long candle

Chapter 265 The Executor

I really want to ask what was approaching, but when it came to my mouth, I remembered that he wouldn't let us talk.

Although we couldn't speak, the little brother still gave us a winc win. He meant that we should find a place to hide.

There is no other hiding place except those tombstones, so the three of us found a tombstone and hid behind.

All three of us turned off the flashlight in our hands, and only my little brother's flashlight was on.

He stood in the tombstone group with an ancient knife in his hand, looking like a heroic and lonely warrior from a distance.

In a short time, a huge shadow appeared not far from the little brother.

I can't imagine what that thing is, because it looks like a rotten mop or a color ball used by cheerleaders.

In a word, this thing is composed of countless chains. In the center of the chain, there seems to be a black thing, which is its body.

As it walks, the chain extends like a tentacle, hooks the tombstone on the ground, and drags its body to move.

How can the chain be controlled like a tentacle? This question arises in my mind.

However, when the monster became more and more dependent, I saw that the things on its body were not exactly chains, and some of them were gray tentacles very similar to the chains, ticking mucus.

Some of the tentacles are used to drag their heavy bodies, while the other part of the tentacles stand in the air like a detector. The whole body looks six or seven meters high, like a huge sea urchin.

Seeing this thing coming, the little brother still looked a little nervous and couldn't help but tighten the ancient knife in his hand.

In addition to our breathing sound, we can also hear the squeak of the little brother's hands due to too much force.

It was this squeak that made the monster's two tentacles standing in the air suddenly tremble, and then it instantly locked the target, stretched out two rubber-like tentacles, pulled the tombstone in front of it, and flew over.

I didn't expect this thing to be so** to sound, and I didn't expect it to move so quickly. I was really shocked.

However, it was obvious that the little brother reacted faster than us. Just as the sea urchin-like thing flew over, he jumped and rushed out to the side.

The monster threw himself into the air and fell to the ground with a thump, making the whole ground tremble.

Next, we saw it quickly grab two tombstones with its tentacles and stabilize its body. The front of the tentacles shot at the ground like rubber bands.

As soon as the little brother got up from the ground, he saw such a sharp attack and immediately rolled to the side again.

Those tentacles jingled on the ground, actually creating several dents on the bronze-cast ground.

Seeing that the little brother avoided the attack, the monster made a polar roar and fired three or four more tentacles.

This time, the little brother was ready to step on a tombstone next to him and made a backflip in the air.

Those tentacles hit the tombstone one after another, knocking the tombstone backwards.

But before he could shrink his tentacles, the little brother had finished the backflip posture, fell from the air, and inserted a knife into one of the tentacles.

Seeing such a beautiful fight, I almost stood up and clap my hands.

But at this time, when we suddenly looked at the money, the body of the sea urchin-like monster suddenly grew more than twice.

Look carefully, it turned out that it was not that the body had grown up, but that it launched all the tentacles on its body, just like the performance when the sea urchin received stimulation.

But this 360-degree attack almost killed me.

A tentacle pierced less than ten centimeters above my head, and the wind from the tentacles alone made me feel pain.

I hurriedly shrank my neck and hid behind the tombstone.

After slowing down, I immediately worried about my brother, because I don't know if he can dodge from such a sudden and intensive attack.

When I saw that the tentacles shrank back from the top of my head, I immediately looked out.

Through the judgment of the light source, I immediately found my brother.

He stood in front of a tombstone, holding an ancient black knife in his hand, with a chill on his face.

A few twisting tentacles lying not far in front of his body, obviously cut off by him just now.

I don't know how the little brother cut off a few tentacles at such a fast speed, and I can only admire them secretly.

However, although the little brother is not dead, his clothes are torn several times and they are ticking blood.

I saw the little brother gasping and knew that he didn't feel well.

At this time, the sea urchin-like monster slowly began to contract and withdrew all its tentacles.

I said to myself that this guy finally knew the pain, and I didn't know if he would retreat.

When the little brother saw the monster retreat, he clenched the knife again and approached the monster step by step.

At this time, the monster has shrunk almost twice as much as before, and its body purrs, sounding like a warning, and slowly retreating.

The little brother didn't intend to stop like this and approached the monster faster with a knife.

The monster seemed to be angered by the little brother's behavior, and suddenly shot a sharp and thin tentacle from his body.

I don't know if it's my hallucination. The speed of this tentacle almost exceeds the speed of light, and it also has a wisp of bright red color.

I had a cold war when I saw such a sharp attack.

Sure enough, in the face of such a fast speed, the little brother did not respond at all and was directly pierced by that thing to connect his right arm and shoulder.

His face turned white and spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, while he vomited blood, he held the red thing tightly with his left hand and did not let it go no matter how it twisted it.

The monster was caught by the tentacle and constantly changing its body size like crazy, but its tentacles seemed to have lost their previous sharpness and twisted softly on the ground.

At this time, the little brother gritted his teeth and said in an extremely fierce tone, "This is your own death. No wonder me!"

After saying that, he grabbed the red tentacle, pulled it back, and pulled the whole tentacle out of the monster's body.

So I saw a stream of black blood spewing out of the monster's body, and then all its tentacles began to tremble, squeaking, and its body gradually became smaller.

Its body kept shrinking and became as big as table tennis, and then stopped struggling.

Only a pool of rotten black blood left on the ground, the same thing as a metal core.

Seeing the little brother win, we couldn't wait to rush out.

The little brother looked pale, glanced at us one by one and said, "Are you all right?"

I shook my head and said it was okay, and then asked him, "I'm sorry, it's all us that you got hurt."

The little brother shook his head and said, "It's okay. I've been used to it for a long time. I can't die."

After he said this, he vomited a mouthful of blood and was a little unstable.

Nie Chuan and I hurried up to support him and asked, "Are you really all right?"

The little brother looked up at me, shook his head, and then pushed our hands away.

Seeing that he was stubborn, we had no choice but to stay by.

At this time, Nobita squatted down and was about to pick up the table tennis-sized metal core on the ground when he was stopped by the little brother: "Don't touch that thing!"

Nobita was shocked and asked, "What the hell is this?"

The little brother gave him a white look, relieved his breath, pointed to the skeletons tied on the tombstones around him, and said, "Do you see them?"

Nobita nodded and said, "What's wrong with these dead people?"

The little brother was silent for a few seconds and said, "These dead used to be very dangerous people. They are responsible for capturing those dangerous people and then executing them. The chains on their bodies were tied by the executioners.

"The executioner? Is that the name of the monster? I asked.

The little brother looked at me and nodded, "Yes, there are a lot of executioners, and they are special to the sound**."

"There are many more?" We all looked frightened when we heard him say that.

The little brother shook his head and said, "Don't be afraid, there is only one here, because there is only one executioner in each layer of altar city, but there is another law enforcer that we haven't met, and it's better not to meet."

"Tancheng, do you mean the Tancheng in Buddhism?" Nie Chuan asked.