long candle

Chapter 366 Surround

Like other dependent mistresses, although they live a happy life every day, Boss Tong still gives a lot of financial support.

Even for her, she once wanted to divorce her original wife.

However, one thing that makes Zhao Jiajia very dissatisfied is that Boss Tong strictly controls the expenses that Zhao Jiajia sent to her family.

Although Boss Tong is rich, his personality is very distorted. Specifically, he is particularly selfish and suspicious. In addition, as an old man's inferiority, he has made this bad strategy.

As long as he controls the money Zhao Jiajia sent home so that his parents will not die, but he can't stop taking medicine, he can own Zhao Jiajia for a long time.

And Boss Tong did not let Zhao Jiajia go home to visit her parents. He always felt that Zhao Jiajia would take the opportunity to escape.

And what Zhao Jiajia can't stand most is that Boss Tong often tampered with her in public, and repeatedly asked to do it with him in fewer restaurants and cinemas to satisfy his perverted desire.

Say this, Zhao Jiajia's face turned red, as if she thought of something that should not be remembered,

I was also very embarrassed. In order to change the topic, I asked, "What happened later?"

Zhao Jiajia slapped the red glow on her face and continued, "Later, he became more and more suspicious and harsher to me until I found his secret..."

It turned out that one day last year, Zhao Jiajia found a large amount of drugs hidden under the bed in their shared room.

In fact, Zhao Jiajia knew more or less before Boss Tong did this kind of business, but she didn't expect that Boss Tong would hide drugs in their shared house.

Boss Tong hides drugs. Although he doesn't care about Zhao Jiajia's affairs, if he catches so many drugs, he will be shot. Zhao Jiajia is also a felony.

And according to Boss Tong's character, if he is caught, he will definitely frame Zhao Jiajia as the main criminal in order to escape.

Since then, whenever someone knocked on the door, Zhao Jiajia felt that the police had come. She was worried all day. In just a month, she lost weight and suffered from mental weakness.

However, although she repeatedly asked Boss Tong to transport these drugs, they were strictly rejected.

In the end, Zhao Jiajia called the police because she couldn't stand such a day.

After calling the police, Zhao Jiajia left the shared house and went outside to hide.

A few days later, there was no news from Boss Tong, so Zhao Jiajia wanted to rent a house to see what was going on.

I didn't expect to meet a group of boss Tong who came out of the rental house.

Zhao Jiajia was very scared, because she didn't expect that Boss Tong had not been arrested. He found out that she had called the police, and she would definitely be killed.

When I didn't know what to do, Boss Tong actually said, "Great, Jiajia, I thought you were taken away by the police. Fortunately, you haven't been here these days. The police have been looking for the main perpetrator of the drug collection."

Before Zhao Jiajia could speak, Boss Tong said, "For good, I heard the wind before the police came. Most of the goods were transferred, and they only found a few bags of balls."

Seeing that Zhao Jiajia looked ugly and didn't say a word, Boss Tong came up and hugged Zhao Jiajia and said, "Don't be afraid now. I have transferred the goods to other places. I also said that I would come to the school to find you after dealing with the matter here. I didn't expect you to worry so much about my safety and took the initiative to come back to see me."

From beginning to end, Zhao Jiajia didn't say a word.

Boss Tong seems to be the same as usual. If he has nothing to do, he will come to the shared house to find Zhao Jiajia, then go to the noodle restaurant for a meal, and then go out to have a good time.

But Zhao Jiajia did something wrong, which made it more difficult to sleep and eat.

The reason why Boss Tong was not arrested must have a special relationship. If the other party tells Boss Tong who called the police, Zhao Jiajia will be doomed.

Zhao Jiajia wants to be as bad as possible to Boss Tong, make him hate himself, and it is best to let Boss Tong abandon him. Anyway, although my parents can't be cured, their lives will no longer be in danger. If I work hard to make money in the future, I can still survive.

Unexpectedly, after Boss Tong felt Zhao Jiajia's indifference, he not only did not hate Zhao Jiajia, but also bought her a lot of jewelry and clothes, and promised Zhao Jiajia to follow her wishes in the future.

Zhao Jiajia once thought that Boss Tong had reformed and wanted to be a considerate husband. She had some hopes for the future and planned to live a good life with him.

Although she hated Boss Tong very much at the beginning, women are all like this. After getting along with each other for a long time, everyone will have some dependent emotions.

But such a good life did not last long. About half a year later, that is, in the first half of this year, Zhao Jiajia received the news of the death of her parents.

At that time, Zhao Jiajia wanted to go back, but was stopped by Boss Tong.

No matter what madness Zhao Jiajia is and what reason he finds, he won't let Zhao Jiajia go back.

During that time, Zhao Jiajia washed her face with tears every day and tried to commit suicide several times, but was saved by Boss Tong in time.

At this point, she rolled up her sleeves and showed me a few thrilling cuts on her hand.

I took a deep breath and hurriedly asked, "What happened later?"

Zhao Jiajia said, "After two months, my mood has gradually settled down. My parents' funeral has been completed. I have been scolded and scolded by my relatives and friends. In short, I don't have to go back in my life. As long as I go back, I will definitely be splashed with urine. My uncles also said they would not recognize me."

Later, Zhao Jiajia asked Boss Tong why she was not allowed to go back. As a result, Boss Tong's answer was the same as before, that is, if she was allowed to go back, she was afraid that she would run away.

Although Zhao Jiajia is speechless, there is nothing she can do, because she has betrayed her relatives except Boss Tong.

Later, Zhao Jiajia found that it seemed to be the real purpose of Boss Tong to betray her relatives.

Living such a life that is worse than death, Zhao Jiajia has become numb. Every time Boss Tong comes to her, although she will not refuse, she has become a kind of numbness.

After completely obtaining Zhao Jiajia's life freedom and body, Boss Tong finally began to get tired of Zhao Jiajia.

In recent days, Boss Tong has more and more demands on Zhao Jiajia, and it has become more and more difficult in public places, completely treating Zhao Jiajia as a * tool.

Zhao Jiajia also showed resistance, and the relationship between the two was getting worse and worse.

Hearing this, Zhao Jiajia has finished speaking.

I actually want to say to Zhao Jiajia: The death of her parents is likely to have something to do with Boss Tong, but I'm afraid that she can't stand it, so I can't help saying it.

After thinking about it, I asked her, "Do you know the new drug hiding place of Boss Tong?"

Zhao Jiajia nodded and said, "Not only is it hiding poison, but I also know some other things that involve a lot. If you say it, more important people will have trouble."

I sighed and said, "You are not with him now. In terms of his control, he is crazy, and the secret you know is too big. He won't stop if he doesn't kill you. Now either you escape to a place he can't find, or you fall down on one side."

Zhao Jiajia frowned and said, "All my social relations are controlled by him, and I don't have money to go anywhere else."

I nodded and said, "Well, I know. It seems that I can't leave this matter alone. If no one helps you, you will be killed."

Zhao Jiajia said, "How can you help me if you don't even have an ID card?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Even if I try my best, I will help you."

Zhao Jiajia looked at me, was silent for a long time, and said, "Thank you..."

I smiled and didn't know what to say.

Zhao Jiajia didn't say anything and kept looking out through the glass wall, as if waiting for the friend to appear.

I also looked at the crowd on the street and felt like I was dreaming.

I remember that seven days ago, I was born and died with Nobita and others in the mysterious ruins of Japan, but now I am sitting in a KFC in Beijing and want to save a miserable woman. Isn't this life too big?

If it hadn't been for the connection between this matter and what I was investigating later, I would have really felt that there was an important fork in my life.

I was thinking about it. Zhao Jiajia looked at the time on the TV and said, "It's been 30 minutes. Why hasn't she come yet? It only takes ten minutes for her to come."

I said, "Maybe it's not in the company. Come here from somewhere else."

Zhao Jiajia shook her head and said, "When I called just now, she said she was in the company and would come soon."

I thought for a moment and said, "Maybe something happened on the road? Don't worry. Anyway, we don't have anything. We don't have to wait for others to pay.

At this point, I saw a black BMW slowly leaning towards KFC with its right light.

I don't need to look at the photos, but I saw the dry mud all over my body. I knew that this car was the one that threw the body in the river last night.

This car is no longer important, whether it is Boss Tong's own or his subordinates.

I took Zhao Jiajia's hand and said, "Run!"

Zhao Jiajia didn't know what was going on, but when we ran out, the BMW had stopped. From a van behind the BMW, five or six tall migrant workers came down and walked quickly towards us.

I took Zhao Jiajia to seize the road and fled, and the other party also followed closely.

In the trouble, he chased people everywhere murderously, which has been arrogant to a certain extent.

People who came to see this situation on their faces dodged one after another.

Neither of us ate, and I had a leg injury. Zhao Jiajia was weak, so she didn't run fast.

And the most unfortunate thing is that I was hit by an oncoming person and fell down directly.

Zhao Jiajia fell to the ground by me and was soon caught by the people who caught her.

In order to prevent us from shouting, they first covered our mouths.

Then, we were carried by several people to take another van.

I was knocked unconscious because of the movement in the car. When I woke up, I found myself tied to a chair and a group of people were surrounding me.