at the top of the inner layer of the pointed hat.

Xie Yuting frowned and burned his hat with a lighter without saying a word.

We watched him finish this without saying anything.

Until he took out a piece of copper from the ashes of his hat with a knife, we gasped.

Because of this thing, it is a miniature eavesdropper.

Xie Yuting looked at the stars around him and said seriously, "What else have you taken and handed them over."

Obviously, these people are all trained, and they all say that they have not received any gifts.

But in the end, we still found a sticky gum on the sole of Yu Wenle's shoes.

In the chewing gum, it is also a miniature eavesdropper.

After dealing with all the suspicious things on his body, Xie Yuting said, "The people who stare at us are not simple. Maybe they are the group of people we met on the ship last time. We may have been exposed now."

After thinking about it, I frowned and asked, "Those people won't monitor all Chinese people, will they?"

Xie Yuting understood what I meant and said, "Of course not. I don't know how they know our real identity. Maybe there are insiders among us, or maybe we accidentally showed our feet. In short, we are public figures now, and they should not openly attack us. Next, no one is allowed to take it off*. If we want to pretend, we have to install it to the end.

While talking, the car has stopped slowly and we have arrived at the place.

Fortunately, we did not enter through the main entrance, but entered the mall from the underground parking lot. The parking lot has been martial by the mall security to ensure that we are unimpeded all the way.

Next, we spent an hour doing publicity activities for the mall.

In fact, it's just to come out and make a picture, and then send gifts to everyone and interact with them to play games.

When doing the activity, I noticed that several people in black vests had been walking around the field, and their eyes were full of misforth, obviously staring at the eyes of those of us.

After the event, the merchant specially invited us to a famous local restaurant for dinner. This restaurant is not luxurious, but the decoration is exquisite.

Obviously, although fans can't tell whether it's true or false, the merchants still know our origin, so they didn't spend a hard time to invite us.

Or, if our publicity effect hadn't been good, they wouldn't have bothered to invite them to dinner.

Although it is not particularly high-grade, we are still very happy.

We ordered one of rice ball sushi and ramen barbecue, and we had a good time.

Not to mention how Japan is, their cuisine is really good.

After dinner, we returned to the hotel smoothly. Although we were exhausted, Xie Yuting did not let us rest immediately, but held an urgent meeting.

Xie Yuting told us that we were going to be interviewed by a radio station tomorrow, but they were rejected by him. The above means that the longer we stay here, the more dangerous it will be. Tomorrow we will travel to the Liujia Mountain Scenic Area outside Kobe to find what we want.

We are relieved to hear that, because although being a star is beautiful, no one wants to experience the experience outside the hotel again this morning.

Xie Yuting told us to close the doors and windows at night, not to let the service staff into the room, not to call, and to go to bed early.

I dare not neglect it. After returning to the room, I will do everything as Xie Yuting said.

The next morning, we held another meeting and briefly explained some details of the action.

Our destination is an ancient shrine deep in Mountliu jia.

The shrine is very large. It is dedicated to a god 600 years ago and was the main concentration of believers all over Japan at that time. Nowadays, the shrine has been abandoned for many years, but there is a lot of information in it that is very useful for Xie Yuting, so the purpose of our trip is to get these materials.

It is obviously impossible for an abandoned shrine to require so many people to act together.

I guess this shrine is definitely not as simple as Xie Yuting said. Maybe it's a place like a palace or a maze.

After the meeting, Nie Chuan stayed with me and asked Yuting two questions.

One is when to find Liang Qian's antidote, and the other is whether the shrine is related to the previous white-haired old man.

Xie Yuting did not avoid it and answered us one by one.

He said that the last time that herb was found was in Liujia Mountain, our purpose this time is to find herbs by the way, in addition to going to the shrine to find information.

The second question, Xie Yuting's answer is unknown, but from the information he got, the shrine may still be the nest of some dangerous elements.

The reason for the closure of the shrine that year was that the Japanese government found that believers often gathered privately, raised a large amount of materials and plotted.

In order to prevent the formation of armed forces that threaten the government, the shrine was forced to close.

According to reason, the shrine is closed and the believers are dispersed, so this matter is over.

But since then, the locals have found that a large number of soldiers often go through the mountains to the shrine. Once they enter, they don't come out for ten days and a half months. They don't know what to do in it.

Some villagers said that the shrine often had lights on at night, and some people had seen five or six helicopters parked outside the shrine.

In fact, these are all internal affairs in Japan and have nothing to do with the family.

However, this shrine not only has its minions, but also grows secretly, threatening the existence of the family, so today's trip.

I said to myself that we were called to help you solve the family's grievances.

Xie Yuting said that this matter is not only a matter of Xie's family, but also has a deep relationship with my grandfather. Otherwise, they would have so many good hands in Xie's family and wouldn't have to call me here specially.

In the final analysis, Xie Yuting is still trying to help me, because as long as he helps me, he can help many people.

I don't understand what he means and can't figure it out, but I always have a hunch that this matter, as Xie Yuting said, has a lot to do with me.

That night, Xie Yuting sent us the equipment, which was basically the equipment needed for outdoor camping and mountaineering. He put it on us with a large mountaineering backpack. The brand also followed the local customs, all from the back to back.

I see that there is everything in the equipment, but there are no guns. It is not surprising to know that Japan has strict control over guns.

For the next trip, I'm going to have a good sleep first.

I heard that the scenery of Liujia Mountain is very beautiful, especially the maple leaves and flower fields, which are among the best landscapes in the world. Unfortunately, it is not the right time for us to come. The maple leaves are not red, and the flowers are almost gone, but it's good to look at the very humane monkeys on the mountain.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep.

I slept soundly this night, but when I slept until midnight, I suddenly had a strange dream.

I dreamed that I was sitting in my grandfather's yard reading a book. The content of the book was very vague, but I read it very seriously.

When I was fascinated, my cousin handed me a package and said that it was sent to me by my grandfather.

When I opened the package, I was almost scared to death by the contents.