long candle

Chapter 277 Twisted Dragon Tower

Although we still want to save Lao Si, we also know that if we don't avoid it now, we will definitely die with him.

So with reluctance and chagrin, the three of us quickly retreated.

Before long, I saw the thoughts in Lao Si's body suddenly burst.

At first, I thought that the red chant was one, but now, as Lao Si said, these chants are composed of countless small particles, each of which is the juvenile of a human bird.

This time I saw clearly that these young bodies exploded into countless pieces of meat with a bang due to the increase in volume.

"Fourth!" Daxiong no longer cares so much. He howls like a wolf, kneels on the ground and hits the ground with his fist.

Looking at Lao Si blooming, my head also buzzed, and my eyes turned red in an instant.

But I know that this is not the time to be sad.

Rubbing my eyes hard, I said to Nobita, "Get up, we must gather the corpses here and burn them, otherwise, the cubs of these meat birds will become scourgeful adult bodies after devouring the meat."

When Nobita heard this, he also wiped his tears and stood up.

Next, we sorted out the countless tragic pieces of corpses in the open space, piled them all together, and then found some hay to burn them. The smell of human flesh being burnt was very uncomfortable.

However, in order to ensure that all the human birds were burned to death, we still covered our noses and stayed until the last moment.

When Nobita picked up the pile of corpses with a wooden stick and made sure that they were all burned, the three of us collectively found a grass and vomited for nearly ten minutes.

However, it was disgusting. In the end, we buried the ashes together and inserted a saber in front of the grave as a tombstone.

After doing this, we walked in the direction indicated by Lao Si to find what he called the Dragon Hall.

Sure enough, along the path between the attices, we found the continent that runs through the north and south.

So, I have an image of the location of the Central Dragon Tower.

Before, just as we were about to walk to the bamboo forest, we found that there was an eight-storey, attic-style spectacular hall on both sides of the main road.

The one on the left is decorated with many golden auspicious beast totems, and the one on the right is decorated with many silver totems of divine birds, so the one on the left is likely to be the dragon hall mentioned by Lao Si.

When we came to the main road, we were very close to the gate.

So if you want to go to the Dragon Hall, you have to go deep again.

As Nobita walked, he looked back to see the smoke still drifting slightly in the distance.

I knew that he was unwilling to die like this, so I patted him on the shoulder and said, "You can't come back to life after death. Don't be so difficult to let go of it. Will you be free and easy?"

Nobita sighed rarely and said nothing.

I know that the best relationship with Lao Si among us is Daxiong. First of all, they are both from the Northeast. Second, Lao Si is straightforward and says something every time, and he is very opusive with Daxiong.

I also sighed when I thought of the two of them sneaking into the woods to smoke together every day.

Xie Yuting and others were plotted, and they don't need to think about it to know who did it.

Monk Lei Yun has hidden in the temple, and only the white-haired old man can do something strange here.

And we also saw the white-haired old man shooting the thin man before. What he said about the stalker must refer to us.

The thin man must be following us, because the place we go is not something that ordinary people can go, so he will lose it.

and follow and ambush Yuting, it must be another group of people.

Now that I think about it, when I was still in Kobe, I found a bug in Lao Si's green hat, which must have been left by the white-haired old man.

Those people have been following us to the mountains and being blocked by the trap of the third brother, but we have never seen the true face of the enemy.

That's why it didn't attract Xie Yuting's attention, so it was plotted.

If we want to avenge the fourth brother, we still have to find the bad luck of the white-haired old man.

But before that, we have to rescue Xie Yuting and others.

I don't know how long Xie Yuting has been in danger, so I don't know the probability of their survivors, but in terms of Xie Yuting's skills, he is not so easy to solve.

Although we thought so, the three of us secretly accelerated our pace and even trotted.

When we were about to run to the place, we saw two majestic attics in front of us that were much higher than other buildings.

But when we looked at the dragon building on the left, everyone was stunned.

Because compared with the dazzling and beautifully carved Fenglou on the right, this dragon building is simply more shabby than the garbage recycling site.

Specifically, just like a tornado to the north, the whole building is distorted.

There are broken windows, beams and other wood everywhere, and there is still a thick smoke.

To be honest, I'm a little surprised by the balance of this building, because it's like this, and the building hasn't fallen yet.

But when we came to the square under the Dragon Tower, we immediately understood why the building did not fall.

Because the lower part of the dragon building was almost frozen by ice as thick as two or three meters, and even the square was hit by a thick layer of ice, with boundless cold intentions.

Nobita, who walked in the front, held his arm, took a breath and said, "What's going on? It's ice and fire."

Nie Chuan and I also stamped our feet so cold that we were speechless for a moment.

"There must be a very powerful monster in it..." I frowned and said.

"Did you see anything?" Nie Chuan rubbed his hands and asked me.

I shook my head and said, "Do you still need to watch it?" You can see the destructive power. It can't be man-made.

"Look, there seems to be someone wandering there!" As Nobita spoke, he slipped and ran forward.

We looked forward and saw that figure.

The man was dressed in black and buried his head. His walking posture was very strange, a little rickety, and soft as if he had no bones.

I followed Daxiong while reminding him to be careful, and then the three of them rushed to the strange man together.

When I rushed about 50 meters, I saw the faint blue thoughts emitted from the man, which was very faint and darker than the light of the candle. It seemed that the other party was not very strong, maybe just an ordinary person.

I was looking, and suddenly, the light blue reading disappeared.

At this time, Nobita in front of him also shouted: "What's going on! Why did it suddenly disappear!"

Needless to say, both of us saw this strange scene.

It is not particularly strange that an object disappears in an instant, but since I have seen its thoughts, it shows that it is a living organism.

What kind of living body can be so fast? I have never heard of it.

Moreover, the open space around us is frozen and there is no other way out. If it runs away at a fast speed, we should see it!

With huge questions, we have run to the frozen gate of the Dragon Tower.

At this time, we found that the ice did not seem to be a whole, but as if someone splashed water on the dragon building and then was frozen in an instant.

So the huge ice wrapped around the Dragon Tower has many gaps when the water flows.

Coincidentally, in the middle of the frozen gate of the Dragon Tower, there is such a gap with the thickness of the arm.

Nobita couldn't wait to put his eyes close to the gap, looked in, and then turned back to us and said, "The door is open, but it's too dark to see anything.

I nodded and didn't say anything, because I was still wondering how the man in black disappeared just now.

At this time, suddenly, I saw a hand sticking out from the crack in the ice and grabbing Nobita's neck.

Nobita seemed to be shocked and hurriedly shrank back.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

As Nobita quickly retreated, the hand still held his neck firmly.

However, Nobita has withdrawn from a farther distance than a normal person's arm, and the length of that hand is unexpectedly long, as if it can be extended infinitely.

"Mom, is this meeting the Pirate King Luffy, or the Kuroda Temple we injured before?" Nie Chuan said half jokingly.