long candle

Chapter 258 Armor Tomb

The three of us fell into the mud at the bottom of the water and struggled to get up.

When we stood up, we found that the water did not flood the whole channel, and our heads could still be exposed on the water.

In this way, we don't have to worry about being drowned by the water. Follow the thrust of the water and start to move forward.

As he walked, Nobita scolded behind, "*, what's wrong with you? If this hole is completely water, let's see how you get out!"

I admit that what I did just now was a little impulsive, but since the water is still flowing inside, it means that the space inside has not been filled.

The river has been filled with water for so long and has not filled this cave, indicating that there is a lot of space inside.

But now I don't have time to explain so much to Nobita, but step forward.

Because I found that the water still continues to rise. If you don't go faster, you will really be drowned.

Fortunately, we continued to walk forward for a while, and the form of the cave began to extend upward from gentle.

After entering the climbing stage, the water became shallower and shallower, and soon we left the water.

At this time, I found that the reason why the waterway was not full was that when digging the cave, these people flowed a lot of thumb-sized drainage holes on the wall of the cave. It seems that they knew that they might dig to the bottom of the river before.

Walking up the ascending channel, we find that we may not have to go down to the ground this time, because we are very close to the ground.

Sure enough, after walking forward for a while, we came to a wide open space.

But when we saw something in the open space, we were stunned for a moment.

Don't think that we will be so surprised only when we see monsters or enemies. This time, we only see countless armor.

However, these armors are not ordinary armors. Each armor is the armor once worn by famous Japanese generals, at least in the same style.

Japan is a militaristic country. In China, only some famous generals have their own unique armor, such as Ma Chao and Zhao Yun. However, in Japan, not only powerful generals have their own armor, but also generals and celebrities who rarely participate in wars have their own armor.

The more famous armor belongs to the crescent helmet of Ida Masamune and the rice ear armor of Tokugawa Ieyasu, etc.

And now, in front of us, almost all famous generals in the Warring States period in Japan actually have the armor.

In order to prove the authenticity of these armors, we approached a recent armor to check.

This armor should be the antler armor of Sanada Yukimura, a very famous general in Japanese history.

It is hung on a wooden chair in a sitting posture.

We went up and observed for a long time and found that no matter the material, age or firmness, it was not fake.

However, I have seen the picture of Sanada Yukimura's armor on the Internet. It should not be in the museum but in the memorial hall. In short, it can't be here.

So is this imitation of the same era? But what's the use of imitating this armor? I don't know.

Looking around, I found that this place was terribly quiet, like a tomb of armor, with an indescribable strange atmosphere.

At this time, Nobita next to him said, "What the hell is this place?" Why can't you see the stars?

Hearing what he said, I looked up. Sure enough, I couldn't see a star in the sky.

Even if the weather is bad, there will always be a little light, and now there is no light at all, like in a cave.

However, it was said that it was in the cave, but there was a breeze around it, which felt very strange.

With the light of the flashlight, we shined everywhere and didn't see anything like a hole wall.

Our flashlight is a professional wolf-eye flashlight, which can illuminate an unexpected distance of 200 meters after adjusting to the maximum focal length, but it seems to be useless here, because no matter how we adjust the direction and focal length, we can never see the projection of the light spot.

In the face of such a strange situation, we didn't say anything, but buried our heads and walked forward.

To be honest, everyone is a little helpless now. We were going to meet Xie Yuting, but now I have come to an inexplicable place because of my impulse.

However, it is obvious that neither of them blame me, because everyone is attracted by the strange things in front of them.

I walked forward while thinking about what was on my mind.

And at this time, a figure suddenly flashed not far away.

Our three colleagues were surprised and quickly followed.

But I don't know whether we moved slowly or the man hid and shone everywhere, but we couldn't find anyone.

"Did you see it too?" Nie Chuan patted me on the shoulder and asked with a frown.

I nodded and said, "It should be a man."

Nobita muttered, "Damn it, he's a sneaky guy. He has the ability to come out and fight head-on."

I made a silent gesture for him because I heard a strange movement at this time.

Nobita didn't say anything, because he also heard the movement.

Squeaky, squeaky.

The sound is intermittent, but very sharp, like the sound made by some animal scratching the rocks on the ground with its claws.

However, although the thing is clawing the ground, it does not seem to move, because the sound always comes from one place.

We hurriedly accelerated our pace and bypassed the two rows of armor and suddenly saw a black thing lying on the ground.

When we shine a flashlight, we can see that this thing is actually a spider-like bug.

However, the bug is very long, and its whole body is dark. The claws are as sharp as a sickle. It keeps scratching the ground and has caught several deep marks.

This guy is not digging a hole, because it was given to the ground by a black knife.

We are most familiar with this knife, that is, the village that can make people evil.

"It seems that the boy with a hood has just been here." Nie Chuan said to me.

I nodded and said, "But why didn't you take the knife away? Instead, set the bug here.

After thinking about it, we don't know the answer.

Nobita wanted to take the knife back from the bug, but I stopped it.

Because I don't know whether the bug will come back to life after pulling out the knife, it is fixed here, which means that it should not be easy to kill and dangerous, so the hood boy came up with this.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is...

I was just about to say that suddenly, there was a bang in our ears, like the sound when the security door at home was closed hard.

"What is this? ..." The other two were stunned for a moment and shone around with a flashlight.

After taking photos for a while, we didn't find anything.

But at this time, there seemed to be a voice from above his head.

The voice is very low, like countless people whispering.

This sound made my scalp numb, and I felt that the sound just now seemed to have been opened.

Before I could figure it out, a huge soft white object suddenly fell not far ahead of us.

When I fixed my eyes, it turned out to be a man.

It's just that this man is so thin that he has almost only skin and bones, constantly twisting on the ground.

All three of us saw that our scalp was numb. We don't know what it is.

At this time, more such things fell from the top of the head.

They kept twisting their bodies with painful expressions, but they couldn't make any sound.

Soon, we were surrounded by such things.

But fortunately, they did not mean to hurt people, but struggled with their own pain.

When I was a little at peace in my heart, suddenly, the skin of these things exploded like flowers.

In their skin, there is no blood, no flesh, only a black thing squirming.

Those things are like drilling and accidentally digging oil, constantly spewing out of these thin men's bodies.

When black things are completely separated from the body, I find that these things are not **, but creatures close to molluscs.