long candle

Chapter 263 New Woman

I was also a little confused when I heard what he said. According to the boy's skills, it must not be an ordinary person or a monster that can hurt him. So the fight just now must have been very fierce, but why does it seem so neat here as the scene of the fight?

Also, we still haven't figured out who is lighting the lamp here, the guy, or the person who injured him?

After looking around, we finally put our sights on the lamp.

* said that if you don't die, you won't die, but in the end, we continued to investigate this room after being advised.

Looking at the lamp on the table for a while, Nobita was the first to reach out and want to pick it up.

However, when Nobita's hand approached the lamp, we clearly saw that the lamp seemed to move aside.

We were all stunned to see this strange scene.

Just like the devils entering the village to chase the flower girl, the more the flower girl runs, the more excited the devil will be.

Nobita is like this now. Looking at the lamp move away, he pounced even harder.

He stretched out his hands to grab the lamp, but the lamp still moved a little faster than him.

Nobita was annoyed and wanted to jump on it again.

I saw that the lamp had reached the edge of the table, so I grabbed Nobita and prevented him from continuing to catch it.

Otherwise, once the lamp falls on the ground and goes out, then we will have to get dark.

For us who have flashlights, it is not a terrible thing to touch the dark, but once the lamp goes out, it is difficult for us to find it again.

I just stopped Nobita, and the lamp with her back to us stood on the edge of the table, like an innocent girl who was forced to die, and slowly turned around.

Although I don't know why this thing can move, I know that this lamp can't be a cargo.

However, seeing it turn slowly, I feel that it seems to have some aura.

The bronze man under the lamp had his back to us. After he slowly turned around, we saw its ridiculous head.

The lamp was originally a happy expression with his eyes laughing into a crack, but when he completely turned around, his squint eyes suddenly opened up.

I don't know whether it was set off by the firelight or its eyes could shine. In short, we saw the terracotta's eyes emitting a faint red light.

With the appearance of red light, the flame on the wick in the bowl behind it gradually turned blue and became darker and darker.

Looking at this strange phenomenon, we all have an ominous feeling.

Sure enough, when the wick darkened, there were suddenly bursts of painful shouts around.

I looked around and found that there were many people on the surrounding walls.

These figures are all skinny, some crying, some rolling on the ground, and in short, their expressions are very painful.

I was looking furry when Nobita pointed to the top of our heads and said, "Look, what is that?"

Nie Chuan and I looked up at the same time and found that there was a huge spider web-shaped shadow on the roof, which was slowly expanding.

This spider web is slowly falling as if it were going to cover us.

And in the center of the spider web is a black hole-like circular space.

There seems to be a woman's face slowly probing out of that space.

At first, we only saw the woman's nose and closed eyes, and gradually, her mouth and chin slowly appeared.

When her neck came out of the darkness of nothingness, she suddenly opened a pair of dark eyes, and then opened her mouth full of sharp teeth, sending a deep hiss to us.

Nobita was sweating and wanted to find a place to hide, but he found that there were many thick spider webs with hemp rope in the air. No matter which direction he went, he would be stuck by these dense spider webs.

We were all dumbfounded, and at this time, in the nothingness above her head, the woman's two bayonet-like front paws had come out.

"This is... the bride! No wonder that man will get hurt too! Come on, run!" Nie Chuan looked at the spider-like woman on her head and said.

The bride is one of the most horrible and dangerous monsters in Japan. She not only looks strange, but also has little chance of meeting her alive because she can spit silk and weave nets to catch her prey.

Fast and highly poisonous, is the most distinctive feature of the bride. Being bitten by a Daluo immortal can't save you.

From ancient times to the present, countless people have died in the hands of the bride. In her spider nest, they are full of human bones.

And we are now in the net of the most terrible monster.

"No, I can't run away. I think I can only fight." Looking at the thicker silk threads around him, Daxiong gritted his teeth.

I also pulled out a knife from my waist and was ready to lose.

And at this time, the lamp on the table gradually regained its brightness.

As the lights became brighter and brighter, those cobwebs and the brides above their heads gradually disappeared and finally turned into a wisp of smoke.

Our three colleagues breathed a breath of cold sweat.

"It seems that this lamp is used to seal demons." Nie Chuan said while wiping his sweat.

"That's not better. Take it up and we won't be afraid of any monsters anymore." Nobita said and reached out to get it again.

I hurriedly stopped him and said, "It was just a threat. Now if you provoke it again, maybe more monsters will come out."

As soon as Nobita heard it, he stopped his hand, but he still muttered: "It's a pity to finally meet a real baby."

We walked around the house again and found nothing else. We climbed down the original stairs again.

At this time, we saw the newly ground inkstone on the table again, and everyone was puzzled.

Obviously, it is impossible for the boy on the roof just now to grind ink, because we didn't see any new paintings.

So we still have no answer to who grinded this inkstone.

At this time, I noticed that there was a small stone seal next to the inkstone.

The chapter was ivory, only the thickness of the little finger, so we didn't see it at the beginning.

At this time, I walked over and picked up the inn and looked at it. Although I didn't know the Katakana above, I saw that this chapter was the same as the seal on the nine-tailed demon fox outside.

I'm going to take this seal and ask Xie Yuting.

We went downstairs along the same road, passed through the hall that seemed to be inhabited, and came to the trestle outside.

At this time, the three of us looked up at the same time and saw that the light was still on.

Suddenly, we felt that this slightly strange light seemed to bring us a lot of security.

We were watching. Suddenly, Nie Chuan pointed to the window on the third floor and said, "Look, there seems to be someone there."

He didn't say that we hadn't seen it clearly, but as soon as he said it, we all saw that there was really a young man sitting in the place where the man who just gave the seed sat on the fruit.

But now this man is obviously wearing clothes from the Edo period in Japan.

The man, holding a drawing board in his hand and looking at the moon in the sky, seems to be painting the starry sky.

"Why didn't we see this man when we were on it just now?" Nie Chuan said.

Listening to Nie Chuan's words, Daxiong began to feel fury and stammed, "And... Don't look at it. Let's go quickly."

We were lifting our legs to walk when suddenly, there was another sound of a flute on the roof.

The sound of the flute was exactly the same as that of the man with a black knife just now. We thought the man came back and looked up at the roof again.

And as we looked up, the teenager on the roof was also looking at us.

I can see clearly that he is wearing a red and white robe and a black pointed hat on his head, which should be the dress of the clergy.

The teenager is very handsome, holding a flute in his mouth and squinting his eyes, as if he is smiling at us.

I always feel that this person is very familiar, but I can't remember who he is for a moment.

But when I see this person's face, I always feel that he should not be a bad person.

I was looking at the teenager, but he suddenly put down the flute in his hand and his face became serious.

He looked around, and then made a few driving postures with the back of his hand, as if to make us go quickly.