long candle

Chapter 358 Looking for a Job

I have no reason to refuse her and let her into the door.

Then close the door and lock it back.

I was a little overwhelmed when I saw her lying on ** crying.

After a moment of hesitation, I went up and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

The girl sobbed for a long time, shook her head in despair and said, "I can't help it. I have to die... There is only one way to die."

When I heard her say this, I was anxious and said, "What can't you face? Do you have to die?"

The girl cried and said, "You don't understand at all. What do you think of me? I know he has too many secrets. He has wanted to kill me for a long time. This happened again today, so he will definitely kill me tonight."

I frowned and knew that other people's secrets should not be asked too much, so I said, "You know so much, so why don't you call the police?"

The girl shook her head and said, "It's useless. It doesn't help at all. You don't understand."

I sighed and could only sit down next to her and look at her without saying a word.

Compared with the day, the girl changed a light pajamas at this moment. Although I saved her, she finally went to the old man, and maybe she was preparing for that and suddenly found that the old man was going to kill her, so she ran out.

Dressed like this, he should not run far, and if the old guy really has a lot of men, the girl can't run past them at all.

So I guess that the hotel they are staying in is not far away, or more simply, it may be this hotel.

Sure enough, when I thought of this, there was a sudden sound of several people going downstairs at the door.

I held my breath and didn't dare to speak, and the girl ran over and hid behind the bed.

But although we didn't make any noise, those people still knocked on my door, because my room was facing the stairs.

I can't help it. Because the TV is not turned off, there is a sound in the room. Even if it pretends not to be there, it is impossible, so I can only bravely answer, "Who is it so late? Don't let anyone sleep."

I want to say that they are looking for someone. I can find a reason to shirk it and prevent them from coming in. I guess there is nothing they can do.

But this group of guys said, "Police! Check the room, open the door!"

Although I know they are not police, if I don't open the door, they will have a legitimate reason to rush in.

This door is not very strong, that is, it can be kicked open with two feet.

So I could only sigh, pick up the steel pipe, look at the girl, and prepare to open the door.

But at this time, the sound of knocking outside the door suddenly stopped, and the world seemed to be quiet.

Only the bottle containing the manor, I don't know when I had two bubbles and made a cooing sound.

I was stunned for a moment and didn't know what was going on.

But since the other party seems to have given up, I have no reason to open the door to find it boring.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, the other party still didn't say anything, so I put down the steel bar and whispered to the girl, "It seems to be gone."

Hearing what I said, the girl stood up, wiped her tears and nodded.

I sat face to face with the girl for about an hour, most of the time I just saw her crying and sobbing.

An hour later, she finally calmed down and sobbed less seriously.

I was about to speak, but she said first, "My name is Zhao Jiajia."

I was stunned for a moment and said, "I...I...my name is Nie Wan..."

I regret saying this name. What the hell is this name?

I just put together the names of Nie Chuan and Hu Erwan, that is, * and Nie Chuan, but I didn't expect it to be so unpleasant.

Zhao Jiajia was stunned for a moment and seemed to be a little surprised by the name.

I smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, my parents are uneducated and laugh."

Zhao Jiajia squeezed her lips and said, "The name is just a code name. Don't care."

I was silent for a moment and smiled awkwardly, "Really? I...do I think so."

I don't know why, I don't know if I'm shy or something, but I just dare not go to see her, and there seems to be nothing to say.

Zhao Jiajia saw me like this and stood up and said, "I should go..."

I hurriedly turned my head and asked her, "Go? Where are you going?"

Zhao Jiajia said, "I'm here to take shelter. Do I really sleep with you?"

I said, "That's not what I mean. I mean, you have no place to go now."

Zhao Jiajia said, "No, I can still go back to school. I am a student of a nearby vocational university. If I go back to school, he should not dare to find trouble in a short time."

I suppressed the words "college ** service" in my head and said, "Oh, that's good, but the child boss's sphere of influence should not be small, right? I don't trust you alone. I'll take you out."

"No, I'll just go by myself. I've already bothered you too much. No one will find out so late." She said firmly.

I can't help it, and I don't know what to say.

She opened the door and walked out, but I still followed her.

I was relieved to see that there was no one on the corridor.

Finally, I watched her go down the stairs alone and disappear into the night.

Go back to the room and recall what she said, "I dare not come to trouble for a short time." I knew that it would be useless for me to send her back to school in person today, because sooner or later she would still be caught by the child boss.

Even if you want to fight, it's still a matter of time.

If you want to save her, unless Boss Tong is messed up.

But I don't have the right to do this, and there is no need to pay such a big price.

And the most important thing is that I'm just an ordinary person and can't do it.

Some people live in despair, but you can only watch.

This is the rule of this society, I know.

People who have no power and no money can't control these things. People with power and money won't take care of these things, because they will become that kind of people themselves.

There is no superman in the world, and no civilian heroes will be responsible for these people who live in despair. In the end, they just let themselves die.

Thinking of this, I am very angry.

But I'm angry. It's over, and I can only sleep.

Lying in **, my heart is confused. After thinking about a lot of things, my mood is getting worse and worse.

So I took a shower again, fell into ** to calm myself down, and I don't know when to fall asleep...

It was the next day when I woke up. At night, there was no imaginary ruffian hooligans knocking on the door. I slept very well.

But when I came together, I found that I didn't even have money for breakfast.

I have no choice but to eat all the oranges I bought yesterday and then go out.

The deposit can stay for up to three days, so I have to find a job within these three days.

In order to have food, I went out early the next morning.

I asked a few neighbors and soon learned that there was a construction site in the west of the village. I heard that it was to build a stadium, which will take five years, which is a long-term job.

Actually, I don't ask for a long time to work, but I'm still glad to hear that.

Because it can cover the construction tasks of the stadium, it must not be an ordinary small company, so the salary should not be owed.

There is nothing I can do if I think so, because there are too many arrears of migrant workers now. I don't want to get money after hard work.

To go to that construction site, you have to go through the noodle shop yesterday, where there may be Boss Tong's eyeliner, but I still have to bravely go there.

But what I didn't expect was that I didn't meet Boss Tong, but I saw something that made me care more.

The noodle restaurant where I ate noodles yesterday was full of broken bowls and chopsticks. The tables and chairs fell to the ground, and even the refrigerator and TV fell to the ground, which was smashed.

I stood at the door for a while, and several people next to me pointed me, as if they were talking about something.

I didn't want to ask these people, but shouted at the store: "Boss!"

At this time, a depressed voice replied, "I won't do business today."

It's even more strange to hear him say that. He said, "Boss, I owe you four yuan yesterday."

The boss didn't say anything when he heard this. After a while, he came out of it.

I saw a few blood stains on his face, his right hand wrapped in bandages, and his eyes were black. I couldn't help frowning and asking, "What's going on?"

The boss looked ugly and said, "I'm embarrassed to ask, it's not because of you!"

I pointed to my nose and asked, "Me? What's wrong with me?"

The boss gritted his teeth and said, "If you hadn't told me the address last night, I wouldn't have done this now."

I didn't understand what he meant and asked, "What's going on... I... I don't understand."

The boss was beaten very seriously, and because he was too excited, he was a little breathless. He turned over a broken stool, sat down and said, "Last night, Boss Tong brought more than 20 people to you, all with machetes, and they were fierce. I saw that they were in such a big position. If you were caught, wouldn't you be killed? So I didn't say where you went. However, the neighbor next door heard our previous quarrel and told Boss Tong that I knew where you lived. This made Boss Tong angry. After smashing my noodle restaurant, he punched and kicked me and forced me to ask me. I don't think I offended him. As long as I insisted, he didn't dare to do anything to me. Sure enough, he took people away after he was angry..."

After listening to him, I stayed there for a long time without talking.

Two seconds later, I clenched my fist tightly and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, I'm involved in you... Where is Boss Tong now!"

The boss looked up at me and said coldly, "Forget it, you will only be beaten to death if you go. The Tong has bullied the merchants near us not once or twice. I don't want to do it for a long time. I will go back to my hometown to open a store. Although I don't make as much money as here, at least I don't have to be angry."

As soon as he finished saying this, a woman came out with a big backpack, two woven pockets and three children with dirty clothes.