long candle

Chapter 249 Capture

But when we reached the other side, we only saw a huge back more than two meters high open the bushes and quickly ran to the mountain. We couldn't catch up.

Xie Yuting put the knife back into the scabbard and scolded, "This monster is so fucking strong that it let it run away."

We were all speechless and could only watch the trees on the top of the mountain tumbling. Obviously, the thing had overturned the mountain and escaped.

After a while, Gu Tianle shouted below, "Come and see, the monster's hand is still with me."

Next, a group of us gathered around the monster's hand and argued. We didn't know how the monster felt when they saw it.

First of all, we are sure that this hand has skin, flesh and bones, which is indeed the arm of some kind of humanoid creature.

Secondly, we found that the fingernails of this thing are directly connected to the bone, and the strength of the bone is much stronger than that of ordinary animals, almost as hard as steel.

We looked at the fracture of its arm and found a row of tooth marks. Obviously, this guy bit off his own hand. It can be imagined that its teeth must also be horrible.

The only thing that surprised us was that the blood of this monster was as red as human blood.

So in the end, we concluded that this is some kind of humanoid animal.

No one can tell whether it is the legendary Kuroda Temple or not. After all, people would rather believe that this is an unknown animal than admit that there are monsters in the world.

We threw that hand into the mountain casually, and we found a way to open the door of the house.

At this time, we found that the house was not as bright as outside, but full of dust and cobwebs.

We carefully walked forward and looked around with a flashlight.

At this time, we found that the room was basically empty, only in the middle of the room, there was a statue of a thunder cloud monk, which was also full of dust.

Next to the statue of Leiyun Monk, there is a wooden ladder leading to the roof compartment.

Xie Yuting sent Lao San and Lao Si to have a look. As a result, they soon let out a wow, and then threw down the skulls of many kinds of animals and people, some of which had not yet rotted with skin.

All these skulls have opened a hole, and their brains have been sucked dry, which looks very horrible.

While avoiding the skulls that fell at his feet, Nobita said, "Well, we are really like Tang monks taking scriptures from the west, and it is a great harm to the people."

Unexpectedly, at this time, Nie Chuan and I said at the same time, "Bajie did a good job. Go back to the master and get a reward."

After saying that, we looked at each other and were a little embarrassed.

Daxiong said angrily, "*, don't always learn from Nie Chuan. I always feel that you are more and more like him."

I was speechless for a while and didn't know what to say.

At first, I actually pretended to be good, but a person's true temperament will definitely be exposed if it takes a long time. After all, I'm not *, and I can't always be the same as him.

Thinking about it, I feel that maybe I will be exposed soon.

Thinking about it, Xie Yuting next to him said, "I think this house is very strange."

Nie Chuan answered, "Yes, there is nothing in this house. There is only a statue of Monk Lei Yun. It doesn't look like someone once lived there. It looks like deliberately raising monsters to kill people."

Nobita answered, "You mean, this is another trap?"

Xie Yuting touched his chin and said, "How many monsters have we met so far?"

I calculated and said, "If those movable Tibetan Bodhisattva statues are counted, there should be three."

Xie Yuting nodded and said, "I think it seems that someone wants to tell us that Japanese monsters exist."

"What's the use of telling us this? Is it for us to see the breadth and depth of Japanese culture? Fourth brother Xie Tingfeng said.

Xie Yuting shook his head and said, "No, this is a warning, warning us not to get close..."

He did not finish this sentence, but looked in the direction of the shrine.

We all followed his eyes and looked there.

I think everyone is as worried as I am.

Seeing that we stopped talking, Xie Yuting shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm kidding. Since we've all come here, is there any reason not to go in?"

Although he said so, we all saw the worries in his heart.

Because if the monsters in Japanese legends are all real, then Kuroda Temple is just a small Luoluo. The virtual left energy and eight-spot snake in Japanese mythology are not a joke.

Thinking of this, I always feel that the story is developing more and more in the direction of Naruto, and I can't help but be speechless.

All of us walked out of the yard in silence.

After a few steps, Xie Yuting stopped again, pointed to the front and said, "Look, it seems that the path has not only connected this room."

I saw that, as expected, the road disappeared after arriving at the house, but when we walked around the yard and walked in the back of the yard, the path appeared again.

Xie Yuting looked at me, then looked at Nie Chuan and said, "I don't think the monster of Kuroda Temple will come to visit if he has nothing to do."

I nodded and said, "This road must be formed by people or animals for a long time."

At this time, Nobita's face turned white again and said, "Is this path related to the night walk of hundreds of ghosts?" Those monsters pass through here in groups every night, so they leave such a path?

I looked at him and Xie Yuting again without saying anything.

Xie Yuting looked at his watch and said, "It's 11 o'clock in the morning. Let's try to complete the task and leave here before night comes."

I know that what Xie Yuting said is impossible, because it doesn't take three or five days or even more than ten days to enter the ruins?

However, since Xie Yuting said so, we also secretly accelerated our pace.

The shrine is a temple-style building, but it does not mean that it is a temple.

When we came around the mountain where the shrine was located, we found that a closed moat had been built along the whole mountain.

This moat is about five or six meters wide, and the water inside has dried up, but it is too deep to see to the bottom.

Seeing this moat, I understand more and more why the shrine was banned, because this construction structure is simply the size of a royal city.

Only organizations with troops and weapons will build castles to defend against foreign enemies.

Nobita suggested that we go straight down to the moat and climb on the other side.

In fact, this is the most direct and simplest way, but there are obviously many unknown dangers.

Because no one knows what monsters have been raised in this bottomless moat.

Not to mention any powerful monsters, even a few more Kuroda Temples are enough for us to stand.

Xie Yuting means that every castle must have a gate. As long as you find the gate and find a way to put down the suspension bridge, or find the suspension bridge, it can cost a lot less.

Of course, we all think that the method of solving Yuting is more feasible, so it's boring to want to be the boss.

Fortunately, the flat-top mountain in front of us is not very large. Even if we have to go around, it will take less than three hours.

And there are still many paths connected around this mountain, so it is easy to walk.

While we were on guard, we walked forward. Every time we walked, we would leave Lao San to set some simple traps, which can be said to be step by step.

Lao San didn't let us watch when digging the trap, but under our questioning, he still told us a secret.

is that each trap is equipped with a simple electronic sensor. As long as someone falls into the trap, the sensor will send a signal to his mobile phone, and he can judge which trap caught the enemy and in what direction.

I heard it strangely. I wanted to continue to ask him why he dug traps so quickly, but I didn't expect that his mobile phone made a dripping sound at this time.

Everyone was sitting under a big tree to rest, but as soon as they heard the sound, they immediately stared at it.

At this time, Lao San looked at his mobile phone and looked a little pale. He said, "It's a trap that has just been buried. It's less than 100 meters away from us."

When Xie Yuting heard this, he immediately stood up and said, "Let's go and see what we caught."