long candle

Chapter 349 Expulsion

Seeing that their breathing gradually stabilized, my heart also eased slightly.

But at this time, when the whole world was quiet, we clearly heard the footsteps at the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The footsteps were very heavy and very slow, slowly walking towards our room.

"Here we go again! Did you hear that?" I asked Miko Hechuan and the doctor.

They nodded one after another and said they heard it.

"Who will walk outside so late? Normally, the door of the hospital was closed. Only those brought by the ambulance could enter the hospital so late, but they didn't hear the sound of the ambulance. The skinny doctor added.

The reason for saying this is that there is no one on this floor who can move freely except for the three of us.

Even the aunt who swept the floor went home to rest at this time.

There are only those patients who can walk around in the middle of the night.

But after all, this floor does not accept mental illness, and each ward has a separate toilet, so the probability of them coming out to the toilet is almost zero.

The most important thing is that the patient does not wear boots or leather shoes, but the sound outside the door can only be made by wearing leather shoes.

After saying that, the doctor stood up and said, "I'll go and see if anyone forgot to come back to get something?"

I hurriedly said, "Don't! Don't go, maybe the crazy patient ran out again!"

The doctor waited for me, held his glasses and said, "Then I have to go and have a look. No one cares how to let him run around?"

After saying that, he was going to open the door and couldn't pull it.

He is a doctor. It's up to him whether they can survive tonight, so I can't be hard on him.

I didn't dare to pull, and I didn't dare to pull. I could only watch him walk like the door.

Fortunately, at this time, Nobita suddenly jumped up from ** and scared everyone.

After Nobita stood up, he stood straight on the bed and did not move.

Seeing this, the doctor hurriedly turned around and said, "What's going on? Hold him down, or he will be very dangerous."

Then the three of us put Nobita down and covered the quilt.

But as soon as he settled down, Xie Yuting sat up straight again.

We asked Miko Hekawa to be optimistic about Nobita, and then we pressed Xie Yuting back again.

At this time, Miko Hechuan screamed, and Nobita sat up again.

We knew that it was not a way to go back and forth, so in the end, the doctor found a few bandages and honestly tied Daxiong and Yuting to **.

At this time, we were sweating profusely and rested for a while before I asked the doctor, "What kind of disease is this? Have you met it before?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "I have treated several rabies patients, and they are also powerful, but they will not be so difficult to deal with."

I said in my heart that they are not powerful because they are sick, but because they are good at fighting and have a strong force.

I am now a wounded man. The doctor is as thin as a stick, and Miko Hekawa, a female descendant, really needs a little effort to subdue these two patients.

Before we had time to talk more, we found that the trapped Daxiong and Yuting were shaking all over their bodies, as if they had been electrocuted, which was very strange.

As soon as they opened, they still pry their teeth, as if they had fallen into an ice cave in the middle of winter.

But when I touched Daxiong's body, I felt very hot and sweated all over.

The doctor's face changed and said, "No, this is cold and fever, come on! Take out all the quilts in the cabinet.

Cold and heat disease is called pendulum in our place, which is usually caused by high fever, cholera or mistakenly eating slightly poisonous fruits.

People who swing will suffer a lot physically. Sometimes they feel like they are in an ice cave, and sometimes they feel that they are in the sun of the dog days. A few strokes can torture people to death, and they are very prone to shock, and the fatality rate is very high.

So I didn't dare to underestimate it. According to the doctor's instructions, I took out several quilts in the ward cabinet and spread them on them.

At first, the two held the quilt and nibbled their teeth, and then began to sweat and kick the quilt.

I know that no matter how hot it is, I can't let them kick off the quilt, so I have to press it on Nobita.

And the doctor is also pressing on Yuting.

We persisted like this for a while, and the doctor said to me, "There's something wrong. I've never seen this disease."

I asked in surprise, "What do you mean? Isn't this a cold and fever disease?"

"It's a cold and heat disease, but it's not an ordinary cold and heat disease." The doctor frowned.

I was anxious and asked, "What does this mean? What is an unusual cold and heat disease?

The doctor thought for a moment and said, "According to different constitutions, the interval between cold and heat of patients with cold and heat patients should be different. The interval between strong constitution is long, and those with weak constitution is very short, but you can see that these two people almost have chills and fever at the same time, and the time of starting to get sick is almost the same. , it's like..."

The doctor frowned, probably because his English was not good, so he couldn't think of an adjective for a moment.

Miko Hekawa was clever and said beside him, "It's like being remotely controlled!"

I don't know why, listening to her words, I was stunned for a moment and suddenly remembered the people at the door.

Perhaps, Daxiong and Yuting's illness is not a disease, but some kind of curse...

The person who launched the curse should still be at the door, otherwise it will not cause Daxiong and Yuting to get sick at the same time because the man stopped at the door.

In this situation, that guy wants to kill Nobita and reconcile Yuting, and I can't stand it anymore.

Although I know that the other party is very likely to be the ghost of the white-haired old man, because the figure is more than 19 meters, I have only seen one person except Nobita, that is that guy.

And the mud on his hand means that this guy came from a swamp, and there was a swamp next to the previous ruins that almost killed us.

And the most important thing is that today is Ghost Festival, which is just within the deadline of the wronged soul, so I can't think of anything else.

"Ghost Festival! That's right!" Thinking of this word, I suddenly remembered the spiritual charm I asked for when I went to the shrine with two girls.

Although Leiyun Shrine is the family of Leiyun Monk, and the white-haired old man is under the command of Leiyun Monk, the monk is compassionate and the spiritual charm must be useful.

While pressing the ready-moving Nobita and touching his pocket, I soon touched the spiritual charm in my pocket.

The raft of seven or eight spiritual charms was wrinkled by me. I took them out and brushed them, and Nobita struggled harder.

I forcibly stabilized my body and was secretly happy in my heart.

Because the more Nobita struggles, the more effective the charm is.

So I didn't think about it. I directly drooled and stuck it on Nobita's forehead.

At this time, Nobita suddenly lay straight like a piece of wood.

Seeing this situation, the doctor hurried over, turned over Daxi's eyelids and said, "This is... his breathing, heartbeat and pulse have stabilized..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xie Yuting also began to be manic.

I also put a spell on Xie Yuting's forehead without saying anything.

His reaction, like Nobita, immediately stopped restless.

The doctor looked at me in disbelief, because medicine would not believe in metaphysics, so he felt that all this could not be explained.

I wanted to tell him the origin of the charm, but at this time, there was a knock in the direction of the door.

The sound is very loud, as if it were angry.

I guess that the effect of the charm must have angered the resentment that came to revenge, so now he wants to rush in.

Sure enough, after two seconds, the knock on the door turned into a banging sound.

Listening to that strength, if the door of the hospital is not strong enough, I'm afraid he would have knocked it open two or three times.

At this time, the doctor said something that he probably couldn't believe: "Spell! The charm is stuck on the door!"

Without thinking about it, I rushed over and pressed the charm on the door.

Sure enough, the sound of hitting the door stopped abruptly, but the glass window behind it began to bang.

Because there were no curtains, and there was a moon outside, we looked back and saw that there was nothing outside the window, and the trees did not swing at all, indicating that there was no wind.

But the sound did appear, and the glass began to crack.

I was stunned for a moment and rushed up like a firefighter and put a spell on it.

At this time, our room was finally quiet.

But the three of us were frightened by the movement just now.

It took a long time for the doctor to ask me, "What the hell is it?"

I shook my head and said I didn't know, and then sat by the bed and gasped.

After a long time, I said, "Let's see how they are..."

After saying that, I stood up and went to see the two people.

The doctor also helped the examination, and then said with an embarrassed expression, "It's okay. I'm breathing evenly. I guess I can wake up tomorrow. This is... really incredible."

In fact, I also felt incredible. Later, when I talked about it, I still believed that there were no ghosts in the world, but even I couldn't tell what it was.

Looking at the two people lying on **, like zombies, I smiled bitterly.

In this way, the night is deeper, and it is not long before dawn.

The three of us were so sleepy that we were scared by what happened just now, and we dared not go out.

But after all, after a hard day, I still fell asleep unconsciously.

It was not until the next day that I suddenly felt someone pushing my shoulder, and I woke up.

Looking up, it turned out to be a smiling Nobita.

He woke up and looked good. The first sentence was to ask me, "Has the white-haired old man left?"

Then, Daxiong told me about some strange things he experienced in his half-dream state these nights.