long candle

Chapter 287 Mysterious Scroll and Wordless Book

I pried along the gap next to the safe with a saber and found that the cabinet door did not move at all.

On the contrary, the tip of the Swiss army knife I imported was a little bent, so I had to give up this behavior.

I know Daxiong and Nie Chuan so well that they can't unlock the lock at all, so all three of us are in trouble.

Finally, Nobita said, "Blow it up with explosives!"

I asked, "Where's the explosives?" Give me the explosives."

Daxiong was speechless and said, "Let's look around. Maybe there is explosives in any room."

I said, "Don't be busy. Isn't that looking for a needle in a haystack? How can you find it?"

"What should I do? It's all this far. Are you retreating?" Nobita muttered.

I said, "Of course not. We must have other ways."

At this time, Nie Chuan said, "*Look, the number on the embedded turntable."

I looked and saw the turntable like an old-fashioned TV channel regulator. The number on it stopped on the Arabic numer 1, and frowned and had to admire Nie Chuan's observation.

Because I know that after setting the password and pulling out the key, the number of the turntable will automatically return to zero.

And if someone tries to open the safe but turns the wrong number, it will also return to zero.

So now the number stops at 1, which means that someone has turned the turntable of the safe, and the previous numbers have been turned right, so the turntable stops at 1.

Ning Chuan and I both found this, and then he asked me, "Do you think there are still a few numbers left?"

After thinking about it, I looked at the picture with 0 on the ground and didn't say anything.

Nie Chuan obviously thought of a place with me, and then gently turned the turntable to 0 after asking for my opinion with his eyes.

When the turntable pointed to 0, we heard a click, and the door of the safe pops out.

When we saw the safe open, we were all excited and hurriedly opened its door.

Holding a fluorescent stick and leaning into the box to take pictures, I found a roll of ancient paintings and an ancient book in the cabinet.

I took these two things out and patted the dust on them. I found that the words on the ancient book were written in Chinese: "Impic Sutra."

After looking through the contents of the book, I found that it was all written in Chinese, which was full of pictures and text, introducing a method of slimming, a bit like Chinese Qigong and so on.

Next, we went to see the painting again, but we didn't expect that when we untied the rope on it and unfolded the scroll, Daxiong shouted and took several steps back.

Nie Chuan asked Daxiong, "What's wrong with you?"

Nobita pointed to the content of the picture and said, "I saw it. I just saw what happened in this picture."

I looked down at this picture, which shows countless people without arms and legs falling into the pool of blood, like a pile of corpse mountains, and on the top of the corpse mountain, there is the back of a burly man.

Although this painting is not colored, I still see that the man's skin is very dark and muscular, and he has a long and pointed unicorn on his head and a tail like a cow on his buttocks.

The man held a twisted and deformed steel fork in his hand, and the fork was covered with blood.

I looked carefully at the people who fell to the ground and became strange.

Because the clothes these people wear include Western knights's heavy armor, ancient Chinese helmets, Japanese warriors' long swords, and Western knight's swords. I even saw pistols and baseball bats, which can be said to be a variety of ancient and modern things.

What's more strange is that the sky in this painting actually has more than a dozen black suns, large and small, and some disc-shaped objects shuttle between these suns.

"This is..." I looked at Nie Chuan with inquiring eyes.

Nie Chuan shook his head, took the painting in my hand, rolled it up again, and then looked at Daxiong.

"You just said that you have seen the scene in the painting. Did you see it when you put on that strange mask and were out of control?" Nie Chuan asked Daxiong.

At this time, Nobita had retreated to Mu** and sat down, wiping the cold sweat on his head.

After a while, he said, "I don't know, my consciousness was too vague at that time, but I just felt that I had seen this painting, and I... I was still in it, full of blood, human corpses, and... there were many strange creatures slaughtering human beings. That scene was really horrible."

If you can scare Nobita like this, you can imagine what kind of human purgatory it is.

"I'm going out to smoke a cigarette. Don't remind me of this anymore. It's terrible..." Nobita whispered and walked out of the door.

We didn't stop him because we didn't want to bother him.

At this time, we unfolded the soil and tried to find some clues, such as whether there were any particularly representative people in history in the corpses and whether there were any familiar buildings around to judge where and what the situation happened.

But after searching for a long time, we didn't find any useful information.

In fact, it's funny to think about it. How can there be more than a dozen suns in the world at the same time? And it's still the black sun.

So this picture may be just a dream, or an alien world that exists in nothingness?

After looking at it for a long time, we didn't get it, so we had to put the picture away.

At this time, Nie Chuan sighed and said, "A book without words, a painting that I don't understand, this is really a waste of time."

"Book without words?" When I heard this, I took out the book and found that it was full of words.

At this time, Nie Chuan saw that I looked strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

I said, "This book is obviously full of words. How can you say it is a book without words?"

"Don't joke, there are no words, read and listen..." Nie Chuan asked strangely.

After thinking about it, I said, "Don't read it. I know what's going on. These words are all a kind of pronunciation, so only I can see them. You can't see them."

Nie Chuan frowned slightly, took the book and looked at it again, then sighed and said, "Well, you can take the book. Maybe there is something that can be used on it. If you find anything, be sure to tell me."

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, who are we?"

Nie Chuan smiled, stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and said, "Let's go. It's almost investigated here. Let's ask Daxiong about the specific plot he saw."

I nodded and walked out of the room with him.

As soon as we walked out, we saw Nobita leaning against the door and smoking smoke.

When he saw us come out, he said, "Don't ask me. What I saw is really difficult to describe in words, but if you meet the relevant people or things in the future, I can tell you."

Nie Chuan and I looked at each other and said nothing more.

Next, the three of us investigated the remaining rooms, but there was still no clue about Xie Yuting.

However, we found the room where the second brother had an accident. It was the same place as a conference room, with a relatively large area, messy chairs, and messy tea sets on the table. More than a dozen potted plants have withered.

In this conference room, we found a large number of traces of fighting, and blood stains were everywhere on the wall, but no bodies were found, and no other people's belongings were found except the second.

Next to this conference room is the stairway to the third floor.

We walked to the stairwell and lit the road ahead with cold fireworks. We saw that the stairs were full of all kinds of rags and chairs, blocking the uppass.

It takes a lot of time to clean up all these things.

But soon, we found that a rope extended from the railing above.

The rope is full of blood, which may have been left by Xie Yuting and others when they fled to it.

Climbing up the rope, we soon came to the third floor of the attic.

This attic is darker than we thought, almost out of sight.

When we lit it with cold fireworks, we found that this floor of attic was strange.