long candle

Chapter 336 Dead flies

The reason why I am so sure is that I have gathered all the images of black fog in my memory, and only this one is most in line with the current scene.

But when that black gas really floated over our heads, I found that this was not the mysterious evil smell I had seen before, but a group of mosquitoes with only the tip of hair.

"Hung..." When the mosquito flew, it made a very low sound, which sounded as if someone was talking.

So I said to Nie Chuan, "Did you hear someone speak just now? I suspect that it's not really someone talking, but the noise made by the swarm, as if someone was talking.

Nie Chuan frowned and listened. Sure enough, he also noticed that the sound was very similar to the voice of speech, so he looked at me doubt and asked, "Are you really *? Then take off your mask and let me have a look."

I spread out my hands, sweated coldly and said, "I can't help it. It's too sticky. I can't pull it off now. I'll definitely show you when I get back, okay? Now is not the time to say this."

Nie Chuan wanted to ask again, but the group of mosquitoes buzzed around again and always circled above our heads.

So he reached out and slapped the group of mosquitoes in front of him and drove them away.

After a few times, he frowned and said, "It stinks. What's the smell here?"

I also smelled it hard, and sure enough, I also smelled a stench, just like the smell of pork after being spoiled for a long time.

Of course, it's the same smell after people die, but I just don't want to think about it.

I was trying to find the source of the rotten smell when Nie Chuan pinched a bug and said to me that this is not an ordinary bug, but a dead fly.

Of course, I know what the corpse fly is. Generally, this kind of bug is only found in dead people.

They look exactly like flies, which are ten times smaller, and their forelimbs are much more developed than flies because they are used to pierce the skin on the surface of the body and then lay eggs inside the body.

Because the decay rate of the carcass is very fast, the eggs of this corpse fly usually hatch in only two hours, and it only takes three hours for maggots to grow to adult, so it can quickly form a huge scale.

When the climate becomes, they will also attack living people, and the bites will be stained with the unique decay of the body, and the wound will soon fester.

When there was famine in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, corpses and flies became a disaster, which could harm many people.

However, after the founding of New China, cremation began, and the traces of such flies became very rare, and only occasionally can they be seen in Africa.

Nie Chuan and I have a common body and common memory, and obviously know this.

When he saw the appearance of the mosquito, he no longer dared to fan it, threw the worm on his hand to the ground and trampled it to death, and then pulled me back.

As he stepped back, he said, "Dodge quickly. These corpses and flies can infect skin necrosis, and it is not easy to cure if they are bitten."

As I continued to flash the dead flies with my hand, Nie Chuan said, "Don't be afraid, I knew this would happen, so I stole this when I was in the hotel."

Nie Chuan asked with great interest, "What is it?"

I smiled and said, "It's an insecticide,

I touched my backpack, and my hand was firmly tied.

I immediately withdrew my hand from my backpack and saw a hole in my finger.

I felt extremely strange when I put my hand in my mouth and sucked it.

Because I really don't remember what I put in my bag.

So I simply took off my backpack this time and opened it, and I was shocked.

Because the original water, compressed biscuits, flashlights and fluorescent sticks in my backpack have disappeared, replaced by some stones, dead grass and branches, as well as human bones.

Not only that, but the flashlight in my hand was slowly darkening at this time, and then turned into a dead branch.

"What's going on!" I insisted on being so surprised that I was almost speechless.

In the dark, Nie Chuan next to him also said, "It's the same here. Everything in my backpack is gone!"

I panicked, took out all the things in my backpack, and then groped in it.

I didn't expect that the lighter was still there. I was overjoyed and lit the lighter and burned the rotten wooden stick in my hand.

I felt a little at ease when I saw this light.

He turned his head to look at Nie Chuan and wanted to ask him how he was doing, but when he turned around, he saw a thin and pale face.

The other party was obviously shocked by me. He sat on the ground and pointed to me and said, "You, you!"

I was scared by his expression, touched my face, and found myself as thin as a ghost.

"What the hell is going on? Where on earth is this? Why did I become like this?" I was shocked.

"Are you... Nie Chuan?" Seeing that I was not a ghost, he seemed to have the courage to talk to me and asked tentatively.

I didn't know how to answer, or whether to install it, so I was stunned at that time.

At this time, the other party said, "I'm *, don't you know me?"

"*?" My eyes stared like copper money, thinking how could I still be alive? I saw his body with my own eyes. Am I now in the underworld?

The other party nodded and said, "Do you know where this is and why are we here?"

I didn't intend to answer him, but shrank back and said to myself, "This must not be true. This place must be hallucinating."

* Seeing that my face was so ugly, I sighed and said, "It seems that it's useless to ask you. I'll see what's going on."

After saying that, he stood up and was ready to go into the dark.

Whether this is a dream or an illusion, it will be very difficult for me to talk alone now, so I stretched out my hand and said, "Don't go!"

At this time, * had turned around, and I saw that his legs were so thin that his whole body was like taking drugs until he was about to die.

And as he turned around, I found that three rattans like roots grew behind his head, extending all the way to the top of our heads and to the end of the darkness.

What the fuck is this? I was thrilled.

* Obviously, he also found this thing, so he reached out to grab it.

When he grabbed that thing, I began to be afraid that there was such a thing behind my head.

So I also grabbed it back, and I really caught three pipes.

My heart is approaching the edge of collapse, so I hold the tube and pull it out.

But at this time, a face slowly lit up in the dark.

The face is very long, especially the chin, like a pillar, extending to the chest.

With the light of that face, I found that there was a bubble-like wall between us and him.

"You two, don't act rashly, or you will die." The man's mouth did not move, but I heard his voice clearly.

* and I were stunned at the same time, and our hands holding the tube behind our heads trembled.

I seem to know what's going on, because I saw countless people who were locked in this bubble at the same time, not just me and *.

However, many of these people lie still on the ground, emitting a disgusting rotten smell, and only a few are still breathing.

The shocking picture almost made me breathless.

At this time, the long-faced man said, "When you come to me in the bronze door, you actually wake yourself up from your sleep, but not everyone can accept the reality after waking up, so you'd better go back. The bronze door is still open. This is your last chance. If you want to live like this, or live as before, it's up to you.

Listening to him, I seem to understand something. Since Heizhugou, our adventures have become more and more unreasonable. At the beginning, I should have noticed that there are not so many unreasonable things in the world, but because we want those unreasonable things to happen.

For example, I learned to practice the real method, as well as the so-called monsters and ghost buildings, which are not actually created by others, but by ourselves, because we want it to exist.

As if reading what was on my mind, the long-faced man said, "Don't be so pessimistic. What happened to you and your world are real, but you are a little different from ordinary people. They all appear ideologically."

His mouth still did not move, but the words came out again: "If you and I meet, things will become very interesting. You don't have to care too much about what you see now, because I didn't say that this is true. I just want you to know that my ability is like this. I control everything about you and control the whole situation. I will try my best to satisfy what you want, but you'd better follow my orders obediently, otherwise this game will not be fun.

Hearing what he said, I just opened my mouth wide and didn't know how to answer.

And the other party said endlessly, "Well, now I order you two to go back outside the bronze door, take it as if nothing has happened, cure your partner Liang Qian, and then continue to investigate your grandfather's affairs."

"Why should I listen to you? Who are you and where is this place?" I summoned up my courage and asked three questions in a row.

The other party smiled and said, "Don't worry, child. It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to know that I want to kill you than an ant. As for here, it should be the place you call Durban Island, an island in Chukchi. Your life was supposed to be good, but unfortunately, you all died on the island, and I had to go out in person to let the story continue.