long candle

Chapter 285 Self-Portrait

The second brother Yu Wenle died and suffered a gunshot wound.

He obviously didn't just die. The wound on his chest made him bleed and his face was extremely pale.

So far, our understanding of him is limited to the fact that he is a trap master. He has known Yuting for seven years. His ancestral home is Hunan, and he knows nothing else.

Although he is usually quiet, he is our born-and-death brother.

Even after his death, he did not forget our brothers to help us get out of trouble.

I know that this is the most sincere friendship in the world.

Thinking of his last words, the loyal minister to Xie Yuting was also really touching and admiring.

I knelt down in front of the second brother, kowtowed several times, then stood up and closed his unsold eyes.

At this time, my face was full of tears, and I don't know whether it was caused by chili powder or sadness.

I closed the second brother's eyes, and I looked up and saw that Daxiong and Nie Chuan had stood at the door and looked at me.

Seeing that my face was full of tears, Nie Chuan seemed to understand. After a moment of silence, he asked me with red eyes, "Is it the body of the second brother? How did you die?"

I took a long breath and said in a hoarse voice, "It seems that I have been killed by a gun for about a day."

Nie Chuan nodded and also came this way.

Nobita, who had always been afraid of ghosts, was also silent at this time. He rubbed his eyes, sniffed his nose, and came this way.

The three of us removed the body of the second child from the stool and put it on the ground.

With a bow, we lit three cigarettes in an empty flower pot to pay tribute to his spirit.

"Thank you, second brother. We will definitely save Xie Yuting and fulfill your last wish." I bowed to him again.

After mourning, we began to investigate the cause of the second brother's death.

The second brother was shot more than a dozen shots in the chest, and each shot pierced his chest, which means that the other party was shooting at a very close distance, or the other party's gun was very powerful.

However, the trauma caused by large-caliber guns is much more horrible than the current one, so the second one may be ruled out.

Since he was shot dead at close range and passed through the chest, there should be many bullet holes on the back of the chair.

But when we moved the dick down, we didn't see bullet marks on the chair.

This shows that the second brother was moved to the chair after being killed.

I thought that the second brother was most likely to be killed by Lei Yunsheng's people, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Because Lei Yun's people killed his second brother, there was no reason to move him to the chair again.

If you want to search your body, even if the second brother lies down, it won't have any impact.

Of course, there is another possibility here, that is, the second brother did not die immediately after being shot, but ran to this chair and sat down.

Nie Chuan obviously also analyzed this point. We looked at each other almost at the same time, and then went to see the ground together.

Because our guess can be judged from the blood stains on the ground.

If it is dragged over and placed on the chair, the blood stains on the ground should show traces of dragging.

And if you come by yourself, the blood stains will be dripping in most cases.

With so much blood, it is certainly not too difficult to find blood stains.

As soon as we lowered our heads, we saw a pool of dripping blood on the ground extending from the door.

Seeing the blood stain, Nie Chuan and Daxiong followed the blood stain all the way out of the door.

At this time, I stopped them and said, "Don't go. No matter where the second came from, since he was seriously injured, it should not be an accident that he came here so hard. There is something important here that although he is about to die, he still has to go. Come here."

Bo both obviously felt that what I said was reasonable, so they went back.

I went to the window, opened the curtains that blocked the light, and then pushed the window open.

However, at this time, we found that the sun had set behind the farthest mountain. Although the burning clouds in the sky were red, they did not have the ability to illuminate the whole earth, so the light in the room was still very dark.

Listening to the sound of insects and watching the fireflies gradually fly from the grass, I know that the night is coming again.

There is always a kind of restlessness at night here.

So that when it gets dark, I always feel that there are countless things in those weeds and forests that are eager to try.

Looking at the room again, everything is only hazy light and shadow.

The old wardrobe, the dusty dining table, the light blue curtains full of stains, several landscape calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, and an old wooden single bed in the corner of the wall.

It looks more like a house inhabited by lonely elderly people, full of vicissitudes and loneliness, but it seems to hide many stories.

I always have a feeling that this room must be the former room of Monk Lei Yun.

Lei Yunsheng has lived for hundreds of years. Although he has always been a powerful figure and is known as a big monster, he is just an old man without all his aura and vanity.

No matter whether he is a human, a bird, or something else, as long as he is a living individual who has experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes, he will become deep, simple, and even lonely.

And this room now gives me this feeling.

I lit a cold fireworks. I took photos everywhere and found that the four paintings on the wall were all pure artistic images such as mountains and streams and green bamboo.

In that old**, I also found a very shabby wooden fish.

I picked up the wooden fish and patted the dust on it. I found several sunken traces, which seemed to be formed by long-term tapping. Obviously, the person who once lived here must be a very religious Buddhist.

This wood** has nothing but this wooden fish, only a rotten mat spread on the wood**.

When I lifted the mat, I found that there was a wooden board below, and there was nothing else to attract attention.

Just as I wanted to put the mat back, I suddenly saw a yellow paper stained on the back of the mat.

Pull off the paper and unfold it. It turned out to be a portrait of a character.

The person in the picture is an old man with small eyes, heavy eye bags and two mustaches.

This old man is bald, with wrinkles on his face and even wrinkles on his bare scalp.

However, he does not look like the vicissitudes and decadent of people in the evening, but with a little kindness.

Although the painting method is very poor and the lines are not used skillfully, it is also smart, because he describes people's expressions and characteristics very accurately.

"Who is this person? Is that the Leiyun Monk we are looking for? Nobita pointed to the person in the painting and asked.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know, but I think it's possible."

Nobita smiled and said, "But the statue of the thunder cloud monk we saw is all like birds. This old man looks very kind, not like a big devil."

I know what Daxiong said makes sense. Lei Yunsheng is called a big monster. If he grows into such a thing, it is indeed a little unspeakable to the characteristics of monsters.

But who said that monsters can't look like human beings?

Looking at the painting in my hand, I folded him up and put it in my pocket.

After searching in the room for a while, I found a mirror opposite the bed.

It's just that no one has used it for too long, so the mirror is covered with dust.

I wiped the dust off the mirror with my sleeves, and then looked at it and found that I had obvious dark circles on my * black face.

I touched my beard and straightened my hair. I found a stool and sat down in front of the mirror.

Holding the painting in my hand and comparing the width and proportion of the mirror, I found that this painting friend may be the person who painted himself in front of the mirror at that time.

One obvious feature is that if you draw yourself, the drawing board will block the mirror directly in front of you, so the painter must put the drawing board on his knees.

Every time you write, you have to look up at the mirror and then lower your head to draw, so in the long run, the picture will have a feeling of looking down from the top of your head.

This is inevitable for beginners to painting.

And the picture in my hand is indeed the same, because as I said before, I can see the wrinkles on my head clearly.