long candle

Chapter 306 Accumulation

"Come again!" He not only stopped his fist, but also helped me up.

I looked at him strangely, and he actually smiled.

I'm a little confused and want to ask him what's going on.

But Ishida said, "You got that ancient book and can figurize the chant, but now you are too bad and don't exert the real power of chanting at all. I just want to guide you, otherwise even if we fight, it will be boring. I will never fight with the weak."

I don't think he talks like a joke, but I think his reason is too far-fetched, but it's also a good thing for me.

I grabbed his hand and stood up, and then he took a few steps back and said to me, "The mind is a soft and gradual force. If you burst it out at once and lose the power of succession, you not only can't exert your real power, but also reveal a big flaw."

I heard him like a coach. I let go of my remaining vigilance and asked, "But this mind is too long. Slowly, I even feel light on my back. How can I hurt people?"

Ishida shook his head and said, "Don't you know what superposition is?"

I frowned and asked, "Overlay?"

Ishida nodded, pointed to a stone next to him and said, "Try to hit this stone with the most violent explosive force to see if you can smash it."

I looked at him. Although I didn't think of any reason to ask him, I hesitated for a moment and did so.

The fierce force burst out and hit the half-man-high stone, but only a layer of ash was blown up, and the stone did not move at all.

Ishida sneered and said, "Okay, now you try to focus on Nian, but don't let it launch it."

I nodded and began to do what he said. I saw a blue gas on my arm, and then slowly grew bigger like blowing a balloon.

When the cyan gas became thicker and thicker, I felt a panic and my hands began to tremble.

It is very difficult to control the mind into a fixed form, and I have found this.

But Ishida shouted next to him: "Hold on!"

I don't know whether it's for face or because I want to improve my strength as soon as possible. Although I have sweated, I still insist on keeping the cyan gas from being lax.

This is like a long-distance race. After that extreme, you will not feel tired.

I'm the same. After holding on for a while, the cyan gas in my hand suddenly became stable.

"Good...very good." Ishida nodded admiringly and then said, "Instill the second strand of mind on your arm."

I gritted my teeth and did as he said, and then the sense of instability on my arm appeared again, and this time it was accompanied by severe pain like bone fractures.

I persisted for a while until I felt that the second layer of thinking was about to reach the extreme, and I really couldn't hold on.

The condensed cyan gas on my arm, like an unstable bomb, will take away my arm at any time.

Ishida obviously found this and said, "Okay, now try to hit the stone again."

Before he finished speaking, I had leaked all the strength of my hand to the stone hair.

This time, with a bang, the stone was beaten to pieces and broke a hole the size of a fist.

Ishida looked at me with great joy and said, "It's so teachable. You can try to practice more by yourself. If you want to cause harm to Lord Sasuke, you don't superimpose five layers. I guess you can't even think about it."

After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

I was completely stunned. When he raised his foot to leave, he asked, "Who the hell are you and why did you help me?"

Ishida stopped for a moment and said, "You will know in the future. I advise you not to keep up now. My other three guys are not so easy to talk to."

After saying that, he continued to lift his foot and leave.

I was stunned for three seconds before I recovered, looked at my hand, and then looked at the big stone. I couldn't help but feel that what had just happened was a little trance.

Slowing down, I hurried back to untie the rope on Daxiong and Nie Chuan.

Nobita looked at me and asked, "Who are you, aren't you*?"

I was stunned for a moment, my mind turned around and said, "Yes, this time you have become smarter. When I came out, I specially asked Xie Yuting for Nie Chuan's *. Now I pretend to be Nie Chuan as if to confuse the enemy, because the other party's target is likely to be Nie Chuan."

At this time, Nie Chuan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and said, "Sure enough, it's you. I'm thinking that if there are really two me, it will be troublesome."

I don't know what the trouble Nie Chuan said. Anyway, I have experienced it and I don't feel uncomfortable.

I said, "*It doesn't matter in the eyes of the enemy. I may show people many times in the future. You have to get used to it."

Both nodded, and then Nobita asked me, "by the way, aren't you trapped in that maze? How did you come here? Do you know, we got to the top of the attic and were ambushed by the enemy and caught here. We walked a long way in the middle. Have you been following us all the time? "

I smiled bitterly and told all the things I had experienced before, including practicing ancient books by myself.

Both of them feel incredible, but they have seen that I have surpassed ordinary people's ability, and there is nothing to believe.

Daxiong sighed and said, "If only I could learn it. Unfortunately, the heavenly eye can't be opened by everyone. There is nothing written in that book at all."

I don't know what to say. I have no choice but to smile. In fact, I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Nobita rested for a while and said, "But it's also good to have a superman as a friend. Remember to call me every night when you fight against crime. You are Superman, and I can also be a Batman and play majestic beside me. By the way, what's your name? I will also order a dress for you then."

I said with a cold face that it's not the time to talk about this. Superman Dream will talk about it when there is a chance to go out.

I asked both of them to take off their coats and saw their bruises all over their bodies, as if they had been pulled by shoehorns for several hours.

There are soft tissue contusions in many places, and Nie Chuan's leg is broken.

It seems that they have suffered a lot from the ambush of the white-haired old man before, and they can become Amitabha without losing their lives.

I looked at their injuries and said, "It seems that we can only rest here for a while. You two have almost lost the ability to act."

The two joked, "Everything is arranged by Superman."

Unfortunate, their backpacks have been lost, and now there is only a tent and some food and water left in my backpack.

Fortunately, my tent was quite spacious, so I stuffed both of them in and meditated outside the tent.

Because as long as I get settled, I don't have to sleep, and the wind and grass around me are very sensitive, so I secretly decided that I don't have to change shifts in the future.

The two must have been tired, talking a little in the tent, then eating something and snoring.

What they are talking about is nothing more than my superman career in the future. Originally, I was disdainful, but at this moment, I have become longing for what they say.

For example, when two buses were about to collide, I stood in the middle and blocked them one by one, and then jumped up in the surprised and grateful eyes of everyone, jumped on the tall building next to it, and disappeared in an instant. It was really cool.

Thinking about it, I laughed secretly.

I laughed for a while, and then I began to meditated again.

After making up for all the mind power consumed before, I began to practice the power accumulation method taught by Ishida.

Actually, I'm thinking, how can I have time to accumulate strength when fighting? However, it is also a good choice to accumulate strength before the battle and then launch a surprise attack.

And according to Ishida, in the later stage, you can release part of it. Even if you are attacked, you can still defend it with the thoughts left.

In this way, you can accumulate strength while using power in the battle. After reaching a state, there is not only a high outbreak, but also endless thoughts.

While thinking and practicing, soon, I gathered another two-stage force, and this time the pressure was much more relaxed than last time.

So I tried to superimpose the third force on it, but this time I failed. I only heard a flutter on my arm. I blew a hurricane on the ground, and then my whole body was bounced out by recoil and almost hit the tent.

When I got up from the ground, I felt a little numbness in my hands, so I had to rest with lingering heart.

Fortunately, the two slept like dead pigs and were not woken up by the noise.

After thinking about it, I still decided not to climb to the sky one step, but to practice the second paragraph first, and then try the third paragraph.

In this way, I practiced for about two hours, and the savings speed and stability of the second-stage force were much better, and it was almost effortless.

This time I tried the three-stage force again. When I was about to collapse, I finally stabilized the three-stage force.

However, due to the extreme state, I found that the shape of the cyan gas is not very stable.

And after holding on for a few seconds, some gas penetrated through the pores and flowed back along the blood vessels.

The force on the arm is like a balloon leaking, gradually weakening.

I looked for where the reflux gas had gone, and found that the lower abdomen was a little warm and comfortable.

This time I remembered a sentence from Jin Yong's novel: "Denqi Dantian."

Is it that my Dantian is accumulating extra energy?

Remove the mind power from my hand, and then I try to stimulate the heat in Dantian.

But after trying many times, I just farted a few times...

I have no choice but to take out the book and read it again.