long candle

Chapter 320 Wolf War

The three of us were ready to stand up, and soon we saw three giant wolves taller than our bodies rushing at us.

It's unbelievable that he just lay on the ground and runs taller than us.

This shows that these wolves are about the same size as an adult buffalo, and even bigger.

In the face of such a monster, we were surprised and secretly sweated.

Wukong held his hand in his arms and said, "Be careful, these guys are monsters from another planet. Although they are very similar to wolves on earth, their habits and abilities are completely different."

I felt the power of those giant wolves, but I didn't feel any difference between these guys and ordinary wolves.

While wondering, the huge wolves suddenly stopped about 50 meters in front of us.

This strange behavior immediately caught my attention.

Looking carefully, it turned out that the wolves began to dig holes in the ground with their sharp claws.

I can see clearly that the forelimbs of these guys are much shorter and thicker than ordinary wolves. Obviously, they are often used to have such mutations.

Sure enough, they dig holes much faster than ordinary wolves, and after a few seconds, half of their bodies have drilled into the soil.

After a few seconds, they have disappeared on the surface.

Because of the cover of obstacles, I couldn't detect the thoughts of these wolves, so I lost the monitoring of them.

At this time, Nie Chuan said, "They came from under the ground, very fast!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an area under our feet suddenly arched, and something was breaking through the ground.

For good, we have all practiced and hurriedly dodged.

As soon as he dodged from the area, suddenly a huge black wolf covered with hard hair rushed out with a whirlwind-like pressure.

We were forced to retreat by the flying mud.

The black wolf's attack is very powerful this time. I feel that even if there is a truck parked on the ground just now, it will be immediately torn in half.

I know it's not the time to be surprised, because the ground under our feet has been arched in several places.

Obviously, the black wolf under the ground can sense our position on the ground, so it can launch an attack so accurately.

The three of us hurriedly dodged and narrowly escaped the attack of the wolves, but they were also disgraced.

Those black wolves looked empty and did not jump directly like ordinary wolves, but howled at us a few times, and then drilled through the hole.

I think it's a wolf or a gopher. This habit is simply too obscene.

At this time, Wukong held the golden staff and half opened his eyes as if he was dozed off, but he said, "These wolves are in the same status as gophers on their planet, because there are many huge carnivores living on the ground, so they can only use this way of predation."

I heard Wukong talk like a host of the animal world, and I couldn't help but be speechless.

However, hearing that he knows the world so well, I guess that he must have a mysterious relationship with that planet.

Within thinking, the second wave of attacks of those black wolves came again.

This time we figured out the other party's routine and launched a counterattack while dodging.

I used the method of sudden propulsion to move myself three or four meters to the side, and then took advantage of the moment when the black wolf came out of the ground, I released the triple flame power superimposed on my hand in that direction.

Three layers of flame power are enough to smash a big stone taller than a human. I believe that once the black wolf is hit, even if it does not die, half of his life will be gone.

When my mind hit me, I only heard a smoke rise with a bang.

"I won!" I was so happy that I hurriedly ran to the smoke to see if the black wolf was dead.

To my surprise, I just ran a few steps forward, and suddenly a black paw in the smoke caught me at a lightning speed.

At this time, I hurriedly urged my mind again and bounced out of my life.

When I fell to the ground, I didn't immediately care about my safety, because since I encountered this situation, Daxiong and Nie Chuan must also be in danger.

Sure enough, when I turned my head to look at Nobita, I saw that he was almost torn in half by a wolf's paw. Fortunately, when he hit the wolf's paw with fireball to stay behind.

When I went to see Nie Chuan again, my cold sweat came out of my forehead.

Nie Chuan had been thrown to the ground by the black wolf and was opening his mouth and was about to bite its neck.

"It's settled!"

At the critical moment, I could only launch the fixed spell to win 0.5 seconds for Nie Chuan.

At the same time, I dragged him from under the wolf's body with my mind.

When the time recovered, the three wolves were very surprised.

Then they roared at me viciously and drilled into the hole again.

Taking advantage of this gap, Nie Chuan asked me, "What happened just now? Didn't our attack hit?"

I shook my head and said, "No, it seems that it's not the wolf itself that came out of the hole, but just a black wind."

"You mean that these wolves can use spells and guessed that we were going to fight back, so it was calculated to fight back?" Nie Chuan asked.

Before I could answer, Wukong said leisurely, "All creatures in that world are as intelligent as human beings, but because there are too many kinds of intelligent creatures, they are in the war for territory all year round. Everyone wants to be a king, so now, that world is still very primitive."

A wolf with similar wisdom as human beings, and there are more than us, which has no chance of winning.

In addition to being wise, human beings are the weakest creatures on the earth. They have neither sharp minions nor go to the sky and the sea. The weather is unbearable if it is a little hotter, and the running speed is also slow.

Fortunately, human beings have wisdom, so they invented guns when their minions are not powerful. If they can't go to the sky and sea, they invented airplanes and submarines. If the weather is slightly hotter, they can blow air conditioners. If they can't beat the beasts, they can drive motorcycles and cars.

And now we are encountering a monster whose minions are already very powerful and have similar IQs as human beings, which are at a disadvantage in terms of racial bloodline.

To be honest, it should be very dangerous in the face of this situation, but Wukong holds his hand and keeps watching, which makes me feel that he is very relieved to us and seems to be very sure whether we can defeat each other.

So he felt a little at ease and said to Daxiong and Nie Chuan, "Although this kind of wolf has a very high IQ, it is a beast after all. Don't think too much, just deal with them in the way of dealing with beasts."

Nie Chuan added: "Are you trying to say that if we encounter a group of large gophers, how can we defeat them?"

Nobita replied, "If it were me, I would pour water into the gopher's hole and drown these damn beasts."

When I heard him say this, I had an idea and said, "Although we don't have water, we have fire, and there is wind and wind to help the fire. Even steel can melt it."

Nobita obviously understood what I meant and hurriedly created a fireball and fired it into the nearest hole.

Seeing that I was rescued and entered the cave, I immediately bounced myself high with my mind, and then launched a wind spell on the cave.

The strong wind rolled up the sand and sent the fireball straight into the depths of the cave, and immediately lit up from the cave with fire.

The thick smoke with red light lit up many holes, and several black wolves screamed and came out of the hole.

"Bang! Pa!"

When the black wolves rushed out of the hole, Nie Chuan pulled the trigger.

Now that he can't use spells, he can only deal with monsters with a pistol, which is also a more embarrassing point.

However, those guns hit the black wolf, just like hitting the steel plate, but a ball of sparks and being bounced out.

Instead of hurting the black wolf, it angered the other party.

Those black wolves saw that it was impossible to see the big hole, so they simply rushed directly to Nie Chuan.

Biteing and biting is something that normal wolves should do, which also happens to enter our rhythm.

Although the hair on those wolves is as hard as bulletproof vests, they are still afraid of fire.

So I gathered the remaining flame mind in my body again and hit one of the black wolves.

The speed of the thought attack was very fast, and the black wolf had no time to react, and a flame was ignited on his back.

So it screamed and turned in place, and was knocked back five or six meters by Nobita's punch.

Nobita's heavy punch is much more violent than before, and there is the power of flame on his fist. When he hit his eyebrows, his whole head seemed to have been collapsed by explosives, bursting out a red flame.

I learned this move when I fought with Wukong before. I didn't expect it to have such earth-shaking power. I was shocked to see it.

The black wolf was knocked to the ground by him and struggled a few times before moving. Obviously, he was killed directly.

Several other wolves were still besieging Nie Chuan, but when they saw their companions die tragically, they all rushed to Daxiong crazi.

No matter how high the IQ is, even human beings have impulses. Now this group of black wolves are like human beings who have been angered and lost their minds. They are completely beasts.

So I no longer hesitated and fell directly to the ground and punched one of the black wolves.

My method is the same as Nobita, focusing my mind on my fist.

This punch hit the black wolf's stomach heavily, and then his mind exploded, forming a black tornado, which directly stirred the wolf into old meat and flew out.

I heard the sound like tearing a rag, and my face was all red with wolf blood.

I didn't even think of this bloody scene, and then more wolves rushed at us.

I dealt with it calmly, and soon Nobita and I made wolf corpses all over the ground.