long candle

Chapter 341 Mud God

To be honest, the strange scene just now really surprised me.

In addition to the stone immortal mentioned in No. 2 before, I doubt that there must be something strange about this stone statue.

In particular, the sticky blood emerging from under the stone statue is really unusual.

So I walked towards the grotto. I should have seen it just now on the 12th, so I followed it.

When I came to the edge of the grotto, I found that the expression and movements of the stone statue had not changed, but my body was wet and sticky.

And there is a strange fishy smell in the air.

Of course, I soon recognized that this was not a fishy smell of blood, but a slightly fragrant fishy smell.

Looking at the strange expression of the stone statue, I swallowed my saliva and finally decided to stretch out my finger to touch it.

Although these people present will definitely not allow me to touch the stone statue, fortunately, their attention is now attracted by No. 2.

And I won't put my hand on the stone statue like the hip-hop guy just now and do something to slander and offend it.

I just stretched out my finger and gently touched its arm, and then withdrew my hand back.

When the finger was taken back, the fingertips had turned black, and some sticky ** were attached to my finger.

I took my fingertips to my nose and smelled them, and then frowned slightly.

No.12 asked tentatively, "What is this?" Is it blood?"

I smiled and said, "No, this thing is just mud, that is, the sticky mud in the mudslide."

Then I pointed to the bottom of the stone statue and said, "There should be many small holes below. When a mudslide occurs on the top of the mountain, some soil enters the rock layer along the mountain gap, and then the mud in the rock layer is squeezed out of some small holes due to the huge pressure of the mudslide flow, just like squeezing toothpaste. That's why it makes that kind of sound. In fact, it's just a natural phenomenon.

I finally learned that the immortals worshipped in this grotto are not a stone fairy or a mountain god, but a god called a clay god.

When I said that this was the clay god, No. 12 was stunned and asked, "What kind of god is the clay god... Why have you never heard of it?"

I thought about it, organized the language and said, "This will start with the disaster of mudslides. In human history, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and plagues are the deadliest disasters, and the fourth is mudslides. The mudslide has no warning and is fast. It can raze the whole village to the ground in a few minutes, so people can't prevent it at all.

"However, our ancestors were also very smart. They knew how to find the signs of disaster in animals. For example, there will be heavy rain and thunder, and the swallows will fly low. When there is an earthquake, ants will move, insects will run around, and domestic dogs will bark. Before the fire comes, you will find the mice on the beam of the house running around and moving the cubs out of the house. Although mudslides are difficult to detect, there is still a creature in nature that can know the occurrence of mudslides at least half an hour in advance. Guess what kind of animal this is?

No.12 came with interest and hurriedly asked, "What animal? Is it a gecko? I heard that the soles of the gecko's feet are very sensitive and can capture subtle vibrations.

I shook my head and said, "It's not a gecko, but a loach!"

"Dhoach?!" No. 12 was shocked and obviously didn't expect it to be this.

Then he said, "I understand, that's why it's called the clay god."

I nodded and said, "The loach usually hides in the silt in the ditches or paddy fields. Although they will come to the water when it rains, they are generally very lazy. But it is precisely because they are closely related to the soil that the small changes in the formation will attract their attention. At this time, the loach will bubble on the water in groups, and the paddy fields with many loach are like opening a pot, constantly emitting bubbles. At this time, farmers know that it is estimated that the mudslide is coming. Hurry up and collect it. Collect important items at home and hide in flat ground or places with high terrain.

"Especially in Yunnan, there are more mountains and terraces, so there are also many loach. Gradually, people regard this creature that saves their lives as gods and calls them mud gods.

No.12 nodded and said, "No wonder although these Yunnan people can't tell what this stone statue is, they all respect this stone statue. It turns out to be a guardian god."

I nodded and said, "Where there is a mud god, it will definitely not be invaded by mudslides. This grotto has existed for so long and has never been destroyed, which shows this point."

As we were talking, the rumbling voices around us had laughed and the rain had basically stopped.

The mudslide is like this. It comes and goes quickly, but it always takes away villages and people's lives in an instant.

At this time, No. 2 was finally annoyed by a group of people and said, "Well, well, let's break up soon. Signed, fortune-telling, marriage-testing, let's talk about it tomorrow. The poor monk is going to sleep!"

Seeing that No. 2 really got angry, everyone had to disperse and return to the car.

In the end, only the hip-hop guy was left holding No. 2's thigh and still crying.

No.2 was really helpless. He kicked him away and said, "Old man, it's not over. Let's go!"

Then he looked at us and said, "What are you looking at? Why don't you help me get cigarettes and wine!"

We hurried over, helped him get something, and then got into the car together.

Put the things away. I originally wanted to praise the magic trick of No. 2, but when I thought about it, I guess his ears were calloused, so I didn't say anything.

We didn't say anything more. Now that we are safe, we can sleep and go to the next day to carry out the task. After all, we have been delayed for too long.

Listening to the thunder fading away, the snoring in the car has sounded one after another.

I also slowly fell asleep with these purrs.

The next morning, I was woken up by the voice of countless people talking. I got up and saw several yellow engineering vehicles parked next to the car. It seemed that the emergency repair team had come.

The rescue team told us that although the road was seriously damaged, the first two kilometers can still be barely passed. If we still want to go to Yuanmou, as long as we cross this dangerous road, we can take a fork, and from that road we can also go to Yuanmou. Although it was a little detoured, it could also arrive this afternoon.

Of course, we are willing to continue to go to Yuanmou, because many people here have urgent matters.

So under the bulldozer, we slowly passed this dangerous road and then embarked on a fork in the road.

Along the way, we found No. 2 fortune-telling, and there were a lot of marriages, so we were not bored at all.

And the No. 2 guy is black enough to collect money. It costs 100 yuan, but there is still an endless stream of people.

There's nothing he can do. Who told him to be accurate?

But later I asked other questions. He said that he had never used the ability to predict when he was fortune-telling, and scolded me: "Do you think the ability to predict is tap water? You can use it whenever you want. That's to break the life, and you have to pay the price of spirit and soul!"

I was speechless by him and could only silently scold a liar.

At 8 p.m., we came to Yuanmou. We thought we could take a break after a day's car, but as soon as we arrived at Yuanmou, we went to the post office in the county to get back the basket, and then urged us that the new task target had come down. Let's go to a small village in the north of Yuanmou County to meet the farmers. Li Laohan connector.

Fortunately, the village is not far away. We made a small bread and arrived in about two hours.

Although it is not far from the county, this place is also quite remote.

At 10 p.m., we saw that this small village surrounded by large and small earth forests had only a hundred households and two cross roads.

The periphery of the village is surrounded by a circle of Guo forest, and outside the forest is a circle of sparse soil forest piles.

The so-called soil forest is a group of columnar projections, just like rockery. The structure is generally soil. If you look at it from a distance, it looks like a forest, so it is called a soil forest. This kind of terrain is generally in a dry and hot climate. Because the soil is too dry, once there is a rainstorm, the water generated by the rain will cut the ground for a long time, corrode layer by layer, and form columnar projections, which are generally 20 meters to 40 meters high.

There are several places in the east, west and southwest of Tulin, but Yuanmou is the most beautiful, with strange shapes and rich colors, and a feeling of ancient and vigor under the sun.

By the way, this village wrapped in sparse soil forests always feels that there is any feng shui pattern, otherwise it would not have built such a strange shape.

We walked along the dirt road through the fruit forest and saw several lights in the village, which means that many families may have fallen asleep.

There is an old slate street in front of us, which is full of houses and many pavements.

It doesn't seem as backward as we thought. A pavement means that someone is doing business, which is probably stained with the light of the Tulin scenic area.

However, if you look at the soil forest next to the village, it has no ornamental value at all. Maybe the tourists who come here for shopping are those who experience the culture of the ancient village, right?

In fact, we came here in a van without dinner. We were already hungry.

At this time, when I saw the facade of this ancient street, there was a restaurant called "Yuanmou Tucai Restaurant" with lights on.

Although the interior decoration was not very good, it was also tidy, so we went in and sat down.

In a short time, a bearded fat man came out and asked us with a smile if we wanted a menu.

I shook my head and said, "No, stir-fry two meats as you like. Hurry up."

But No. 12 said, "Since we are here, we have to taste the best things here. Boss, what's the most famous one here?

The boss frowned and replied naively, "The most famous people here are Yuanmou natives."

No.12 thought it was the name of the dish and said, "Why is the name so strange? It doesn't matter. Just give me one!"