long candle

Chapter 289 Mask Wall

"Three gods?" I was shocked when I heard this word and hesitated for a moment. I said, "Isn't it the three gods? I think it should be the four gods.

"You mean..." Nie Chuan also hesitated for a moment.

I know that Nie Chuan has not personally experienced the ruins of Durban. He also listened to me about the emergence of the four true gods, and probably only has only one impression.

And now, he also thinks of it with me.

The four true gods born from the witch sacrificial tower and the four true gods who sacrificed the flesh of the first * emperor of Durban have the destructive power of destroying heaven and earth.

They lived for thousands of years, waiting for Nie Chuan to appear and took it as their responsibility to get rid of Nie Chuan.

And now we have brought Nie Chuan to the old nest of one of the true gods, which really feels a little like death.

If this is really what we guessed, then Xie Yuting must take us into the tiger's den this time to get something very important, otherwise no one will take this risk.

But no matter what he is looking for, we are now in trouble.

If Xie Yuting is trapped in this maze like us, we may meet them if we continue to move forward.

And if Xie Yuting and others have walked out of the maze, there may be some marks left.

Although Xie Yuting's mark may not be left for us, he didn't think we would come here at all.

Xie Yuting's mark may be left for the fourth and second brother who didn't keep up, and of course it may also be left for himself.

In the maze, we often see the situation of leaving marks for ourselves, so that we can effectively know whether we have walked through here.

In this case, our best way is to walk forward and see if we can find another mark left by Xie Yuting.

Going along the stairs, we probably walked three more stairs, but we still didn't find anything.

Whether you look down or from the bottom, this staircase seems to have no end.

As he walked, the Nobita in front of him stopped.

I thought he would complain and get angry, just like when he encountered the maze several times.

But this time he seemed to be a little more mature, but he spread out his palm and said, "Well, I don't think it's useful to go any further. We are trapped again."

I saw him talking with his knees, and the sweat on his head was like rain, and even gasping heavily, so I said, "You... you won't be tired after climbing a few stairs."

As soon as I spoke, I found that my physical strength was also a little weak.

Looking at Nie Chuan next to him, he also looked sweaty.

"This... this maze is a little strange. I always feel very tired and heavy when I get up."

Obviously, I also noticed this and said, "Yes, there must be something strange here. I think we'd better take a break."

After saying that, the three of us sat on the steps and drank water.

The atmosphere was a little dull when the three of them didn't speak.

I recalled that when I was in the temple before, I dreamed that my grandfather told me that the whole temple was rising into space.

I don't think so. Will we be taken to space by this staircase this time?

But this is too unreliable. No one has ever seen a spaceship in the shape of a stairwell.

Unless the whole dragon building is flying up, this possibility is also very small, because such a dilapidated building has fallen off before flying too high.

Then if we feel tired, there must be other reasons.

There are two conventional explanations, one is that we may have entered a state of hypoxia, just like a plateau reaction, and the other is that there is a chemical in the air that causes functional changes in our body.

There are many ways to measure whether the oxygen content in the air is low, and the most common is ignition.

The very vigorous burning of the flame means that the oxygen content is normal, and if the flame is not as strong as normal, it means that the oxygen content is relatively low. If the air contains gases other than normal gases, the color of the flame may change.

We were all illuminated with fluorescent sticks before, so I took out the matches in my backpack and lit one.

I explained my thoughts to the three people as I clicked.

So when I lit the match, the three of them looked at the match in my hand at the same time.

However, the flame on the match is no different from usual and burns very normally.

Seeing this scene, all three of them were a little disappointed.

However, just when we thought there would be nothing strange, suddenly when the match was about to burn out, the flame turned green with a sound, and it became more and more vigorous, and almost burned my fingers.

I was shocked and hurriedly threw the match out.

After the match went out, the sudden light disappeared, and the surrounding light suddenly dimmed again.

The three looked at each other with lingering lingering faces. After a while, Nobita swallowed his saliva and said, "It seems that there are other gases in the air, and it may be poisonous..."

Obviously, Nie Chuan and I both know that what Daxiong said is most likely to be the truth.

I don't know what kind of gas will cause human weakness, but if you stay in this closed corridor for a long time, there will definitely be more serious situations.

Nie Chuan said, "No, we have to find a way out of here first, otherwise we may have chronic poisoning."

After saying that, he patted the wooden wall on the outside of the house at the corner of the corridor and said, "Smash this place with something and escape."

I frowned and thought for two seconds, but I still decided to give up first like Nie Chuan.

At least, fresh air will pour in after we chisel open the wall, so we won't be poisoned so quickly.

In fact, we can open the wall without any heavy objects. The knife we gave us is a sharp weapon to pierge the wall.

The knife came into Daxiong's hand, just like a chisel. He was cut open by Daxiong more than one meter in three or two times. Then he pulled the knife into his mouth and tore open a big opening that could allow people to pass.

I poked my head out of the mouth and looked left and right, and it was dark.

There are neither the stars in the sky, nor the blurred moon shadows, nor the flying of fireflies. Everything is silent.

I was a little strange, so I threw the fluorescent stick in my hand through the mouth.

The fluorescent stick did not draw an arc and fall to the ground more than 20 meters as expected, but was soon stopped by something, bounced twice, and seemed to stop on the ground.

"Is this... a secret room?" I said to the two with doubt.

When they heard this, they also came over to have a look.

After reading it, Nie Chuan said, "There seems to be something in it. Maybe the source of the poison gas comes from here. We'd better go in and have a look."

I nodded and didn't say anything. I went straight into the mouth.

Because the room was particularly dark, I lit a very limited number of cold fireworks.

At the same time, I also turned on a few fluorescent sticks and threw them into all corners of the room.

Soon, we saw the situation in the room.

I don't know how to describe the situation in this room. I can only say that this is a very small room with masks.

There are more than 100 strange masks on the four walls of the house.

There are many masks with animal images, and there are also a large number of monster masks.

For example, a white-faced monster with a one-horn, a monster mask with tiger stripes and only one eye.

Most of these masks are made of wood, and the process is very fine.

Japan's Yamato nation, like other countries, is a particularly superstitious nation.

They not only worship the six immortals who created the world, the eight-fold snake, but also worship the mask.

The worship of masks, just like the totem worship in China, is a kind of worship about natural patterns.

Most ninjas in the Warring States period in Japan wore masks. Different masks have different symbols. For example, cats symbolize killing and wolves symbolize coldness.

And the masks of various monsters and gods are more to indicate a belief, or wear them during sacrifices and rituals.

The mask room in front of us can be said to contain an encyclopedia of various masks in Japan.

While observing each mask, I suddenly found that there was a mask in the middle of the wall facing the front.