long candle

Chapter 313 Bodhisattva

"Let me tell you a story." Just as I was at a loss, Nobita suddenly said.

I don't know where he came from to tell us stories. But I guess the story he wants to tell must have something to do with what we are going through now, so I stopped talking and listened carefully to what kind of story he was going to tell us.

At this time, Nobita said, "No, this may not be a story. It happened to a distant relative of mine. I remember what I called her cousin at that time, but now this person is dead."

I don't know why, when he said this, the atmosphere became solemn.

Daxiong continued: "My cousin was very handsome, just like Wang Zuxian, at least before she got sick. If it hadn't been for her relatives, I would have chased her long ago.

I said angrily, "Can you pick the point? Don't talk about it all the time."

Nobita said, "Don't stop me. I'm talking."

He cleared his throat and said, "My cousin is born so well that she is like a Bodhisattva, so unusual things have happened since childhood, and I can see something that ordinary people can't see."

Nie Chuan frowned and asked, "It's another poor yin and yang eye."

Daxiong immediately retorted, "No, she is not a yin-yang eye, because the yin-yang eye can see ghosts, but my cousin can see immortals and Buddhas."

"Just blow it, let alone whether the yin and yang eyes really have it. Even if you can really see ghosts, there are lonely ghosts everywhere, and it is easy to meet, and what about Bodhisattva? Bodhisattva will not come to the world casually. Generally, he is talking about scriptures and reciting Buddhas. How can he let your cousin see it easily? Nie Chuan analyzed.

Nobita hummed and said, "Believe it or not, in short, my cousin can see immortals and Buddhas. According to herself, she often sees huge humanoid shadows shuttling through the clouds."

Looking at Daxiong's serious appearance, Nie Chuan stopped complaining and listened carefully.

At this time, Daxiong said, "My cousin only saw a shadow flying in the sky at the beginning. She had never seen real immortals and Buddhas. Until she was eight years old, she accidentally saw the face of a kind female Bodhisattva in the mirror hanging on the linden."

Nie Chuan and I looked at each other and felt a little incredible.

It is said that the mirror hanging on the door lint is to block the evil spirits that may rush into the house, so it has the auspicious meaning of guarding the house, which is very common in rural areas across the country.

But we have never heard that Bodhisattva will live in the mirror.

At this time, Nobita continued to say, "At first, the Bodhisattva in the mirror was still kind, but since he found that his cousin could see it, he looked at his cousin with a fierce look, and his face was very ferocious."

Cousin was afraid and told her parents about this, but she only got a scolding and said she was talking nonsense.

Since I was scolded, my cousin never mentioned it again.

And every time she goes home, she will pass by her door in fear.

Since I was able to see the Bodhisattva, my cousin's body became thinner and thinner, and she ate less and became loss of appetite.

Although her parents thought she was nagging, after all, it was her own daughter. Out of distress, they called the Taoist priest in the village to have a look.

That time, my cousin saw the Taoist priest walking to their door and didn't dare to go in. She was so scared that she turned around and ran away.

At first glance, it turned out that the Bodhisattva in the mirror was smiling strangely at the Taoist priest and blowing a white breath.

The Taoist priest was scared to death not long after he came home. The death was very terrible.

When I heard that the Taoist priest died in a strange way, my cousin's parents finally believed that there was something strange in the mirror, so they took off the mirror and smashed it.

After the mirror was smashed, her cousin's home was calm for a few days, and her spirit returned to normal and she ate too much.

But it didn't take long for my cousin to become in a trance all day, and her body also lost weight in an instant.

At that time, our family also went to see my cousin and saw that she was not a ghost or a ghost, talking nonsense.

His parents told us that she suddenly went crazy one night, saying that whether it was a mirror at home or a well, as long as the shadow could be reflected, she could see the strange face of the previous Bodhisattva.

The Bodhisattva blamed her for destroying the place of cultivation, so he wanted to take her as a child, and said that a person with heavenly eyes like her should not be a mortal in the first place.

That time I started at her house, it was the penultimate time I saw that cousin. Later, we heard that she was nagging and went to other people's houses to steal candles every day.

About half a year later, we heard that this cousin was critically ill, so we went to see her for the last time.

I didn't expect that the cousin in front of us was already very fat. She was like a meat ball lying on **, and she was completely different, and her spirit was always good and sometimes bad.

His parents told us that she grew so fat because she often ate candles.

However, the cousin herself did not think so. She said that it was because the Bodhisattva wanted to invite her to go there, which was very bitter, so she had to gain weight first and receive a little human incense first, which could improve navigation.

We are creepy to hear that. We don't know what kind of bodhisattva it is that harms people like this.

On that day, my cousin suddenly woke up and pointed to the people present, saying that most of us are blessed people and will not be worshipped by the Bodhisattva. She also thanked her parents for their upbringing, saying that they were reassured that they were going to learn immortals.

That night, my cousin died, with an ugly smile on her face, and strangely, all the mirrors at home were inexplicably broken that night, and even the water tank for drinking water was broken.

This incident left such a deep impression in my childhood that I can't forget it at all. If there is half a sentence of falsehood, the sky will thunder.

Nie Chuan and I looked at Daxiong's serious expression and couldn't help but believe it.

However, at the same time, we also heard a cold sweat, because the so-called Bodhisattva is more terrible than a monster. How can there be such a Bodhisattva in the world?

Thinking about it, we couldn't help looking at the Bodhisattva playing the piano in the corner and saw the hair standing up.

"Those immortals and bodhisattvas we believe in may not be good. Maybe they are not what they think at all. They come from the heavenly court or the world of bliss. Maybe they are powerful monsters. Because human beings dare not provoke them, they imagine places like the heavenly court and respect them very much." Nobita said seriously.

I don't know why, looking at him so seriously, my heart is a little blocked.

Because this understanding is too subverting the cognition of ordinary people.

After a while, I asked Daxiong, "You mean, this is the gathering place of those so-called Bodhisattva immortals? Are they all harmful monsters?"

Daxiong shook his head and said, "I dare not say this, because it's more like a prison. Look, the iron gate is so tightly chained that only the prison can be so strict."

Nie Chuan said, "That means that those who harm immortals are imprisoned here."

We didn't answer. After a while, I said, "No matter what the situation is, in short, we can't let these immortals find us. It will be very dangerous."

Nie Chuan said, "Isn't it? Otherwise, why did the giant send us this cloak?"

As we were talking about the cloak, we saw Nobita sweating a lot because of the storytelling, putting down the cap of the cloak to wipe his sweat.

Almost when the cloak was lifted, Nobita was stunned.

He nervously looked at a monster with horns, like the Bull Demon King, who was walking in front of him, and directly scared his cheeks to fight, and his face was whiter than paper.

At this time, we noticed that the immortals and ghosts who were drinking and playing the piano next to us stopped and the world became quiet.

Just a second later, countless sad screams came from all directions, and then the ghost also rushed to Nobita.

Daxiong was still there, his legs trembled, and he was completely at a loss.

At this time, I hurried over, put his hat on, and then pressed him to the ground.

A few dark shadows flew over behind us and hit the tables and chairs around us. For a moment, the wine glasses and jars flew around and were in chaos.

I grabbed Nobita's leg in the chaos and finally pulled him out of a pile of shadows.

Nobita could hardly breathe, took a few breaths, and said, "It's too, terrible, the faces of these monsters...their faces..."

I saw that he was about to cry, so I asked him to stop talking, then picked him up and walked quickly towards the stairs.

At this time, the noisy monsters calmed down again. They didn't catch Nobita, so they became irritable and looked around one by one to find us.

They must know that there is a stealth cloak, because I saw a pile of small human bones on the edge of the stairs, which may be the unlucky person who accidentally broke into here before.

Because he knew that we had come in, he must have guessed that we would escape. Several big guys suddenly ran over here and blocked the stairs.

We are in a hurry, but we can't fight with these guys.

Of course, we can't use mind at this time, because this cloak can only be undetected because it covers the mind.

There is nothing we can do. We can only stand not far from the stairs and look at the monsters guarding the door.

At the same time, the immortals and monsters around them also began to reach out and look around like blind people.

We move to the corner and try to avoid being touched by them.

At this time, Nobita had not recovered, his eyes were straight, and he seemed to be scared.

We gave him a sip of water, and then went smoothly, and Daxiong gradually slowed down.

Then I hurriedly asked him what he saw.

Nobita gasped and said, "Well, that bull demon king... unexpectedly..."