long candle

Chapter 257 Muramasa

We hurriedly looked back and saw a gorgeous snake with about the thickness of wheels lying on the top of the bamboo forest.

This snake is black all over, with small yellow spots, which looks very scary.

We didn't see the snake's head, but only saw a snake looming in the depths of the bamboo leaves. It was crawling back. It seemed that it was chasing us and didn't catch up, intending to dive into the bamboo forest again.

Such a thick snake was enough to give me goose bumps, but at this time, the snake actually let out a howling like a night owl, which made my hair stand up.

The three of us stood still in a daze and watched the snake fade away, and we couldn't speak for a while.

After a while, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "It's good that we run fast, otherwise this guy won't even have enough to stuff his teeth."

Nie Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, I think most of those tired white bones are due to this snake."

I looked at the two of them and said, "Let's not go back from the bamboo forest later. No one can tell how many monsters there are in it."

Nobita nodded hurriedly and said, "I won't go in again."

After saying this, he grinned and covered the wound on his arm.

I asked him to take his hand away, and I saw that the wound was a little darker, and there were many red spots around the black wound, which looked very serious.

I frowned and said, "No, we have to find some glutinous rice to extract poison for Daxiong, otherwise..."

Before I finished speaking, Nobita said with a bitter face, "I don't want to become a zongzi."

I shook my head and said, "The poison won't turn you into a zongzi, but you will turn into pus and die."

When Nobita heard this, his face turned white and said, "But where are we going to find glutinous rice now?"

Actually, I don't know where to find glutinous rice, but I know that people in the Japanese shogunate era like to drink rice wine, which is made of glutinous rice.

The shelf life of glutinous rice is very long. Ordinary glutinous rice can be stored in a sealed space for three or four years, and the shelf life of glutinous rice is as long as 100 years. If we can find a jar, it may be able to use it.

After listening to my idea, they all said that it was feasible, because in addition to planting flowers and plants in the backyard, the kitchen is generally here.

As long as you find a place to store food, it is very likely to find glutinous rice wine.

At this point, we accelerated our pace and moved forward.

The winding path we take leads to the depths of the grass.

The bluestone slabs are full of green weeds and moss. Fortunately, the weather will be sunny, otherwise it will be very slippery.

We walked deep along this stone road and observed the plants by the roadside from time to time, and found that they were all useless weeds. Even if there are some herbs, they are common wild herbs.

I smashed some wormwood and applied it to Nobita's hand, hoping to relieve the poison of the body.

wormwood is a relatively effective disinfection Chinese medicine. Often stewing eggs with wormwood or bathing can prevent cancer.

After applying wormwood, Daxiong's expression is obviously much easier and no longer hurts, but this is only temporary. I know that glutinous rice must be used to completely remove the corpse poison.

As we walked, suddenly there seemed to be a thatched hut in the grass in front of us.

Although this thatched house is too simple and rough compared with those palaces, it is not like a kitchen.

But we can't miss any opportunity to investigate now. If this grass house is used to store food, it is possible to find wine.

So all three of us decided to go to the grass house to have a look.

The road to the grass house has long been blocked by weeds, and we can only cut down the weeds with the sabre we carry with us.

When we slowly walked to the front of the grass house, we found that there were some stone mills and mills at the door of the grass house, but it was covered with dust and grass.

We are all happy, because this place was obviously a place to process ingredients, and it may be a warehouse.

Although the door of the grass house was closed, it was already rotten. Daxiong kicked the door open with his signature foot and rushed over first.

As soon as Daxiong entered the door, he said, "What?" A sound.

It seemed that he had found something strange, but he didn't seem to care much. He fanned the front with his hand and seemed to open something.

I saw that he didn't care, and I didn't care, so I followed him forward. As a result, I just walked over and the thing he pushed away swung back.

I thought it was very casual, so I caught it casually with my hand.

But when I saw what was in my hand, I was really scared.

Because what I have in my hand is actually an upside down skeleton.

One of its legs was hung on the beam by a rope, and a long knife was inserted in the bones of its chest, which seemed to be hung after being killed.

The skeleton opened its mouth wide, and my two fingers were inserted in his empty eyes.

I saw that he seemed to have been killed by me, so I hurriedly withdrew my hand and said to myself, "I'm sorry..."

At this time, Nobita looked back at me and said with a smile, "How's it going? Isn't that enough surprise?"

I scolded, "You guys are getting more and more nervous, and even this is casually pushed away?"

Nobita spread out his hands and said, "I'm not afraid of anything except ghosts."

After saying that, he turned around and walked to the inner room, then found a cabinet and found it.

I looked around and found that unlike what we thought, this house was not a warehouse for ingredients, but more like a subordinate's home.

Because I saw the bed and all kinds of living supplies.

But I can't figure out why a subordinate was killed at home.

At this time, Nie Chuan called me in the back: "*, you see, this murderous knife looks a little strange."

I hurriedly turned around and saw Nie Chuan observing the knife inserted into the dead man.

I saw at a glance what was strange about the knife he said, because the knife looked dustless and new.

If this person died here 300 years ago, this knife would have rusted. There was no stainless steel in ancient times.

Unless it is sealed in the scabbard, no matter how good the steel is, it will rust.

I think this knife is black as a whole, which looks like an ordinary Japanese knife, but there is a faint black glow on the knife body, which does not look very ordinary.

Nie Chuan wanted to pull the knife out of the skeleton shelf with his hand. I grabbed him and said, "Don't move."

Nie Chuan looked at me doubtfully and asked, "What's going on?"

I pointed around the house and said, "Look, this house has no windows."

Nie Chuan didn't understand why I wanted to talk about the warehouse and looked at me more doubtfully.

I smiled and said, "Did you see how the door was closed when Nobita kicked in just now?"

Nie Chuan recalled for a moment and said, "It should not be locked from the outside."

I nodded and pointed to the direction of the door and said, "I just noticed that the door was inserted from the inside, because the latch was broken by Daxiong, and there was a new mark on the door frame."

Nie Chuan seemed to understand something and said, "You mean, this person inserted the door by himself."

I nodded and said, "Unless we find other bones in the house, this man will commit suicide."

When Nie Chuan heard me say this and went to see the skeleton, he said, "It's so strange. Since he committed suicide, why did he hang himself up? Is there any special significance?"

I pointed to this knife and said, "Have you heard of Muramasa?"

Nie Chuan nodded and said, "The village is a famous knife in Japan. It does not refer to a knife, but to a batch of famous knives named after the foundry. However, I heard that although this knife is sharp, the casting process is very special, which makes the knife people vulnerable to demons."

I nodded and added, "Then you must have heard that some villages will have their own consciousness. The more people you kill, the more evil they will be, and because they kill too many people, they can absorb the essence in their blood so that they will not rust."

Nie Chuan asked, "Do you mean that this knife killed this person?"

I nodded and said, "So if you don't want to become like him, it's better not to touch the knife."